Docket No. 24-45-EL - Issuance of Advisory Opinion to Energy Facility Siting Board Regarding the SouthCoast Wind Energy, LLC Project Energy Facility Siting Board (EFSB) - Designation to PUC to Render Advisory Opinion: Energy Facility Siting Board Designation to The Public Utilities Commission to render an advisory Opinion to EFSB Regarding the SouthCoast Wind Energy, LLC's Application to construct the Facilities Associated with the SouthCoast Wind Project in Portsmouth, Rhode Island (10/9/24) Public Utilities Commission (PUC): Procedural Schedule Southcoast Wind Energy, LLC's Filings (Southcoast Wind): Southcoast Wind's Objections to the Town of Middletown and the Town of Little Comptons Motions to Intervene & Entry of Appearances for Christian F. Capizzo, Esq and Robert K. Taylor, Esq (11/18/24) Southcoast Wind's Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information and Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Jennifer Flood and Enrique Alvarez Cordobés with Redacted Addendum (11/22/24) Southcoast Wind's Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information and Responses to Division's Data Requests Set 1 - Redacted (12/12/24) Intervenors: Town of Little Compton: Motion to Intervene Town of Middletown: Motion to Intervene