Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Cable Television

Cable Television Regulatory Office of the Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers

Current Dockets:

This web site may not contain links to other related documents that may be included in the docket. The complete dockets are available for examination at the Clerk's Office.

Mission Statement

The Cable Television Office is governed under the direction of the Administrator of the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers and is the Rhode Island state agency responsible for regulating cable television.

Through the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island and the Cable Rules, originally adopted on January 30, 1981 and amended on October 16, 1981, March 12, 1982, January 14, 1983, February 24, 2005, January 1, 2007, April 21, 2008, January 15, 2010, and (pending) November 15, 2012 the Division supervises and regulates every company owning or operating a community antenna television plant within the State.

Cable TV companies require a franchise granted by the State to occupy the rights-of-way for the operation of a cable TV system. The Division evaluates company compliance with the requirements of the franchise in such areas as customer service, technical standards and public benefits. The Division regulates Basic Service tier rates and assists as an intermediary between the general public and the cable companies as may be necessary.

All rate assessments above the Basic Service tier are not subject to regulation per the Telecommunication Act of 1996.

The Division is committed to assuring regulatory compliance and public access through the day-to-day administration of the terms of the franchise agreements.