Electric Rates and Tariffs
- Competitive Energy Supply Q&A
- Municipal Aggregation Q&A
- Considering a Competitive Electric Supplier?
- Compare rates at EMPOWERRI
- Empower RI website - Terms and Conditions
- RI Energy Service Rates - (RI Energy site)

If you have questions about residential competitive energy supply, click here or contact the Division Consumer Section (401) 780-9700.
Rhode Island Energy
- Historic Electric Rates (charts developed by RIPUC)
- Net Metering Credit Values
- Last Resort Service (Standard Offer) Rates
- Rhode Island Energy Electric Tariffs
- Schedule of Standard Offer and Last Resort Rates Archive
Clear River Electric and Water District-(formerly Pascoag Utility District)
- Clear River Tariffs - Residential - Commercial and Industrial
- Clear River Solar/Wind generation information
- Clear River Power Supply Rates (see tariff pages)
Block Island Power Company
1. Electric Competition-Consumer Resources
- Listing of Nonregulated Power Producers
- Open Access Customer Data Quarterly Reports
- Municipal Aggregation FAQs - Spring 2023
2. Electric Competition-Power Producers
3. Rules and Regulations
- Review of a Utility Scale Offshore Wind Project As Described In R.I. Gen. Law § 39-26.1-8 810-RICC-00-00-3
- Long-Term Contracting Standards for Renewable Energy -810-RICR-40-05-1
- Implementation of a Renewable Energy Standard - 810-RICR-40-05-2
- Rules Governing Energy Source Disclosure - 810-RICR-40-05-3
- Reliability Responsibility Regulations for Nonregulated Power Producers - 810-RICR-40-10-2
- Standards for Electric Utilities - 815-RICR-30-00-1
- Rules Applicable to Non-regulated Power Producers- 815-RICR-30-05-1
- Nonregulated Power Producer Consumer Bill of Rights- 815-RICR-30-05-2
- (See Commission and Division Rules for additional regulations.)
4. Renewable Energy Standard
- Information and on-line portal for Renewable Energy Standard (RES) (1) Eligibility applications for generators and (2) RES annual compliance forms for Obligated Entities
- Docket Menu for Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Eligibility Applications and RES Compliance Matters
- Annual Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Report for Compliance Year 2022. Pursuant to a legislative mandate, this reports on the status of the implementation of the RES in Rhode Island and other states. Specifically, provides a summary of the role of renewable energy certificates (RECs) and alternative compliance payments (ACPs) in meeting the RES obligation by the distribution company and suppliers that serve retail load in Rhode Island.
- Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a Rhode Energy's Renewable Energy Growth (REG) Open Enrollment Reports Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.6-20(b). The Enrollment Reports include a list of commercial-scale, large-scale solar, and all other distributed generation projects selected in the REG Program Open Enrollment conducted by the Company.
5. Electric Utility Legislation
- Link to Rhode Island General Laws Title 39 (see RIGL 39-20, 39-22 and 39-24 through 39-27 for laws pertaining to electric utilities)
- Summary of Electric Utility Restructuring Act (Restructuring Legislation 1996)
6. Links To Related Sites
- Rhode Island Energy Website
- Block Island Power Company
- Clear River Electric and Water District Website
- ISO-New England Website
7. Distributed Generation Interconnection Reporting
8. Agency Reports
Reports of Synapse Energy Economics, Inc, produced for DPUC - March 10, 2021
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Rhode Island Community Remote Net Metering Program
- Macroeconomic Impacts of the Rhode Island Community Remote Net Metering Program
9. Energy Saving Tips