Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers ,

Commission Docket Menu

NG: Natural Gas GE: Gas & Electric Combined EL: Electric
WW: Water or Wastewater EE: Energy Efficiency, Demand Side Management, and System Reliability Procurement DG: Dispute Relating to Distributed Generation Interconnection
FR: Ferry or Railroad REG: Renewable Energy Growth RES: Renewable Energy Eligibility Applications and Matters Addressing RES Compliance
TL: Telecommunications DJ: Declaratory Judgment Petition RM: Rulemaking Pursuant to APA
GEN: General or Other Non-standard Dockets    

Commencing June 2022, the docket number system changed to the year the case was filed, sequence number and filing type: YEAR-NUMBER-TYPE. The filing types and codes are described above:

Docket Filer Description of Filing (Date Filed)
25-06-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Purchase of Receivables Program – Standard Complete Billing Percentages (2/24/25)
25-05-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Renewable Energy Standard Charge and Reconciliation Filing (2/25/25)
25-04-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/14/25)
25-03-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Last Resort Service (LRS) Rates for Residential & Commercial Groups for period April 2025 - September 2025 and Industrial Group for period April 2025 - June 2025 (1/16/25)
25-02-EL Block Island Utility District Net Metering Tariff Advice Filing (1/8/25)
25-01-WW City of Woonsocket Water Division Application for General Rate Schedules Changes (1/3/25)
24-57-TL ExteNet LVS, LLC Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (12/19/24)
24-56-TL BIF IV Intrepid OpCo LLC Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (12/13/24)
24-55-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2026 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (12/31/24)
24-54-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2026 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (12/23/24)
24-53-TL Netspeed LLC d/b/a GoNetspeed Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (11/27/24)
24-52-TL Verizon Rhode Island Tariff Filing to Increase Residential Service Packages (11/25/24)
24-51-WW Providence Water Supply Board Application for General Rate Schedule Changes (filed 11/26/24)
24-50-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy and the RI Distributed Generation Board 2025 Renewable Energy Growth Program
24-49-EL Block Island Utility District Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Charges (11/15/24)
24-48-REG The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Renewable Energy Growth Program Factor Filing
24-47-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (11/8/24)
24-46-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor 2025
24-45-EL Energy Facility Siting Board Notice of Designation to The Public Utilities Commission to render an advisory Opinion to EFSB Regarding the SouthCoast Wind Energy, LLC's Application to construct the Facilities Associated with the SouthCoast Wind Project (10/9/24)
24-44-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Last Resort Service (LRS) Rates for the Industrial Group for period January 2025 - March 2025 (10/29/24)
24-43-EE Pascoag Utility District 2025 Demand Side Management (11/8/24)
24-42-EL Pascoag Utility District Annual Rate Reconciliation Filing (11/7/24)
24-41-WW Narragansett Bay Commission Application to Change Rate Schedules (10/7/24)
24-40-WW Narragansett Bay Commission Debt Service and Debt Service Coverage Compliance Filing (10/2/24)
24-39-EE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Annual Energy Efficiency Plan (10/1/24)
24-38-GE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice Filing to Amend Electric and Gas Tariffs (9/19/24)
24-37-EE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Gas Demand Response Pilot Investment Proposal (9/20/24)
24-36-RM Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Rulemaking to Amend Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric, Gas and Water Utility Service 810-RICR-10-00-1 
24-35-TL RingSquared CC, LLC Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (9/3/24)
24-34-EL Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Development of Tariffs Applicable to Energy Storage Systems Connected to the Electrical Distribution Systems (8/30/24)
24-33-EL Town of North Kingstown Community Electricity Aggregation Plan (9/3/24)
24-32-GE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Petition for Temporary Waiver from Tariff Requirements During System Conversion (8/15/24)
24-31-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Last Resort Service Winter Rates for Effect October 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025
24-30-WW City of Newport Water Division  Application to Change Rate Schedules (6/18/24)
24-29-NG The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024 Distribution Adjustment Clause Filing & 2024 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (7/1/24)
24-28-NG The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Petition for Waiver or Other Relief from Annual Gas Reclassification Process (6/26/24)
24-27-NG The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Gas Long-Range Resource and Requirements Plan
Forecast Period 2024/25 to 2028/29 (6/28/24)
24-26-EL Public Utilities Commission (PUC)  Investigation Into the Current State of Voluntary and Mandated Renewable Energy Markets in Rhode Island (6/25/24)
24-25-FR SeaStreak, LLC Tariff Filing for 2024 Season (6/20/24)
24-24-EL Town of Westerly Community Electricity Aggregation Plan (6/20/24)
24-23-TL Verizon Rhode Island Tariff Filing to Increase Residential Service Packages (5/30/24)
24-22-TL Zayo Northeast, LLC Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (5/21/24)
24-21-TL Presto Wireless Corp. Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (5/24/24)
24-20-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2025 Last Resort Service Procurement Plan (6/4/24)
24-19-WW City of Woonsocket Water Division Application to Amend Multi-Year Plan approved in Docket No. 4879 (5/29/24)
24-18-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Reconciliation Filing (5/15/24)
24-17-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024 Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (5/15/24)
24-16-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Electric Pension Adjustment Factor Filing (5/1/24)
24-15-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Last Resort Service (LRS) Rates for Industrial Group for period July 2024 - September 2024 (4/29/24)
24-14-EL Pascoag Utility District Application to Change Rate Schedules (4/5/24)
24-13-FR Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co. Tariff Filing for the 2023 Season Ferry Service (May 18-October 14, 2024)
24-12-FR Interstate Navigation Company d/b/a The Block Island Ferry Proposed Rate Change for High-Speed Ferry Service (3/12/24
24-11-RM Public Utilities Commission Rulemaking to Amend Implementation of a Renewable Energy Standard 810-RICR-40-05-2 
24-10-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice to the Amend Net Metering Provision (3/1/24)
24-09-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Purchase of Purchase of Receivables Program – Standard Complete Billing Percentages (2/23/24)
24-08-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024 Renewable Energy Standard Charge and Reconciliation Filing (2/26/24) 
24-07-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024 Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/16/24)
24-06-EE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy  System Reliability Procurement (SRP) Investment Proposal for Electric Demand Response 2024-2026 - ConnectedSolutions (2/8/24)
24-05-GE The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Petition For Approval  To Create Regulatory Assets For Waived Electronic Transaction Fees  (1/31/24)
24-04-EL The Narragansett Electric d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Last Resort Service (LRS) Rates for Residential & Commercial Groups for period April 2024 - September 2024 and Industrial Group for period April 2024 - June 2024 (1/19/24)
24-03-TL IM Telecom LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Designation (filed 1/11/24)
24-02-TL IM Telecom LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile Application registration to transact as a provider of telecommunications service (filed 1/11/24)
24-01-TL Impact Telecom, LLC Application registration to transacts as a provider of telecommunications service (filed 1/4/24)
23-50-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Proposed Revisions to RFP for Long-Term Contracting Standard for Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Certificates Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.1-3 et seq. (filed 12/29/23)
23-49-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2025 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/21/23)
23-48-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2025 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/20/23)
23-47-EE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024-2026 System Reliability Procurement (SRP) Three-Year Plan
23-46-EE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024-2026 Gas Demand Response Pilot 
23-45-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor 2024
23-44-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy and the RI Distributed Generation Board 2024 Renewable Energy Growth Program
23-43-EL Block Island Utility District Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Charges (11/14/23)
23-42-EL Pascoag Utility District Annual Rate Reconciliation Filing (11/9/23)
23-41-EE Pascoag Utility District 2024 Demand Side Management (11/9/23)
23-40-TL Telnet US, LLC Application for Registration as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (10/31/23)
23-39-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Gas Infrastructure, Safety & Reliability Plan Budgeting and Planning Processes (10/20/23)
23-38-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Petition for Acceleration Due to DG Project – Weaver Hill Projects (10/17/23)
23-37-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Petition for Acceleration Due to DG Project – Tiverton Projects (10/17/23)
23-36-EL Town of Middletown Community Electricity Aggregation Plan (10/16/23)
23-35-EE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2024-2026 Energy Efficiency Three-Year Plan and Annual Energy Efficiency Plan for 2024 (9/2/23)
23-34-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Electric Infrastructure, Safety & Reliability Plan Budgeting and Planning Processes (9/28/23)
23-33-EL RI Department of Human Services Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Enhancement Plan Rates for Year 2024 (9/15/23)
23-32-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Bid Result from October 2022 Request for Proposal for Long-Term Contract for Offshore Wind Energy Pursuant R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-31-10 (9/27/2023)  
23-31-TL AFNET, LLC Application for Registration as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (9/19//23)
23-30-WW Pawtucket Water Supply Board Application to Change Rate Schedules (9/14/23)
23-29-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy 2024 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (9/1/23)
23-28-TL EarthGrid PBC Application for Registration as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (8/23/23)
23-27-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Electric Pension Adjustment Factor Filing (8/15/23)
23-26-EL The Narragansett Electric Co.  Petition Pursuant to R.I.G.L §39-1-30 -  Appeal of the City of Cranston Ordinance (8/3/23)
23-25-EL Town of Bristol Community Electricity Aggregation Plan (7/31/23)
23-24-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy 2023 Renewable Energy Growth Program Factor Filing (6/30/23)
23-23-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy 2023 Distribution Adjustment Clause Filing & 2023 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (6/30/23)
23-22-TL Verizon Rhode Island  Tariff Filing to Withdraw Optional Feature of Call Intercept and package Bonus Discount Plan (7/6/23)
23-21-EE RI Energy Efficiency & Resource Management Council's (EERMC)  Recommended Targets for Energy Efficiency and Active Peak Demand Reduction Savings for 2024-2026
23-20-TL Verizon Rhode Island  Tariff Filing to Comply with FCC Mandate (5/31/23)
23-19-TL Via Wireless, LLC Application for Registration as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (7/27/23)
23-18-TL NatWireless, LLC d/b/a National Wireless Application for Registration as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (7/27/23)
23-17-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (5/15/23)
23-16-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing (5/15/23)
23-15-EE Block Island Utility District  2023 Demand Side Management Plan (4/24/23)
23-14-FR Seastreak LLC Tariff Filing for 2023 Season (4/18/23)
23-13-TL DISH Wireless L.L.C Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Rhode Island for the Limited Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service to Qualified Households (4/10/23)
23-12-TL DISH Wireless L.L.C Application for Registration as a Class II Service Supplier of Telecommunications Service (4/10/23)
23-11-FR Conanicut Marine Services, Inc. - Jamestown & Newport Ferry Tariff Filing for the 2023 Season Ferry Service (May 17-October 9)
23-10-TL Verizon Rhode Island  Tariff Filing to increase Residential Basic Exchange Services and Residential Service Packages (3/28/23) 
23-09-TL UComTel Inc Application to transact as provider of telecommunication services (filed 3/16/23)
23-08-FR Blackstone Valley Tourism Council Tariff Filing for the 2023 Season Ferry Service (June 3 - October 29)
23-07-EE Public Utilities Commission System Reliability Procurement and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Procurement (Least-Cost Procurement or LCP Standards) 
23-06-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Implementation of Purchase of Receivables (POR) Program (Phase IV) (filed 2/27/23)
23-05-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice to Amend the Net Metering Provision (2/15/23)
23-04-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice to Amend the Transmission Service Cost Adjustment Provision (2/13/23)
23-03-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2023 Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/15/23)
23-02-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice Filing – To Provide RGGI Bill Credits to A-60 Customers (1/24/23)
23-01-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Proposed Last Resort Service Rates for 2023
22-58-TL Service Area 5 Cable, LLC Application to Transact as a Provider of Telecommunications Service (filed 12/30/22)
22-57-RES 1170 East Main Road LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 12/22/22)
22-56-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Grid Modernization Plan (GMP) (filed 12/30/22)
22-55-TL Nuso LLC Application to Transact as a Provider of Telecommunications Service (filed 12/13/22)
22-54-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2024 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/22/22)
22-53-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy FY 2024 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/22/22)
22-52-RES RI - Abrava Way Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 12/13/22)
22-51-RES 1400 Bald Hill Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (12/7/22)
22-50-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice Filing – To Provide RGGI Bill Credits to A-60 Customers (11/23/22)
22-49-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Advanced Metering Functionality (“AMF”) Business Case (11/18/22)
22-48-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Tariff Advice Filing to Change 1) Renewable Energy Growth Program Cost Recovery Provision and 2) Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Reconciliation (LTCRER) Provision (filed 11/16/22)
22-47-WW Narragansett Bay Commission  Application to Change Rate Schedules (filed 11/4/22)
22-46-RES Ecogy Energy RI XIV LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: OSJL Cranston Ecogy Rooftop Solar Project (filed 11/10/22)
22-45-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor (11/15/22)
22-44-EL Block Island Utility District d/b/a Block Island Power Company Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Charges (11/3/22)
22-43-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2023 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (filed 11/2/22)
22-42-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Issuance of Advisory Opinion to Energy Facility Siting Board Application to Construct LNG Vaporization Facility on Old Mill Lane, Portsmouth, Rhode Island (10/19/22)
22-41-EL Pascoag Utility District Reconciliation of Power Supply Service, Transmission Charge and Purchase Power Restrict Fund Credit (filed 11/7/22)



Pascoag Utility District 

2023 Demand Side Management (filed 11/7/22)


22-39-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy and the RI Distributed Generation Board 2023 Renewable Energy Growth Program 
22-38-RES GD West Greenwich Nooseneck I, LLC (North Array) Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 10/19/22)
22-37-RES GD West Greenwich Nooseneck I, LLC (South Array) Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 10/19/22)
22-36-RES Linclen LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 10/6/22)
22-35-TL MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of Request for 400 Numbers to Serve Johnston Customer (filed 9/28/22)
22-34-RES VCP West Natick Rd RI LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/30/22)
22-33-EE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Annual Energy Efficiency Plan for 2023 (filed 9/30/22)
22-32-RES Sunwave USA Holdings, Inc. Non-Compliance with the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Standard for Compliance Year 2021 
22-31-RES Parkview Exchange LLC - Bldg 6 Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/16/22)
22-30-RES Parkview Exchange LLC - Bldg 3 Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/16/22)
22-29-RES Farm Fresh Rhode Island Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/14/22)
22-28-RES White Rock Road, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/8/22)
22-27-RES Erie Wind, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 9/1/22)
22-26-RES Parkview Exchange, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/30/22)
22-25-RES Parkview Exchange, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/30/22)
22-24-RES Parkview Exchange, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/30/22)
22-23-RES Northern-Forest Four Seasons LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/29/22)
22-22-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy  Request for Proposals for Offshore Wind Energy (filed 9/6/22)
22-21-RES Blue Sky East LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit - Bull Hill Wind (8/24/22)
22-20-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2022 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (filed 9/1/22)
22-19-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Electric Pension Adjustment Factor (PAF) Filing (7/30/22)
22-18-RES Northern-Forest Four Seasons LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (7/22/22)
22-17-RES Northern-Forest Four Seasons LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (7/22/22)
22-16-RES Jamestown Distributors Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (7/21/22)
22-15-RES North Kingstown Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (7/19/22)
22-14-REG Ecogy Energy, Inc. Petition for Dispute Resolution Pursuant to Renewable Energy Growth Program Tariff No. 2152-I (filed 7/15/22)
22-13-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy 2022 Distribution Adjustment Clause Filing (7/1/22)
22-12-RES Antrim Wind Energy LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (7/10/22)
22-11-RES RoxWind LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (6/27/22)
22-10-EL Town of Narragansett  Community Electricity Aggregation Plan (6/30/22)
22-09-WW Providence Water Supply Board Petition to Recover Electronic Payment Transaction Fees (6/30/22)
22-08-GE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Petition for Authority to Forgive Certain Arrearages for Low-Income and Protected Customers (filed 6/24/22)
22-07-GE The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a RI Energy Tariff Advice Filing – Bill Credits for Electric and Gas Customers (filed 6/24/22)
22-06-NG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Gas Long Range Plan (6/30/22)
22-05-EE Public Utilities Commission Investigation of Misconduct by The Narragansett Electric Company Relating to Past Payments of Energy Efficiency Program Shareholder Incentives (6/23/22)
22-04-REG The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy Renewable Energy Growth Factor Filing (Program Year 2022)  (filed 6/30/22)
22-03-RES Coventry Lumber Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit ( 6/14/22)
22-02-EL The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy 2023 Last Resort Service (LRS) Procurement Plan (filed 5/24/22)
22-01-NG Public Utilities Commission Investigation Into the Future of the Regulated Gas Distribution Business in Rhode Island in Light of the Act on Climate (6/9/22)
5261 Verizon Rhode Island  Tariff filing to comply with FCC Order in WC Docket No. 18-156, In the Matter of 8YY Access Charge Reform
5260 Unity Park, LLC  Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/25/22)
5259 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (filed 5/5/22)
5258 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Reconciliation Filing (5/13/22)
5257 Shore Solar LLC 2 Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/5/22)
5256 Public Utilities Commission Repeal of Regulation 810-RICR-50-00-1, Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in the State of Rhode Island
5255 Festival Field Preservation LP Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/5/22)
5254 City of Newport Water Division Petition to Recover Electronic Payment Transaction Fees (5/2/22)
5253 Coventry Lumber LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/25/22)
5252 ER Salvage Yard, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/25/22)
5251 Kearsarge SKSC Canopy LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/12/22)
5250 West Shore Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/12/22)
5249 Kearsarge Smithfield LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/12/22)
5248 Quarry Hill Properties LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit for 69A Tom Harvey (filed 3/30/22)
5247 Revity Energy LLC Request for Dispute Resolution Assistance Pursuant to Section 9.2(b) of The Narragansett Electric Company Standards for Connecting Distributed Generation, R.I.P.U.C. No. 2244 (filed 3/30/22)
5246 Air Voice Wireless, LLC, d/b/a AirTalk Wireless Application to transact as provider of telecommunication services (filed 3/30/22)
5245 Block Island Utility District Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Charges (filed 3/31/22)
5244 Block Island Utility District 2022 Demand Side Management Plan (filed 3/31/22)
5243 Air Voice Wireless, LLC, d/b/a AirTalk Wireless Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 3/28/22)
5242 519 Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/28/22)
5241 Shannock Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/4/22)
5240 RI Esposato Solar, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/4/22)
5239 XCast Labs, Inc. Application to Transact as a Provider of Telecommunications Service (filed 2/23/22)
5238 Shore Solar, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/25/22)
5237 Cranston Renewables, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/25/22)
5236 Baily Solar Development, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/25/22)
5235 Revity Energy LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 2/18/22)
5234 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2022 Annual Retail Rate Filing (due 2/15/22)
5233 Public Utilities Commission Liberty Power Holdings, LLC's Non-compliance with the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Standard for Compliance Year 2020
5232 Belver Avenue Solar Project 2020, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/3/22)
5231 GDIM 4, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5230 GDIM 3, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5229 GDIM 2, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5228 GDIM 1, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5227 Green Providence Wind II, LLC.  Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5226 Green Providence Wind I, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5225 GD Johnson Scituate I, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 2/1/22)
5224 Narragansett Bay Commission Petition to Recover Electronic Payment Transaction Fees (1/19/22)
5223 Golden Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: Golden Solar LLC (filed 1/12/22)
5222 MacKinnon Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 1/12/22)
5221 South Road Solar 2 LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 1/6/22)
5220 South Road Solar 1 LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 1/6/22)
5219 Berkeley Business Center LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: 30 Martin Rooftop Solar (1/6/2022))
5218 Bluestone Development LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: 2670 Warwick Ave Solar (1/6/2022))
5217 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement federal statutes known as Kari's Law and Ray Baum's Act (filed 1/3/2022)
5216 MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services Request for Waiver of NANPA’s Denial of Verizon Rhode Island's Request for 1500 Numbers to Serve Newport Customer (12/21/21)
5215 Service Titan, Inc. Application to transact as provider of telecommunication services
5214 Coventry Carr's, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1214//21)
5213 GD Richmond West Shannock I, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (12/14/21)
5212 City of Newport Request to Approve Community Electricity Aggregation Plan Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws 39-3-1.2 (filed 12/14/21)
5211 Diamond Hill Rd. LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit - 3100 DHR Solar Phase II (12/08/21)
5210 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2023 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/17/2021)
5209 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2023 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/20/21)
5208 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Forward Capacity Market
5207 Greater New Bedford LFG Utilization Project  Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/30/21))
5206 Public Utilties Commsion Review of Administrative Issues Related to the Interconnection Process (12/6/21)  
5205 Public Utilties Commision Review of the Cost Allocation and Recovery of Ongoing Operation and Maintenance Expenses Related to the Interconnection of Distributed Generation Projects (12/6/21)
5204 TES Warwick Solar 23, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/30/21)
5203 Maxsip Telecom Corporation Application to Provide Telecommunication service (11/19/21)
5202 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid and The RI Distributed Generation Board 2022 Renewable Energy Growth Program (11/16/21)
5201 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid and 2022 Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor (filed 11/16/21)
5200 MTA Realty & Investments LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/3/21)
5199 BD Solar Hancock LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/2/21)
5198 BD Solar 2 LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/2/21)
5197 BD Solar Hancock North LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/2/21)
5196 BD Solar Palmyra LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (11/2/21)
5195 Pascoag Utility District 2022 Demand Side Management (11/8/21)
5194 Pascoag Utility District Reconciliation of Power Supply Service, Transmission Charge and Purchase Power Restrict Fund Credit (11/4/21)
5193 W. Mark Russo, Special Master Petition to Establish Railroad Crossing (10/18/21)
5192 Block Island Utility District Terms and Conditions for Net Metering (filed 10/26/21)
5191 Graystone of Warwick, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 10/14/21)
5190 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2022 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (filed 10/8/21)
5189 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2022 Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP) (filed 10/1/21)
5188 Public Utilties Commission Review of The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Storm Contingency Fund (9/23/21)
5187 Solar Breakers LLC Petition to Establish Railroad Crossing (filed 9/24/21)
5186 Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream Application for authority to transact as Telecommunication Service Provider
5185 Quinebaug Solar, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (9/3/21)
5184 Green Development, LLC; GD Richmond Beaver River I, LLC; GD West Greenwich Nooseneck I, LLC and GD West Greenwich Nooseneck II, LLC Petition for Dispute Resolution (8/16/21)
5183 Exeter Renewables 1 LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 8/16/21)
5182 Kearsarge KWW LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/11/21)
5181 Kearsarge Burrilllville LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 8/11/21)
5180 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (filed (9/2/21)
5179 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Pension Adjustment Factor Filing (filed 7/30/21)
5178 Ecogy Energy RI VII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5177 Ecogy Energy RI XXIII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5176 Ecogy Energy RI XX LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5175 Ecogy Energy RI XVII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5174 Ecogy Energy RI XVI LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5173 Ecogy Energy RI V LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5172 Ecogy Energy RI VI LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5171 Ecogy Energy RI VI LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5170 Ecogy Energy RI I LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 7/21/21)
5169 Town of Portsmouth Request for Approval of Community Electricity Aggregation Plan in accordance with RIGL § 39-3-1.2 (filed 7/22/21)
5168 NBD Dean HQ Cumberland Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: Dean WH Cumberland HQ
5167 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff Filing to implement FCC mandate in the Matter of 8YY Access Charge Reform, FCC 20-143, released October 9, 2020.
5166 Farmington Solar, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit; Farmington Solar: (6/28/21)
5165 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 Distribution Adjustment Filing
5164 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Renewable Energy Growth Factor Filing (Program Year 2021) filed 6/30/21
5163 Constellation Solar Rhode Island LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: Roger Williams University-Melville at Portsmouth (filed 6/17/21)
5162 Constellation Solar Rhode Island LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit: Roger Williams University-Green Lane At Middletown (filed 6/17//21)
5161 Kent County Water Authority Motion to Pass Through Wholesale Rate Increase (filed 6/1/21)
5160 Hartford Pike Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/21/21)
5159 Patriot State Storage LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/11/21)
5158 Manville Hill Rd. Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 5/18/21)
5157 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Annual Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Filing (5/14/21)
5156 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (5/14/21)
5155 Verizon Rhode Island Verizon Rhode Island - Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC Nos. 15, 18 & 20 to withdraw services in wire centers where Verizon continues to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (filed 4/29/21)
5154 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Petition for Approval to Create Regulatory Assets Related to COVID-19 Impacts (4/30/21)
5153 Mark McQuade Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/27/21)
5152 Devonshire Energy LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/23/21)
5151 Energy Facility Siting Board Notice of Designation to Render Need Assesment Advisory Opinion Regarding Revolution Wind Project (4/27/21)
5150 Public Utilities Commission                              : Consideration of Performance Based Remuneration in Renewalbe Energy Growth (RE Growth) (R.I. GEN. LAWS § 39-26.6-12)                                    
5149 Energy Development Partners Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 4/23/21)
5148 ICM Corporation Application for Authority to Operate as Supplier of Telecommunications Service (filed 4/20/21)
5147 St. Francis de Sales Parish Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/20/21)
5146 Automated Business Machines, Inc. Application for Authority to Operate as Supplier of Telecommunications Service (filed 4/19/21)
5145 Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Reconsideration of Interpretation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.4-2(5)(ii)
5144 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend Gas Tariff, R.I.P.U.C. NG-GAS No. 101-B, Schedule C (4/8/221)
5143 Kearsarge Richmond LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/23/21)
5142 Hartford Pike Solar II Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 4/7/21)
5141 Block Island Utility District Annual Reconciliation of the Standard Offer/Last Resort Service Rate and Transmission Charge (filed 3/30/21)
5140 Ecogy Energy RI XIII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/23/21)
5139 Ecogy Energy RI XII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/23/21)
5138 Ecogy Energy RI VIII LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/23/21)
5137 Ecogy Energy RI IX LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/23/21)
5136 St. Augustine School Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (filed 3/23/21)
5135 Obsidial I East Coast Holdings LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit - 85 Fairmount Case (filed 3/23/21)
5134 Pascoag Utility District Application to Change Rates ( 3/19/21)
5133 Kent County Water Authority Tariff Tariff Advice and Petition for Relief (filed 3/4/21)
5132 Advanced Corporate Networks, Inc. Application for Authority and Statement of Business Operation (filed 3/4/21)
5131 Wallingford Renewable Energy, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit ID 65859 (filed 3/1/21)
5130 Wallingford Renewable Energy, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit ID 65858 (filed 3/1/21)
5129 Wallingford Renewable Energy, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit ID 65857 (filed 3/1/21)
5128 Green Development, LLC d/b/a GDIM 1, LLC, GDIM 2, LLC, GDIM 3, LLC and GDIM 4, LLC Petition Under Section 9 of the Narragansett Electric Co. Standards for Connection Distributed Generation Tariff (filed 2/10/21)
5127 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/9/21)
5126 Hughes Network Systems, LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (2/9/21)
5125 Hughes Network Systems, LLC Application for registration to provide telecommunications service (2/9/21)
5124 Putnam Pike Solar, LLC Petition Under Section 10 of The Narragansett Electric Company Renewable Energy Growth Program for Non-Residential Customers, RIPUC No. 2152-F (filed 1/29/21)
5123 Combined Public Communications, LLC Application for registration to provide telecommunications service (1/19/21)
5122 Nautilus Solar Energy, LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment (1/26/21)
5121 BD Solar Oxford, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/25/21)
5120 BD Solar Fairfield, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/25/21)
5119 BD Solar Augusta, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/25/21)
5118 BD Solar 1, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (Milo PV) (1/25/21)
5117 University Solar 2, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/22/21)
5116 Cassadaga Wind, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/15/21)
5115 Rooftop 344, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/22/21)
5114 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Grid Modernization Plan (filed 1/21/21)
5113 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Updated Advanced Metering Functionality Business Case (filed 1/21/21)
5112 Future Healthcare Systems NE, Inc. Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/15/21)
5111 Tourbillon Solar, LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/13/21)
5110 Crandall Rd LLC (Tiverton 2) Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/13/21)
5109 Crandall Rd LLC (Tiverton 1) Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/13/21)
5108 Clean Maine Carbon Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/11/21)
5107 Vikon Solar Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/6/21)
5106 80 Vineyard St. Solar Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/6/21)
5105 One Angell Rd. Solar Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/6/21)
5104 3100 Diamond Hill Road Solar Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/6/21)
5103 Dry Bridge Solar, LLC Petition for Dispute Resolution (1/8/21)
5102 Kenyon Lane Solar LLC Application for Eligibility as a Renewable Energy Resource Generation Unit (1/7/21)
5101 RIH Orthopaedic Foundation, Inc.  Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 12/17/20)
5100 Seth's Way Solar, LLC Petition Under Section 10 of The Narragansett Electric
Company Renewable Energy Growth Program for Non-Residential Customers, RIPUC No. 2152-C (filed 12/14/20)
5099 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2022 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan
5098 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2022 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan
5097 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement FCC Order in WC Docket No. 19-308, Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements (filed 12/10/20)
5096 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (filed 12/11/20)
5095 Nutmeg Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit (12/8/20)
5094 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to amend Lifeline Service to comply with FCC mandate (12/1/20)
5093 Simwood Inc. Application for registration to provide telecommunications service (11/4/20)
5092 Putnam Pke Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit (11/24/20)
5091 GD Glocester White Oak,I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit
5090 Exeter Renewables1, LLC Petition for Dispute Resolution (11/19/20)
5089 Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corp. Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit (11/179/20)
5088 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid and The RI Distributed Generation Board 2021 Renewable Energy Growth Program (11/13/20)
5087 Burrillville Solar, LLC (2.430 MW) Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for Generation Unit
5086 Burrillville Solar, LLC (0.960 MW) Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit
5085 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor
5084 Pascoag Utility District 2021 Demand Side Management Program (11/6/20)
5083 Pascoag Utility District Standard Offer Service, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge Reconciliation Filing (11/6/20)
5082 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw services in wire centers to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (10/30/20)
5081 VCP, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: VCP Branch Ave RI, LLD (filed 11/5/20)
5080 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 System Reliability Procurement (SRP) Plan and Three-Year SRP Plan 2021-2023 (filed 11/20/20)
5079 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Amend Gas Tariff, entitled Distribution Adjustment Clause, R.I.P.U.C. NG-GAS No. 101, AGT Program Provision (10/30/20)
5078 Plainfield Pike Solar 250kW, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Plainfield Pike Solar 250kW, LLC (filed 10/19/20)
5077 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend Electric Tariff Entitled Standards for Connecting Distributed Generation, RIPUC No. 2244 (filed 10/20/20)
5076 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021‐2023 Energy Efficiency Program Plan (Three-Year Plan) & 2021 Annual Energy Efficiency Program (EEP) Plan (filed 10/23/20)
5075 North Kingstown Warehouse LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Kingstown Warehouse LLC (filed 10/9/20)
5074 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to amend Residential Monthly Rate (filed 10/2/20)
5073 Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA) Petition for Implementation of Purchase of Receivables Program
5072 Janus Solar Fund II LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Three M Woonsocket Case (filed 9/21/20)
5071 Lydia Teixeira Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hopkinton Industrial Park #2 (9/2//20)
5070 Faith Realty II, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Faith Realty II, LLC (9/2//20)
5069 Echo Preservation LP Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Echo Valley Solar (9/2//20)
5068 Sanford Airport Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sanford Airport Solar, LLC (9/2//20)
5067 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Gas Customer Choice Program (filed 9/1/20)
5066 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (filed 9/1/20)
5065 Bald Hill Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bald hill Solar (8/24/20)
5064 Mendon Road Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Mendon Road Solar (filed 8/21/20)
5063 Douglas Pike Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Douglas Pike Solar (8/21/20)
5062 Town of South Kingstown Request for Approval of Community Electricity Aggregation Plan in accordance with RIGL § 39-3-1.2 (8/21/20)
5061 City of Providence Request for Approval of Community Electricity Aggregation Plan in accordance with RIGL § 39-3-1.2 (8/21/20)
5060 Hexagon Energy, Inc. Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 8/13/20)
5059 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Application to change existing Terms and Conditions for Nonregulated Power Producer (filed 8/11/20)
5058 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Application to add Terms and Conditions for Municipal Aggregators (R.I.P.U.C. No. 2222) (filed 8/11/20)
5057 TES Singleton Solar 23, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Singleton Solar
5056 Inman Solar, Inc. Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Church St. Solar Project (filed 8/12/20)
5055 Block Island Utility District Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: BIUD - BIUD Solar Aggregation (filed 7/27/20)
5054 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Pension Adjustment Factor Filing (filed 8/3/20)
5053 Kearsarge East Providence LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Kearsarge East Providence (filed 7/27/20)
5052 Kearsarge Fogland LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Kearsarge Fogland (filed 7/27/20)
5051 Kearsarge Westerly LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Kearsarge Westerly (filed 7/27/20)
5050 GD Hopkinton Main I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: GD Hopkinton Main I (Array #3) (filed 7/22/20)
5049 GD Hopkinton Main I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: GD Hopkinton Main I (Array #2)
5048 GD Hopkinton Main I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: GD Hopkinton Main I (Array #1)
5047 Town of Barrington Request for Approval of Community Electricity Aggregation Plan in accordance with RIGL § 39-3-1.2 (7/24/20)
5046 ABC Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: ABC Development, LLC (filed 7/20/20)
5045 Trawl Works, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Trawl Works DG (filed 7/14/20)
5044 Blackstone Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Central Falls Hydroelectric Project (filed 7/14/20)
5043 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Gas Long-Range Resource and Requirements Plan for the Forecast Period 2020/21 to 2024/25 (filed 6/30/20)
5042 City of Central Falls Request for Approval of Community Electricity Aggregation Plan in accordance with RIGL § 39-3-1.2 (7/3/20)
5041 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Petition to Revise 2017 and 2018 Renewable Energy Standard Compliance Filings (7/2/20)
5040 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing (7/1/20)
5039 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Renewable Energy (RE) Growth Program Factor Filing (filed 6/30/20)
5038 Ecogy Energy RI X, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Ecogy 30 Cutler Street Windsor Rooftop Solar Project (6/16/20)
5037 Ecogy Energy RI X, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation:  Ecogy 575 Lonsdale Ave HB Packaging Rooftop Solar Project (6/16/20)
5036 Ecogy RI, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Ecogy 99 Hartford Ave Contech Medical Rooftop Solar Project (6/16/20)
5035 Ooma, Inc. Application for registration as a provider of telecommunications service (filed 6/8/20)
5034 Interstate Navigation d/b/a Block Island Ferry Fast Ferry Rate Filing (filed 5/27/20)
5033 TruConnect Communications, Inc. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for purpose of providing Lifeline service to qualifying Rhode Island consumers (filed 5/15/20)
5032 TruConnect Communicatons, Inc. Application for registration as a provider of telecommunications service (filed 5/15/20)
5031 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (filed (filed 5/15/20)
5030 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing for Year Ending March 31, 2020 (filed 5/15/20)
5029 South CountySolar 805 Main LLC Petition for Waiver of Output deadline under RIPUC No. 2152-E (filed 5/4/20)
5028 Ralph Palumbo Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI - Alton Rd.
Hopkinton, LLC(filed 5/11/20)
5027 NuGen Capital Management, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for NuGen Solar LLC Generation Unit (filed 4/29/20)
5026 Public Utilities Commission Utility Financial Reporting Requirements Related to COVID-19 Pandemic (4/24/20)
5025 Lunar Labs, Inc. Application for registration to transact as provider of telecommunications service (filed 4/3/20)
5024 Narragansett Bay Commission Request to Temporarily Waive Credit Card Fee (4/3/20)
5023 Rhode Island Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC) Proposed Three-Year Savings Targets for The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's2021-2023 Energy Efficiency Procurement Plan (Three-Year Plan) (3/23/20)
5022 Public Utilities Commission Suspension of Service Terminations and Certain Collections Activities During the COVID-19 Emergency (3/17/20)
5021 Battle Creek Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for Battle Creek 1 Solar Generation Unit (filed 3/11/20)
5020 White Level Communicatons, LLC Application for registration to transact as provider of telecommunications service (filed 3/4/20)
5019 Wallingford Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for Wallingford Solar LLC Generation Unit (filed 3/2/20)
5018 Solect Energy Development LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for 59 Tom Harvey Rd. LLC Generation Unit (filed 2/28/20)
5017 Solect Energy Development LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for National Velour Corp. Generation Unit (filed 2/27/20)
5016 C2 RI Hopkinton, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Eligibility Application for 50 Alton Bradford Road Generation Unit (filed 2/27/20)
5015 Public Utilities Commission Review of Least Cost Procurement Standards
5014 Narragansett Bay Commission Petition for Declaratory Judgment regarding clarification of regulation and jurisdiction (filed 1/2/120)
5013 Block Island Utility District 2020 Demand Side Management Program (filed 2/11/20)
5012 Kent County Water Authority Abbreviated Rate Filing (1/31/20)
5011 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Review of Proposed Power Purchase Agreement
Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.1 (filed 2/5/20)
5010 Public Utilities Commission Commission's Review of the Benefits and Costs of Net Metering Credit Calculation Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §39-26.4-3 
5009 Absalona Hill Road Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Absalona Hill Road Solar, LLC (2/4/20)
5008 Greenville Road Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Greenville Road Solar, LLC (2/4/20)
5007 Howard Lane Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation: Howard Lane Solar, LLC (2/4/20)
5006 Ron Markovsky Renewable Energy Resource Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cooley, Inc. (2/3/20)
5005 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Annual Retail Rate Filing (filed 2/X/20)
5004 Westbound Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation: Walmart Warwick (1/16/20)
5003 TES Anchor Solar 23, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation: Anchor Solar (1/22/20)
5002 Jason Macari Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation: 85 Commercial Way Solar (1/15/20)
5001 Zoll Medical Corp. Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bio-Detek PV Array - Pawtucket (filed 12/27//19)
5000 Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Investigation into the Treatment of Storage as an Electric Distribution System Resource (initiated 12/17/19)
4999 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Petition for Declaratory Judgment Regarding the Interpretation of Tariff RIPUC NG-Gas No. 101 (filed 12/23/19)
4998 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filings to add or withdraw additional wire centers where Verizon intends to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (filed 12/12/2019)
4997 Versatel, LLC Application for registration to transact a provider of telecommunications service (filed 12/10/19)
4996 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2021 (filed 12/20/19)
4995 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2021 (filed 12/20/19)
4994 Providence Water Supply Board Application to Implement Multi-Year Rate Plan Pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-15.1-4 (filed 12/2/19)
4993 Verizon Rhode Island Update tariff to eliminate the rates associated with unpublished and unlisted services (filed 11/21/19)
4992 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery (LTCRER) Factor - Year 2020 (filed 11/15/19)
4991 Pascoag Utility District 2020 Demand Side Management Program (filed 11/7/19)
4990 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge (filed 11/719)
4989 SM Trombino Properties LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cedar Holow Solar (filed 11/6/19)
4988 TPE Hopkins Holdings I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: TPE Hopkins Holdings I, LLC (filed 11/4/19)
4987 Enerparc, Inc. Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hope Farm Solar (filed 10/31/19)
4986 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to comply with recent FCC Lifeline Discount Adjustment (filed 10/31/19)
4985 Westbound Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Walmart North Kingstown (filed 10/17/19)
4984 Pine Hill Solar Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pine Hill Solar Partners LLC (filed 10/18/19)
4983 RI Distributed Generation Board (DG Board) and The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid The Renewable Energy Growth (RE Growth) Program for Year 2020 (filed 10/23/19)
4982 Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island Petition for Declaratory Judgment on R.I.G.L. 39-26.4, the Net Metering Act (filed 10/11/19)
4981 Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island Petition for Declaratory Judgment on Transmission System Costs and Related "Affected System Operator" Studies (filed 10/11/19)
4980 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 System Reliability Procurement Pan (10/15/19)
4979 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Energy Efficiency Program (EEP) Plan (10/15/19)
4978 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2021 Last Resort Service (LRS) Procurement Plan (10/11/19)
4977 Ready Wireless LLC Application for registration to transact a provider of telecommunications service (filed 10/9/19)
4976 Narragansett Bay Commission Proposed Revisions to Tariffs, Terms and Conditions (filed 10/3/2019)
4975 Block Island Utility District Rate Change Application (filed 9/30/19)
4974 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to Amend Tariff PUC RI No. 18 and Tariff PUC RI No. 22 to implement decision of FCC's WD Docket 18-141 granting forbearance from certain unbundling and resale requirements (filed 10/1/19)
4973 Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island Petition for Dispute Resolution Pursuant to Section 9 of Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's Standards for Connecting Distributed Generation, RIPUC #2078 (Tariff) (filed 9/13/19)
4972 Kearsarge Acushnet LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge Acushnet (9/10/19)
4971 Kearsarge Turners Falls LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge Turners Falls (9/10/19)
4970 Smart Energy Holdings, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Rossi Solar (9/5/19)
4969 DWW Solar II, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: DWW Solar II, LLC (filed 9/5/19)
4968 Evergreen Wind Power III, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Rollins Wind Plant (9/3/19)
4967 Target Corporation Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Target Store T1404 (9/9/19)
4966 SolarSense VT X, Andrew Bowers Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Trombley Hill Solar (9/9/19)
4965 Nautilus Solar Solutions, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Nautilus Goat Island Solar, LLC (filed 8/22/19)
4964 Agera Energy, LLC Non-compliance with the RI Renewable Energy Standards for Compliance Year 2018
4963 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2019 Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) Filing (9/3/19)
4962 Blackbird Farm, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Blackbird Farm Solar (filed 8/9/19)
4961 The Singleton Group LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Singleton Group Solar (filed 8/7/19)
4960 M & K Leasing LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: M & K Leasing Solar LLC (8/7/19)
4959 K & K Beach Club LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: K & K Beach Solar LLC (filed 8/2/19)
4958 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Pension Adjustment Factor (PAF) Filing (filed 8/1/19)
4957 Time Warner Cable Business, LLC Application for registration to transact a provider of telecommunications service (filed 7/23/19)
4956 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid and Energy Development Partners, LLC Dispute Resolution Pursuant to Section 9.2 of RIPUC No. 2180 (filed 7/17/19)
4955 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Distribution Adjustment Charge (DAC) 2019 Filing
4954 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2019 Renewable Energy Growth (REG) Factor Filing (filed 6/28/19)
4953 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing for Year Ending March 31, 2019
4952 Hudson Fiber Network Inc. Application for registration as a Class I and Class VI Telecommunications Provider (filed 5/13/19)
4951 Redwood Realty II, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Redwood Realty Solar (filed 5/13/19)
4950 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Residential Assistance Recovery Filing (filed 5/15/19)
4949 Oxford LMTD Res Partnership Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Oxford LMTD Res Partnership (filed 4/30/19)
4948 Natural Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 76 Commercial Way (filed 4/26/19)
4947 NuGen Capital Mgmt, LLC & NuGen Manager, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 10 Briggs Solar NG, LLC (fled 4/29/19)
4946 Robert A. Lebeaux Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Ralco Industries, Inc. (filed 4/26/19)
4945 GD SK Rose Hill, LLC Renewable Energy Resource ((RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: GD SK Rose Hill, LLC ( filed 4/18/19)
4944 Narragansett Bay Commission Petition for Private At-Grade Railroad Crossing (filed 4/16/19)
4943 Public Utilities Commission Guidance Document Regarding Principles to Guide the Development and Review of Performance Incentive Mechanisms
4942 GD West Greenwich I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: GD West Greenwich Victory I, LLC (filed 4/1/19)
4941 GD Richmond Buttonwoods I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: GD Richmond Buttonwoods I, LLC (filed 4/1/19)
4940 NuGen Capital Management, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bristol Solar NG, LLC (filed 3/28//19)
4939 Green Lot, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Green Lot Solar (filed 3/28/19)
4938 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather Regional Essential Bundle Discount Plans without a qualifying Unlimited Long distance plan
4937 ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC Application for authority as Telecommunications Service Provider (filed 3/4/19)
4936 Hopkinton Industrial Park LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hopkinton Industrial Park LLC (filed 3/4/19)
4935 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2020 Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan and 2010 Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Resource Procurement Plan (fled 3/1/19)
4934 Public Utilities Commission Investigation Into the causes of gas outage on Aquidneck Island in January 2019
4933 City of Newport, Water Division Application to Implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan (filed 2/13/2019)
4932 ComApp Technologies LLC Application for authority as Telecommunications Service Provider (Class VI) (field 2/13/19)
4931 Communications Venture Corporation d/b/a INdigital Application for authority as Telecommunications Service Provider (Class I) )(filed 2/13/19)
4930 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/1/519)
4929 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Review of Purchase Agreement (PPA) entered into by National Grid1 with DWW Rev I, LLC (DWW) under the Rhode Island Affordable Clean Energy Security Act (filed 2/7/19)
4928 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff Filings to Amend RIPUC Nos. 15, 18, 20 and 22 to withdraw Inter-State and Intra-State service in wire centers where Verizon intends to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (filed 1/29/19)
4927 Veizon Rhode Island Tariff filings to Amend RIPUC No. 18 and 20 to add additional language to restrict Ground Start/Reverse Battery to where facilities exists (filed 1/29/19)
4926 MartinBrookPV LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Martinbrook PV (filed 1/28/19)
4925 Vodafone US Inc. d/b/a Vodafone Americas Application for authority as Telecommunications Service Provider (filed 1/16/19)
4924 Oak Square Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kenyon Solar (filed 1/22/19)
4923 Oak Square Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hawkins Solar (filed 1/22/19)
4922 Oak Square Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Church Street Solar (filed 1/22/19)
4921 Oak Square Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Palmer Circle Solar Two (filed 1/22/19)
4920 TG Developers LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Developers Solar Carport - 33 Appian Way (1/14/19)
4919 Lincoln Water Commission Petition for Non-Regulatory Request for Approval of Water Main Extension Outside Service Area (filed 1/0/19)
4918 Coolidge Solar I, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Coolidge Solar 1, LLC (12/19/18)
4917 Energy Development Partners, LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment on R.I. gen. Laws Section 39-26.4 the Net Metering Act (filed 12/21/18)
4916 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2020 (filed 12/21/18)
4915 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2020 (filed 12/21/18)
4914 207 HP, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 207 HP Solar (12/6/18)
4913 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Amend Electric and Gas Tariffs (filed 12/5/18)
4912 Peter Jencks Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Peter Jencks, 9 Peter Road, Bristol (11/28/18)
4911 University Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: University Solar 2 (filed 11/17/18)
4910 University Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: University Solar Field Segments 1-2-3 (filed 11/17/18)
4909 Exeter Renewables Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Exeter Renewables 1(filed 11/17/18)
4908 Dry Bridge Solar 4, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dry Bridge Solar 4 (filed 11/17/18)
4907 Dry Bridge Solar 3, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dry Bridge Solar 3 (filed 11/17/18)
4906 Dry Bridge Solar 2, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dry Bridge Solar 2 (filed 11/17/18)
4905 Dry Bridge Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dry Bridge Solar 1 (filed 11/17/18)
4904 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff Advice Filing to Change Credit Card Transaction Fees (11/20/18)
4903 Public Utilities Commission Review to Determine the Adequacy of Renewable-Energy Supplies Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Sec. 39-26-6(d)
4902 Melville Solar Power, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Melville Solar Power, LLC (11/15/18)
4901 Green Lane Solar Power LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Green Lane Solar Power, LLC (11/15/18)
4900 Blackhorse Farm Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resource (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Blackhorse Farm Solar, LLC (11/15/18)
4899 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor for Year 2019 (11/15/18)
4898 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff Advice Filing to change the frequency of its billing for consumption charges (11/8/18)
4897 JO RI Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: JO RI Solar, LLC (filed 11/8/18)
4896 Copenhagen Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Copenhagen Wind Farm, LLC (filed 10/31/18)
4895 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge (filed 11/5/18)
4894 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Filing for Year 2019 (filed 11/5/18)
4893 Public Utilities Commission Investigation to Examine Prudence of Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's Maintenance Practices in Connection with the Cumberland LNG Facility (10/30/18)
4892 RI Distribution Generation Board 2019 Renewable Energy Growth - Classes, Ceiling Prices and Capacity Targets (filed 10/18//17)
4892 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Renewable Energy Growth (REG) Program - Tariffs and Solicitation and Enrollment Process Rules (to be filed 11/15/18)
4891 Kearsarge Uxbridge, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge Uxbridge (filed 10/11/18)
4890 Narragansett Bay Commission General Rate Filing to Collect Additional Revenues of $6,388,424 to support a total revenue requirement of $10,249,751 (includes revenues requested in Docket No. 4885) - filed 10/10/18
4889 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2019 System Reliability Procurement Report (SRP) (filed 10/15/18)
4888 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2019 Energy Efficiency Program (EEP) (filed 10/15/18)
4887 Evergreen Wind Power II, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Oakfield Wind (filed 10/9/18)
4886 Blue Sky West, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bingham Wind (filed 10/9/18)
4885 Narragansett Bay Commission Compliance Rate Filing to Collect Additional Revenues of $2,872,681 for Debt Service and Debt Service Coverage Expense (filed 10/4/18)
4884 Richmond Solar Power 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Richmond Solar (filed 10/5/18)
4883 Founder's Homestead Farm Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Founder's Homestead Farm Solar (filed 10/5/18)
4882 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase Directory Assistance Service and N-411 Service (10/2/18)
4881 Peacedale Mill Associates Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Peacedale Mill Complex (292 kW) - 1425 Kingstown Road, Wakefield RI - (filed 9/27/18)
4880 Windy Acres Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Windy Acres Solar, LLC (filed 9/25/18)
4879 City of Woonsocket Water Division Application to implement a Multi-year Rate Plan (9/11/18)
4878 Teliax, Inc. Application for Authority to Transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (9/13/18)
4876 Lyndonville Solar East, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Solar East 2 (filed 8/29/18)
4875 Lyndonville Solar West, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Lyndonville Solar West 1(filed 8/29/18)
4874 KB Surfaces, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: KB Surfaces, LLC (filed 8/29/18)
4873 Public Utilities Commission Rulemaking Procedure to Amend Rules of Practice and Procedure and Adopt New Rules
4872 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) Filing (filed 8/31/18)
4871 Solect Energy Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SED - Bristol Fire and Rescue Station (filed 8/24/18)
4870 Solect Energy Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SED - Bristol Quinta Gamelin Center (filed 8/24/18)
4869 Solect Energy Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SED - Bristol Compost Facility (filed 8/24/18)
4868 Solect Energy Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SED - Bristol Animal Shelter (filed 8/24/18)
4867 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED GW Solar, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4866 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Shun I, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4865 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Shun II, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4864 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Shun III, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4863 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Green Hill, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4862 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Coventry Seven (South Array) (filed 8/22/18)
4861 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Plainfield I, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4860 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Plainfield II, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4859 Green Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Plainfield III, LLC (filed 8/22/18)
4858 Kearsarge GB LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge GB (filed 8/14/18)
4857 Public Utilities Commission Adoption of Performance Incentives for The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Section 39-1-27.7.1(e)(3) to Apply to the Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability Plans
4856 Kekin A. Shah Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Shanix, Inc. (filed 8/8/18)
4855 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Electric Pension Adjustment Factor and Reconciliation Filing (filed 8/1/18)
4854 Steve Thurston Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Thurston Sails Inc (file 8/8/18)
4853 Cersosimo Lumber Co., Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cersosimo Lumber (filed 7/27/18)
4852 Providence Water Supply Board Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Providence Water COF Rooftop Solar Array (filed 7/30/18)
4851 2600Hz, Inc. Application for registration as Supplier of Telecommunication Services (filed 7/23/18)
4850 JJ Cardosi, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: JJ Cardosi, Inc. (filed 7/20/18)
4849 Block Island Power Co. Tariff Advice Filing - Waiver of Credit Card/Debit Card/E-Check Payment Provision (filed 7/16/18)
4848 OnePath Systems, LLC and Internet & Telephone LLC Joint Petition to Transfer Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services of Internet & Telephone, LLC to Onepath Systems, LLC
4847 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program Factor Filing (filed 6/29/18)
4846 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2019 Distribution Adjustment Clause (DAC) Filing
4845 University Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: University Solar LLC (filed 6/29/18)
4844 Captona Partners Solar III Finco LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Tomaquag (filed 6/26/18)
4843 Captona Partners Solar III Finco LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Shannock Road (6/26/18)
4842 Captona Partners Solar III Finco LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Road (field 6/26/18)
4841 Captona Partners Solar III Finco LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cranberry Ridge (filed 6/26/18)
4840 Captona Partners Solar III Finco LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Arcadia Road (filed 6/26/18)
4839 Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI-Peck Hill 25-kW, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI-Peck Hill 250kW, LLC (filed 6/26/18)
4838 Pascoag Utility District Arrearage Management Program (AMP) Provision (filed 6/25/18)
4837 Covoda Communications, Inc. Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed 6/18/18)
4836 Forbes Street Solar II, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Forbes Street Solar II LLC (filed 6/11/18)
4835 Fairground Realty, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kenyon West Kingston (189kW) - 141 Fairgrounds Rd (filed 6/6/18)
4834 Hoosie River Hydro, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Pownal Tannery Project (filed 5/31/18)
4833 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (Plat 14 Lot 1 Fairground Road) (filed 5/31/18)
4832 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (15 James Road) (filed 5/31/18)
4831 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (26 West Shannock Road) (filed 5/31/18)
4830 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (849 Victory Highway) (filed 5/31/18)
4829 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (500 Waites Corner Road) ) (filed 5/31/18)
4828 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (Plat 14 Lot 2 Glen Rock Road) (filed 5/31/18)
4827 AT&T Corp. Waiver Request for Number Block Release in the Westerly Rate Center (filed 5/23/18)
4826 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw various services (in RI PUC No. 15) in wire centers to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (filed 5/16/18)
4825 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw Multi and Party Line services (filed 5/16/18)
4824 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid National Grid’s Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) reconciliation for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2018 (filed 5/15/18)
4823 Digium Cloud Services, LLC Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed 4/26/18)
4822 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Solicitations of Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws 39-26.1-1 et seq. (filed 4/23/18)
4821 Woods Hill Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Woods Hill Solar, LLC (filed 4/12/18)
4820 Coventry Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Lewis Farm Rd Solar (filed 4/12/18)
4819 Sangoma U.S., Inc. Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed 4/4/18)
4818 Blue Heron Hydro, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Townshend Hydro (filed 4/3/18)
4817 Blue Heron Hydro, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Ball Mountain Hydro (filed 4/3/18)
4816 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Gas Long-Range Energy Plans (filed 3/30/18)
4815 Dialpad, Inc. Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed3/23/18)
4814 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff Advice Filing to Amend Miscellaneous Charges (Schedule B) (filed 3/26/18)
4813 Narragansett Bay Commission Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: - Narragansett Bay Commission Bucklin Point Biogas Engine I (filed 3/14/18)
4812 Irontrust Properties, LCC d/b/a Irontrust Networks Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed 3/22/18)
4811 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw Enhanced Universal Emergency Number Service, Public Emergency Call Receiving Service, Group Alerting System and Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification trunks in all tariffs (filed 3/1/18)
4810 Crocker Communications, Inc. Application for registration as Class VI Telecommunication Supplier (filed3/14/18)
4809 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid National Grid's 2019 Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan and 2019 Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Procurement Plan (field 3/1/18)
4808 Public Utilities Commission Review of The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's Revenue Requirement under R.I.G.L. Section 39-3-11 in light of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (3/1218)
4807 Tek Scape IT, Inc. Application for registration as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed3/8/18)
4806 Alliant Technologies LLC Application for registration as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/29/18)
4805 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Annual Retail Rate Filing (2/14/18)
4804 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - Switch Road (filed 2/9/18)
4803 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 139 Heaton Orchard Rd. (filed 1/29/18) (filed 1/29/18)
4802 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 916 Main Street (filed 1/29/18)
4801 Next Generation Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Next Generation Solar Farm - (filed 1/31/18)
4800 Violia Water Rhode Island (formerly Suez Water ) Application to Change Rate Schedules (filed 1/30/18)
4799 Richmond Solar Power 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Richmond Solar Power 1, LLC - (filed 1/30/18)
4798 Coddington Cove Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Coddington Cover Solar, LLC - (filed 1/30/18)
4797 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 3671 South County Trail (filed 1/29/18)
4796 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - Plat 8f Lot 12 South County Trail (filed 1/29/18) (filed 1/29/18)
4795 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 722 Main St.(filed 1/29/18)
4794 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 3738 South County Trail (filed 1/29/18) (filed 1/29/18)
4793 Public Utilities Commission Review of Block Island Power Company's Revenue Requirement under R.I.G.L. Section 39-3-11 in light of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (1/24/18)
4792 Public Utilities Commission Review of Interstate Navigation Company's Revenue Requirement under R.I.G.L. Section 39-3-11 in light of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (1/24/18)
4791 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC - 34 Kenyon Lane (filed 1/29/18)
4790 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend Net Metering Provision RIPUC No. 2207 (filed 1/26/18)
4789 Seth's Way Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Seth's Way Solar, LLC (filed 1/19/18)
4788 Georges River Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: George's River Energy, LLC (filed 1/11/18)
4787 B A Telecom, Inc. Application for registration as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/8/18)
4786 ITC Global Networks, LLC Application for registration as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/8/18)
4785 Kearsarge SKSC2 LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge SKSC2 (1/2/18)
4784 Kearsarge SKSC1 LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kearsarge SKSC1 (1/2/18)
4783 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2019 Electric Infrastructure, System and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/21/17)
4782 Birch Communications, LLC Application for authority to transact as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 12/12/17)
4781 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid FY 2019 Gas Infrastructure, System and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/19/17)
4780 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Proposed Power Sector Transformation (PST) Vision and Implementation Plan (filed 11/28/17)
4779 SunE Solar XVI Lessor, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Clarke Solar Center, LLC (filed 12/1/17)
4778 SunE Solar XVI Lessor, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Springfield Solar Alliance I (filed 12/1/17)
4777 Otter Valley Solar Farm, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Otter Valley Solar Farm, LLC (filed 12/1/17)
4776 Teleport Communication America, LLC Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of Request for 10,000 Numbers to Service to Serve a Customer in the Centerdale Rate Center (filed 12/4/17)
4775 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid National Grid’s Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Provision (LTC Recovery Provision) (filed 11/15/17)
4774 RI Distribution Generation Board 2018 Renewable Energy Growth (REG) - Classes, Ceiling Prices and Capacity Targets (filed 11/15/17)
4774 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program - Tariffs and Solicitation and Enrollment Process Rules (filed 11/15/17)
4773 TerraForm Solar XVII, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bridport West Solar Farm (filed 11/9/17)
4772 SVEP Energy Company, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Southern Vermont Energy Project (filed 11/9/17)
4771 GASNA 14P, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Williamstown Solar Project (filed 11/9/17)
4770 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Application to Change Electric and Gas Distribution Revenue Requirements and Associated Rates (filed 11/28/17)
4769 Sudbury Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sudbury Solar (filed 11/9/17)
4768 Chester Power Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Chester Solar Farm (filed 11/9/17)
4767 TerraForm Solar XVII, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Champlain Valley Solar Farm (filed 11/9/17)
4766 Vermont Acer, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Butternut Mountain Solar Farm (filed 11/9/17)
4765 Pownal Solar Park, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pownal Park Solar (filed 11/9/17)
4764 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid Review of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) under the Long-Term Contracting Standard for Renewable Energy, R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.1 (filed 11/1/17)
4763 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid Tariff advice to amend electric tariff, entitled Standards for Connecting Distributed Generation, RIPUC No. 2180 (filed 10/31/17)
4762 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation Filing of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge (filed 11/2/17)
4761 Pascoag Utility District 2018 Demand Side Management Programs (filed 11/7/17)
4760 Oak Square Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Palmer Circle Solar (filed 11/1/17); Capacity 0.997 MW Solar
4759 Oak Square Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Main Street Solar (filed 11/1/17); Capacity 0.997 MW Solar
4758 Oak Square Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: High Street Solar (filed 11/1/17); Capacity 0.997 MW Solar
4757 Consolidated Edison Development, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: CED Foster Solar (filed 10/26/17); Capacity 2.594 MW DC Solar
4756 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid 2018 System Reliability Procurement Report (filed 11/1/17)
4755 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid 2018 Energy Efficiency Program Plan (filed 11/1/17)
4754 Public Utilities Commission Repeal of Regulations Regarding Perfection of Security Interest in Intangible Transition Property (10/24/17)
4753 TVC Albany, Inc. d/b/a FirstLight Fiber Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (Filed 10/13/17)
4752 WED Kingstown Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Kingstown Solar I (West Array) (filed 10/18/17); Capacity 1.5 MW Solar
4751 WED Kingstown Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Kingstown Solar I (East Array) (filed 10/18/17); Capacity 3.0 MW Solar
4750 WED Stilson Solar , LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Stilson Solar I (filed 10/18/17); Capacity 2.0 MW Solar
4749 Block Island Power Co. Appeal Pursuant to R.I.G.L.39-1-30 (filed 10/10/17)
4748 Coventry Photovoltaic, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Coventry Solar Project (filed 10/11/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4747 Canton Mountain Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Canton Mountain Wind, LLC (filed 10/6/17); Capacity 22.8 MW Wind
4746 Helix Maine Wind Development, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kibby Wind Power (filed 10/6/17); Capacity 132 MW Wind
4745 Sam Man Realty Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sam Man Realty Solar (filed 10/4/17); Capacity 0.9984 MW Solar
4744 Charlotte Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Charlotte Hinesburg Road Project (filed 9/27/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4743 Tesla, Inc. and Sunrun, Inc. Petition for Declaratory Judgment or an Advisory Ruling on R.I. Gen. Laws
Section 39-26.4, the Net-Metering Act (filed 9/27/17)
4742 EGP Solar 1 Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sheldon Springs Solar (filed 9//22/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4741 BankStreetPV LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bank Street Solar Project (filed 9//26/17); Capacity 0.499 DC MW Solar
4740 Solar Sky - Seven Mile, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Solar Sky Ventures, LLC (filed 9/20/17); Capacity 0.24885 MW Solar
4739 Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI250-KW, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI250-KW, LLC (filed 9//20/17); Capacity 0.24885 MW Solar
4738 Pascoag Utility District Tariff Advice to Introduce Municipal Low Capacity Factor Rate No. 201 (filed 9/20/17)
4737 Energy Faciltiy Siting Board (Siting Board) Designation to Render an Advisory Opinion in to the Siting Board Regarding the Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's and Clear River Energy LLC's (Invenergy) Joint Application to Construct and Alter Major Facilities
4736 Pittsfield Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pittsfield Solar LLC (filed 9/13/17); Capacity 9.9 MW AC Solar
4735 Gooding Business Space, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 15 Gooding Ave Solar (filed 9/15/17); Capacity 0.200778 MW Solar
4734 Barton Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Barton Solar Farm (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 1.89 MW Solar
4733 CRL Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: White River Junction Solar (filed 9/8/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4732 Commission Establishment of Metrics for National Grid's Performance in Meeting the Time Frames Set Forth in R.I. Gen. Laws 39-26.3-4.1 and in the Distributed Generation Interconnection Standards
4731 Cross Pollination, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cross Pollination One Solar (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.0 MW Solar
4730 Limerick Road Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Limerick Road Solar Farm (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4729 Clarendon Solar Farm, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Clarendon Solar Farm (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.0 MW Solar
4728 Claire Solar Partners, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Claire Solar Farm (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4727 SA Solar Services, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: St. Albans Solar Farm (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4726 SunGen Sharon 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SUN GEN 1 SOLAR (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4725 Roderick G. Ames Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: IRA Rentals Solar (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 0.037 MW Solar
4724 Roderick G. Ames Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 100 Bobbin Mill Road (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 0.05 MW Solar
4723 WE 90 Technology Solar,, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Technology Drive Solar (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.0 MW Solar
4722 ERWR Whitcomb Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Whitcomb Farm Solar (filed 9/1/17); Capacity 2.2 MW Solar
4721 North Smithfield Solar Power I LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Smithfield Solar I -NM (filed 8/15/17); 1.600 MW AC Solar
4720 Compass Circle Solar Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 320 Compass Circle Solar - Building 315 (filed 8/16/17); 0.999 MW Solar
4719 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid (Gas) . 2017 Gas Cost Recovery Charge (GCR) Filing (filed 9/1/17)
4718 Compass Circle Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: 310 Compass Circle Solar - Building 314 (filed 8/15/17); 1.25 MW DC Solar
4717 North Smithfield Solar Power LLC I Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Smithfield Solar I - DG (filed 8/15/17); 0.900 MW AC Solar
4716 Exeter Solar Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Exeter Solar Power I (filed 8/14/17)
4715 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Rhode Island and Comcast Phone of Rhode Island, LLC (filed 8/11/17)
4714 Sandberg Machine Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sandberg Machine Solar LLC (filed 8/9/17)
4713 Southern Sky Renewable Energy Rhode Island, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Southern Sky Renewable Energy Rhode Island, LLC (filed 8/8/17)
4712 Portsmouth Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Portsmouth Solar, LLC (filed 8/8/17)
4711 Danielson Pike Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Danielson Pike Solar, LLC (filed 8/8/17)
4710 Tiverton Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Tiverton Power LLC (filed 8/8/17)
4709 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid (Gas) Electric Pension Adjustment Factor filing for period ending March 31, 2017.(filed 8/1/17)
4708 The Narragansett Electric Co. c/b/a National Grid (Gas) 2017 Distribution Adjustment Filing (filed 8/1/17)
4707 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2017 Renewable Energy Growth Program Factor Filing (filed 7/5/17)
4706 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to reduce the Composite Terminating End Office Charge (CTEOC) pursuant to FCC's directive (filed 6/1/17)
4705 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate change to various residential services (filed 6/1/170
4704 Future Generation Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Future Generation Wind, LLC (filed 5/22/17) New, Wind, 8.0 MW
4703 Nippawus Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Nippawus Solar Facility (filed 5/12/17) New, Solar, 1.71 MW
4702 Lamplighter Inc Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Lamplighter Inc. (filed 5/12/17) New, Solar, .2499 MW
4701 Tourbillon Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Tourbillon Solar, LLC (filed 5/12/17) - New, Solar 0.2499 MW
4700 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates Directory Assistance and N-411 Per Direct Dial Calls (6/15/17)
4699 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) reconciliation for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2017 (filed 5/12/17)
4698 Foster Renewables LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Foster Renewables (filed 5/5/17) New, Solar, 0.996 MW
4697 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update language associated with Bundles with DirecTV through Verizon (filed 5/2/17)
4696 RI Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar 1, LLC (filed 4/17/17) New, Solar, 0.2496 MW
4695 Orbit Energy Rhode Island, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Orbit Energy Rhode Island, LLC (filed 4/13/17) New, Biomass, 3.2 MW
4694 Southern Sky Renewable Energy RI, LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment, relating to § 39-26.4 (Net Metering Act)  (filed 3/13/17)
4693 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update language associated with Demarcation Point (filed 3/2/17)
4692 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2018 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2018 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (3/2/17)
4691 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2017 Electric Retail Rate Filing (filed 2/16/17)
4690 Block Island Power Co. Procurement Plan and Standard Offer and Transmission Tariffs (filed 2/10/17)
4689 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update language in the Billing and Collection Section (filed 2/7/17)
4688 Block Island Power Co. Petition for Declaratory Ruling (filed 2/1/17)
4687 SQF, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 12/28/16)
4686 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Request for Approval of Storm Contingency Fund Replenishment (filed 12/29/16)
4685 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend Tariff RIPUC NO. 2142, Street and Area Lighting - Customer Owned Equipment S-05 (filed 12/29/16)
4684 RI Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC) Energy Efficiency Savings Targets, 2018-2020 (filed 12/22/16)
4683 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather the Bundle Discount II and introduce the Bundle Discount III (filed 12/22/16)
4682 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2018 (filed 12/21/16)
4681 RI Convention Center Authority RI Convention Center Authority's Petition for Declaratory Judgment, rleating to RIGL § 39-26.4-2(12) (Net Metering Act).  (filed 12/14/16)
4680 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff filing to change certain Terms & Conditions: Water Shut-off and Reconnect fees; billing of Output Meters, and Abatement Methodology (filed 12/8/16)
4679 Pascoag Utility District LED Street Light Tariff Advice Filing (12/8/16)
4678 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2018 (filed 12/1/16)
4677 Cox Rhode Island Telcom LLC Waiver Request for Number Block Release (11/21/16)
4676 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Proposal to Bid Capacity of Customer-Owned Distributed Generation Facilities Into the Forward Capacity Market (filed 11/20/16)
4675 Public Utilities Commission Rulemaking Notice to Repeal New England Telephone Collections Procedure (11/23/16)
4674 Pisgah Mountain, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pisgah Mountain, LLC (filed 11/14/16) New, Wind, 9.075 MW
4673 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor (11/14/16)

Distributed Generation Board


Report and Recommendations Relating to the 2017 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices, and Capacity Targets (filed 11/11/16)
4672 The Narragansett Electric Co.
d/b/a National Grid
Proposed 2017 Renewable Energy Growth Program Tariff and Rule Changes
(filed 11/16/16)
4671 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to grandfather certain residential services in wire centers where Verizon intends to migrate its network to all fiber and retire its copper network (11/9/16)
4670 Clean Economy Development, LLC Petition for Declaratory Judgment, relating to RIGL § 39-26.4-2(12) (Net Metering Act)  (filed 11/2/16)
4669 Smart Energy Holdings, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Smart Energy Holding - 701 East Ave., Warwici (filed 11/2/16) New, Solar, 0.2165 MW
4668 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update the list of qualifying lifeline programs in compliance with the FCC Lifeline Order (filed 11/2/16)
4667 EDP Renewables North America Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Flat Rock Windpower II LLC (filed 10/31/16) New, Wind, 90.75 MW
4666 EDP Renewables North America Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Flat Rock Windpower LLC (fled 10/31/16) New, Wind, 231 MW
4665 EDP Renewables North America Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Marble River, LLC Generation Unit (filed 10/31/16) New, Wind, 215.25 MW
4664 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service Charge, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge (11/4/16)
4663 Pascoag Utility District 2017 Demand Side Management Programs (filed 11/4/16)
4662 Narragansett Bay Commission Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Coventry 1 (filed 10/24/16) New, Wind, 1.5 MW
4661 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement & Amendment No. 1 between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon RI and Onvoy, LLC (filed 10/26/16)
4660 Stephen Kopeski Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kopeski Solar LLC (filed 10/18/16) New, Solar, 0.24948 MW
4659 David Celani Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Tanglewood Farm LLC (filed 10/18/16) New, Solar, .24948 MW
4658 John Lombari Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Carbide Realty LLC (filed 10/18/16) New, Solar, 0.24948 MW
4657 Stony Creek Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Stony Creek Energy LLC d/b/a Orangeville Wind Farm (filed 10/14/16) New, Wind, 94.4 MW
4656 Marsh Hill Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Marsh Hill Wind Farm (filed 10/14/16) New, Wind, 16.4 MW
4655 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2017 System Reliability Plan (filed 10/14/16)
4654 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2017 Energy Efficiency Plan (filed 10/14/16)
4653 Hancock Wind LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hancock Wind (filed 10/4/16) New, Wind, 51 MW
4652 Igus Bearings, Inc. Petition For Private At-Grade Crossing  (filed September 30, 2016)
4651 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff Advice to Implement Arrearage Management Program Provision
RIPUC No. 2130 and RIPUC NG-GAS No. 101 (filed 9/22/16)
4650 Narragansett Bay Commission Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Units: Coventry 3 and Coventry 4 (filed 9/26/16) New, Wind, 3.0 MW
4649 WED Coventry Six, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Coventry Six, LLC and Coventry Five, LLC (filed 9/23/16) New, Wind, 4.5 MW
4648 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify the 800 Database Access Service to provide the customer the option of having a ten digit telephone number in NANPA format (9/13/16)
4647 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2016 Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) Filing (filed 9/1/16)
4646 Comcast Phone of Rhode Island LLC Application for authority to transact as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 8/29/16)
4645 Town of West Warwick Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Coventry Two, LLC (filed 8/25/16) New, Wind, 4.5 MW
4644 WGL Energy Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Equestrian Center Solar Farm (filed 8/15/16) New, Solar, 1.246 MW
4643 Boomerang Wireless, LLc Application for Authority as Class VI Telecommunications Carrier (filed 8/26/16)
4642 Boomerang Wireless, LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Wireless Service to Qualified Households (filed 8/26/16)
4641 Kent County Water Authority Request to Pass Through Wholesale Rate Increase (filed 8/25/16)
4640 National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend National Grid's Renewable Energy Growth Program for Residential Customers Tariff Provision, RIPUC No. 2151-A and Renewable Energy Growth Program for Non-Residential Customers, RIPUC No. 2152-A (filed 8/15/16)
4639 WED Portsmouth One, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED Portsmouth One, LLC (filed 8/15/16)
4638 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon Rhode Island and Mobilitie Management, LLC (filed 8/3/16) New, Wind, 1.5 MW
4637 National Grid 2016 Electric Pension Adjustment Factor Filing (filed 8/1/16)
4636 ISM Solar Development, LL and Pascoag Utility District Joint Petition for Approval of a Settlement Regarding Interconnection Service Under Section 9.2 of The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's Tariff RIPUC No. 2078
4635 Block Island Power Co. Petition for Expedited/Emergency Rate Relief for Recovery of Engine Rental Costs (filed 7/29/16)
4634 National Grid 2016 Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing (fled 8/1/16)
4633 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather certain business services (filed 7/21/16)
4632 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather the one year term agreements for certain business plans (filed 7/21/16)
4631 National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Amend the Net Metering Provision RIPUC No. 2150 (filed 7/15/16)
4630 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon Rhode Island and Emergency Networks, LLC (filed 7/14/16)
4629 Brown Bear II Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Worumbo Hydroelectric Project (filed 7/12/16) Existing, Hydro, 19.4 MW
4628 National Grid Company-Owned LED Streetlighting Offering (filed 7/5/16)
4627 National Grid Request for Approval of a Gas Capacity Contract and Cost Recovery (filed 6/30/16)
4626 National Grid 2016 Renewable Energy (RE) Growth Program Factor Filing (6/30/16)
4625 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to discontinue offering pay per use billing arrangements for certain services
4624 Northbrook Lyons Falls, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Lyons Falls Mill Facility (filed 6/23/16) New, Hydro, 5.5 MW
4623 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase residential service rates (filed 6/14/16)
4622 South County Trail Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: South County Trail Solar (filed 6/13//16) New, Solar, 0.8784 MW
4621 SeaStreak, LLC Tariff filing for RIDOT-Sponsored Ferry Transportation Service Between Providence and Newport (6/9/16)
4620 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement FCC's Order to decrease the Switched Accesss Charge (filed 6/1/16)
4619 Pascoag Utility District Tariff Advice to remove language pertaining to nonregulated power producers (filed 5/20/16)
4618 Providence Water Supply Board Rate Application to collect additional revenues of $8,328,042 for a total COS of $77,728,472 (filed 5/16/16)
4617 National Grid Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Reconciliation (RD) Filing for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2016 (filed 5/11/16)
4616 Logee Street Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Logee Street Solar (filed 5/5/16) New, Solar, 0.184 MW
4615 Foster Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Foster Solar (filed 5/5//16) New, Solar, 1.25 MW
4614 Energy Facility Siting Board Notice of Designation to the Public Utilities Commission to Render an Advisory Opinion Regarding Need of The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter center transmission components in the Towns of Portsmouth and Middletown ("Aquidneck Island Reliabilty Project") dated 5/3/16
4613 Rhode Island Telephone, Inc. Application for Authority as Operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 4/20/16)
4612 Mobilitie Management, L LC Application for Authority to Operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 4/8/16)
4611 Kent County Water Authority Application to implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan through a three step increase pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-15.1.-4 (filed 4/7/16)
4610 National Grid Environmental Response Fund Provision, RIPUC No. 2164 Tariff Filing to fund the recovery of Environmental Response Costs (filed 3/3/116)
4609 Energy Facility Siting Board Notice of Designation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to Render an Advisory Opinion as to Need and Cost for the Invernergy Thermal Development LLC's proposal to site and construct the Clear River Energy Facility (3/11/16)
4608 National Grid Gas Long-Range Resource and Requirements Plan for Period 2015/16 to 2024/25 (filed 3/11/16)
4607 Deepwater Wind Block Island Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Block Island Wind Power (filed 3/9/16) New, Wind, 30 MW
4606 Block Island Power Co. Waiver Request Under R.I.Gen. Laws § 39-1-27(g) (filed 3/7/16)
4605 National Grid 2017 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2017 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (filed 3/1/16)
4604 RI Office of Energy Resources Budgetary Request to Perform Renewable Energy Growth Program Studies and Reports
4603 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase Directory Assistance Service (filed 2/18/16)
4602 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate Filing to collect additional revenue of $1,457,511 to fund debt service and debt service rate coverage (filed 2/16/16)
4601 Blackstone Valley Tourism Council Tariff filing for the 2016 Season for Blackstone Valley Explorer (filed 2/12/16)
4600 Public Utilities Commission Investigation Into Issues Related to the Changing Electric Distribution System
4599 National Grid 2016 Electric Retail Rate Filing (filed 2/15/16)
4598 Interstate Navigation Co. Rate Filing for its Point Judith to Block Island Fast Ferry Operation (filed 1/28/16)
4597 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to discontinue the resale of Lifeline and Link Up discounted retail service pursuant to FCC mandate (filed 1/7/16)
4596 QuantumShift Communications, Inc. Application for authority as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/4/16)
4595 Newport Water Division Rate application to collect additional revenues of $1,304,595 for a total cost of service of $20,151,440 (filed 12/23/15)
4594 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to grandfather services and features in the RI Product Guide (filed 12/29/15)
4593 Carbon Zero, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Vermont Tissue Mill Dam Hydroelectric (filed 12/2/15) New, Hydro, 0.36 MW
4592 National Grid Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan for FY 2017 (filed 12/9/15)
4591 RI Airport Corporation Petition for Declaratory Judgment (filed 12/4/15)
4590 National Grid Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2017 Proposal (filed 11/24/15)
4589-B RI Distributed Generation Board Report and Recommendation Regarding 2016 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices and Targets (filed 11/13/15)
4589-A National Grid 2016 RE Growth Program, Tariff and Rule Changes, and SolarWise Program (filed 11/16/15)
4588 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff Filing to Change Terms and Conditions (filed 11/13/15)
4587 National Grid Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery (LTCRER) Factor Filing (filed 11/12/15)
4586 A & R Marine Corp. d/b/a Prudence & Bay Islands Transport General Rate Filing proposing new rates and schedules designed to increase revenues by $564,409 or 96.50% (filed 11/6/15)
4585 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Program 2016 (filed 11/6/15)
4584 Pascoag Utility District Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Charge and Transmission Charge Reconciliation Filing (11/6/15)
4583 CC&C of Middletown, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: CC&C of Middletown (filed 10/19/15) New, Solar, 0.0689 MW
4582 Jericho Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Jericho Power (filed 10/15/15) New, Wind, 12.05 MW
4581 National Grid 2016 System Reliability Procurement Report (filed 10/15/15)
4580 National Grid 2016 Energy Efficiency Program Plan (filed 10/15/15)
4579 Block Island Power Co. Tariff advice to amend Street Lighting Service (filed 10/1/15)
4578 National Grid Petition for Review Under R.I. Gen. Laws §39-1-30 (filed 9/22/15)
4577 Cox RI Telcom, LLC Waiver Request for Number Block Release - Stone House Resort (filed 8/24/15)
4576 National Grid 2015 Gas Cost Recovery Charge Filing (filed 9/1/15)
4575 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase monthly rates for various residential services (filed 8/19/15)
4574 National Grid Review of Power Purchase Agreement - Copenhagen Wind Farm LLC Pursuant R.I.G.L. § 39-26.1-1 et seq. (filed 8/3/15)
4573 National Grid Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing (filed 8/3/15)
4572 Mobilitie, LLC Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 7/16/15)
4571 Providence Water Supply Board Abbreviated Rate Filing (filed 6/18/15)
4570 National Grid Solicitation for Proposals for Clean Energy Projects Pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-31-1 et seq (filed 6/26/15)
4569 Athens Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Athens Energy LLC (filed 6/26/15)
4568 National Grid Review of The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Rate Design Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Sec 39-26.6-24
4567 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement Composite Termination End Office Charge rate element pursuant to FCC's order WC Docket No. 10-90 and CC Docket No. 01-92 (filed 6/1/15)
4566 National Grid FY 2015 Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing (filed 5/15/15)
4565 Johnston Solar I, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Johnston Solar I, LLC (filed 5/11/15) New, Solar, 1.375 MW
4564 North Kingstown Solar 1, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Kingstown Solar 1 (filed 5/11/15) New, Solar, 0.495
4563 Pascoag Utility District LED Street Light Tariff Advice Filing (5/6/15)
4562 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate Filing to collect additional revenues of $2,194,285 to support total revenue requirement of $98,192,059 to cover debt service (filed 4/21/15)
4561 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update and clarify language associated with landline fraudulent disconnects (filed 4/16/15)
4560 American Broadband and Telecommunications Co. Application for authority as a Class VI Telecommunications Service Provider (filed 4/8/15)
4559 American Broadband and Telecommunications Co. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Designation (filed 4/8/15)
4558 Steels Pond Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Steel Pond Hydro Project (filed 3/24/15) New, Small Hydro, 0.300 MW
4557 RI Turnpike and Bridge Authority Petition for Declaratory Judgment regarding R.I.G.L. 39-26.4 - Net Metering (filed 2/27/15)
4556 National Grid 2016 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2016 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement (filed 3/2/15)
4555 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon Rhode and Vitcom, LLC (filed 2/20/15)
4554 National Grid 2015 Electric Retail Rate Filing (filed 2/13/15)
4553 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase months rates for residential Custom Calling Services (filed 2/13/15)
4552 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for residential Directory Listing Service (filed /2/13/15)
4551 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to amend Regional Essentials Service and Regional Value Service Plans (filed 2/13/15)
4550 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Application to implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan through a three step increase pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-15.1.-4 (filed 2/4/15)
4549 National Grid Tariff Advice to Amend RIPUC No. 2099 Net Metering Provision
4548 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to eliminate the One-Time Bill Credit Offer (filed 1/28/15)
4547 WED Coventry One. LLC et al Petition for Dispute Resolution (filed 1/16/15)
4546 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increase to Directory Assistance Service (filed 1/16/15)
4545 Commission Review of Electric Rates Issues in Anticipation of 2015 Rate Design Review (1/16/15)
4544 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increases to various service package plans (filed 12/18/14)
4543 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increase to Sensible Minute Plan - Per Line (filed 12/18/14)
4542 National Grid Renewable Energy (RE) Growth Factor Filing (filed 12/31/14)
4541 KEI (Maine) Power Management (KIII) LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Barker Mills Lower Project (filed 12/22/14) New, Small Hydro, 1.2-1.6 MW
4540 National Grid Gas FY 2016 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/23/14)
4539 National Grid Electric FY 2016 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan (filed 12/23/14)
4538 Missisquoi River Hydro LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Missisquoi River Hydro (filed 12/3/14) New, Small Hydro, 0.22 MW
4537 Saddleback Ridge Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Saddleback Ridge Wind (filed 11/21/14) New, Wind, Phase I - 8.55 MW, Phase II 34.2 MW
4536-C National Grid Electric Application for Certifying the Renewable Energy Growth Small Scale Solar Aggregation as an Eligible Renewable Energy Resource (filed 6/26/15) New, Solar, 12 MW
4536-B RI Distributed Generation Board Report and Recommendation Regarding 2015 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices and Targets (filed 12/23/14)
4536-A National Grid Electric Tariff Advice Filing for Renewable Energy Growth Program (RE Growth Program) and Solicitation & Enrollment Process Rules (filed 11/14/14)
4535 National Grid Electric Revision to the Long-Term Contracting Recovery Factor for effect January 1, 2015
4534 Pascoag Utility District 2015 Demand Side Management Programs
4533 Newport Water Division Tariff advice to change terms and conditions, specifically change procedures regarding the notification to customers of past due balances and water service termination (filed 10/31/14)
4532 Stillwater's Edge Realty, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: SER Solar Facility 23 Appian WayNew, Solar, 0.05247 MW
4531 SelecTel, Inc. dba SelectTel Wireless Application for authority to transact as a Class VI Telecommunications Supplier (10/10/14)
4530 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and Wide Voice, LLC (filed 10/29/14)
4529 Pascoag Utilities District 2015 Annual Reconciliation Filing of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Charge and Transmission Charge (filed 11/5/14)
4528 National Grid 2015 System Reliability Procurement ("SRP") Report (filed 10/31/14)
4527 National Grid 2015 Energy Efficiency Program Plan (EEPP) for Electric & Gas (filed 10/31/14)
4526 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and Hypercube Telecom, LLC (filed 10/9/14)
4525 Talk America Services, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 10/09/14)
4524 NextSun Energy North Smithfield LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: NextSun North Smithfield (filed 10/3/14) New, Solar, 0.85 MW
4523 National Grid Gas Customer Choice Program Filing and request for approval of associated changes to the Company's gas tariff, RIPUC NG-GAS No. 101 (filed 9/8/14)
4522 National Grid 2015-2017 Energy Efficiency and System Reliability Procurement Plan (filed 9/2/14)
4521 Newport Vineyard and Winery LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Newport Vineyard and Winery LLC (filed 9/2/14) New, Solar, 0.0518 MW
4520 National Grid 2014 Gas Cost Recovery Filing (filed 9/2/14)
4519 Steere Electric LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Steere Electric LLC (filed 8/2514) New, Solar, 0.072 MW
4518 National Grid Electric Pension Adjustment Filing (filed 8/6/14)
4517 Verizon Rhode Island Adoption by Crosstel Tandem, Inc. of Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and Birch Communications of the Northeast, Inc. (8/12/14)
4516 Vitcom, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 8/12/14)
4515 Onvoy, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 8/7/14)
4514 National Grid (Gas) Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing (filed 8/1/14)
4513 National Grid Proceeding to Establish a Pilot Metering Program for Municipal-Owned Streetlights (7/25/14)
4512 Block Line Systems, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 7/15/14)
4511 Hybercule Telecom, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 6/27/14)
4510 Woonsocket Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: T.E.A.M. Inc. Solar (filed 6/25/14) New, Solar, 0.128 MW
4509 Richmond Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Richmond Solar (filed 6/25/14) New, Solar, 0.499 MW
4508 All American Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: All American Solar LLC (filed 6/13/14) New, Solar, 0.330 MW
4507 Epico USA, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kezar Middle Falls (filed 6/5/14)
4506 Verizon Rhode Isalnd Tariff filing to comply with FCC's Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 amd CC Docket No. 01-92 (filed 5/30/14)
4505 National Grid FY 2014 Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing (filed 5/15/14)
4504 Light Tower Fiber Loing Isalnd LLC Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 5/5/14)
4503 Commission Rulemaking to amend existing rules entitled "Consumer Protection Requirements for Nonregulted Power Producers".(initiated 4/29/14)
4502 CenturyLink Public Communications, Inc. Application for authority to transact as Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telecommunication Provider (filed 4/9/14)
4501 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw several services for residential customers from PUC RI No. 15 Tariff (filed 4/16/14)
4500 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make several residential services available to wholesale customers on a non-resale basis (filed 4/16/14)
4499 A&R Marine Corp. Proposed initial tariff and schedules for ferry service between Bristol and Hog and Prudence Islands (filed 4/16/14)
4498 Verizon Rhode Island Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Birch
Communications of the Northeast Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications (filed 4/3/14)
4497 Covanta Maine, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Covanta Jonesboro (filed 3/31/14) 58.7% New, 41.3% Existing, Biomass, 27.5 MW
4496 Golden Ale Realty LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Golden Ale Realty LLC 406 KW (DC) Solar PV (filed 3/14/14)
4495 Troy Mills Hydroelectric Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Troy Hydro Project (filed 3/10/14) New, Small Hydro, 0.816 MW
4494 National Grid Gas Gas Long-Range Resource and Requirements Plan for the Forecast Period 2013/14 to 2022/23
4493 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement with Voxbeam Telecommunications, Inc. (filed 3/3/14)
4492 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement with Peerless Network of RI LLC (filed 3/3/14)
4491 National Grid Proposed Revisions to RPF for Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects Pursuant R.I.G.L. Section 39-26.1 et seq. (filed February 27, 2014)
4490 National Grid 2015 Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan and 2015 Renewable Energy (RES) Standard Procurement Plan (filed 3/1/14)
4489 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to remove tariff references to magnetic tape media because technology is obsolete (filed 2/27/14)
4488 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase Phonesmart Service *69 and Busy Redial services (filed 2/27/14)
4487 Great Bay Hydro Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: West Charleston Hydro (filed 2/18/14)
4486 Crosstel Tandem, Inc. Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 2/17/14)
4485 National Grid Electric National Grid's 2014 Retail Electric Rate Filing (filed 2/14/14)
4484 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for Directory Listing Services and Phonesmart Services (filed 2/12/14)
4483 Wind Energy Development, LLC & ACP Land, LLC Petition for Dispute Resolution Relating to Interconnection (1/21/14)
4482 Wide Voice, LLC Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/15/14)
4481 Kane's Cow Power, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Maplehurst Farm Methane (filed 1/15/14)
4480 Peter Gebbie Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Maplehurst Farm Methane (filed 1/8/14)
4479 Total Call Mobile, Inc. Application for authority to transact as a Class VI Telecommunications Provider
4478 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to collect additional revenues of $4,898,768 or 5.28%, to support a total revenue requirement of $97,650,439 (filed 12/23/13)
4477 Tempo Telecom, LLC Application for authority to transact as a Class VI Telecommunications Provider
4476 Sheldon Wind Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: High Sheldon Wind Farm (filed 12/24/13) New, Wind, 112.5 MW
4475 Tempo Telecom, LLC Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 12/24//13)
4474 National Grid Gas Gas Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2015 Proposal
4473 National Grid Electric Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2015 Proposal
4472 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify terms of existing Regional Essentials FiOS Bundle Discount I and modify the monthly discount for new subscribers to the Regional Essentials FiOS Bundle Discount II (filed 12/19/13)
4471 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Rhode Island and disNet Wireline, LLC (filed 12/3/13)
4470 Monument Farms 3 Gen, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Monument Farms Three Gen Anaerobic Digester (filed 12/9/13)
4469 Altus Power America, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Little Bay (filed 12/6/13)
4468 Altus Power America, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dean's Warehouse II (filed 12/6/13)
4467 Altus Power America, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Re-Migio (filed 12/6/13)
4466 Altus Power America, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dean's Warehouse I (filed 12/6/13)
4465 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Review of Renewable Energy Standard Annual Compliance Filing for Year 2012
4464 Coxcom, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: CCI New England 181 kW (DC) Solar PV (filed 11/26/13)
4463 Four Hills Farm Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Four Hills Farms (filed 11/20/13)
4462 Chaput Family Farms Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Chaput Family Farms Anaerobic Digester (filed 11/20/13)
4461 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to remove tariff wording that references Verizon Call Assistant (filed 11/4/13)
4460 Village of Morrisville Water & Light Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cadys Falls (filed 11/4/13)
4459 Village of Morrisville Water & Light Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Morrisville Plant #2 (filed 11/4/13)
4458 Village of Morrisville Water & Light Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: H.K. Sanders (filed 11/4/13)
4457 WR-TGC Solar Generation VI, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: West Davisville Solar (filed 11/4/13)
4456 Teleport Communications America, LLC Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of Request for a Block - Newport Rate Center (10/29/13)
4455 Voxbeam Telecommunications Inc. Application for authority to transact a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 10/28/13)
4454 Pascoag Utility Distrtict 2014 Annual Reconciliation Tariff Filing of Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Charge and Transmission Charge (filed 11/1/13)
4453 National Grid 2014 System Reliability Procurement Report (filed 11/1/13)
4452 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Programs for 2014 (filed 11/1/13)
4451 National Grid Energy Efficiency Program Plan for 2014 (filed 11/1/13)
4450 Commission Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric and Natural Gas Service
4449 Q LINK WIRELESS LLC Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 10/17/13)
4448 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase monthly rates for residential services (filed 10/17/13)
4447 Q LINK WIRELESS LLC Application registration for authority to transact as a Class VI Telecommunucations Carrier (10/11/13)
4446 Global Connections, Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 9/30/13)
4445 Global Connections, Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS Application registration for authority to transact as a Class VI Telecommunucations Carrier (filed 9/30/13)
4444 Burgess BioPower LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Wolcott Hydro #1 (filed 9/23/13)
4443 RI Energy Efficiency and Resource Mgmt. Council Proposed Energy Effiiciency Savings Targets for National Grid's energy efficiency procurement for the period 2015 - 2017 consistent with Least Cost Procurement
4442 National Grid Electric Customer-owned Street & Area LIghting Proposal in compliance with the RI Municipal Streetlight Investment Act, R.I.G.L. § 39-29-1, et. seq.(filed 9/16/03)
4441 Town of Hardwick Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Wolcott Hydro #1 (filed 9/11/13)
4440 Noble Wind Operations, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Bliss Windpark, LLC (filed 9/11/13)
4439 Noble Wind Operations, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Ellenburg Windpark, LLC (filed 9/11/13)
4438 Noble Wind Operations, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Cinton Windpark I, LLC (filed 9/11/13)
4437 National Grid Electric Review of Power Purchase Agreement - Champlain Wind, LLC, pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-26.1 et seq. (filed 9/3/13)
4436 National Grid Gas 2013 Gas Cost Recovery Charge Filing (filed 9/3/13)
4435 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increases to various Local and Regional Service Packages (filed 8/21/13)
4434 United Water Rhode Island Rate filing to collect additional revenues of $1,563,153 for support total COS of $5,233,419, or 42.59% (filed 8/13/13)
4433 Northfolk Lyons Falls, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Gouldtown Development (filed 8/13/13)
4432 Last Mile Solutions, Inc. Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Loca Exchange Carrier (filed 8/9/13)
4431 National Grid 2013 Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing (filed 8/1/13)
4430 Altus Power Funds RI I, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Comtram Cable Plant (filed 8/7/13)
4429 Transbeam, Inc. Application for authority to transact as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 8/7/13)
4428 CoxComm, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: CCI New England 500 kW (DC) Solar PV
4427 i-wireless, LLC Application as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to provide Lifeline to qualifying RI households (7/16/13)
4426 i-wireless, LLC Application for authority to transact as Class VI provider of telecommunications service (7/16/13)
4425 Town of New Shoreham Petition for Declaratory Jugment that the Town, its residents and business are eligible to receive funding for Renewable Energy projects located in the Twon of New Shoreham from the Renewable Energy Fund (7/9/13)
4424 Local Access LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competiive Local Exchange Carrier (7/3/13)
4423 Indeck Energy Services Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: PEMIGWAS-INDECK ALEXANDRIA (6/25/13)
4422 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase monthly rate of the Regional Essentials and Regional Value packages for residential customers (6/20/13)
4421 Mini-Watt Hydroelectric LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Orange #2 Hydroelectric (6/17/13)
4420 Conanicut Marine Services, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: CMS Solar (filed 6/7/13)
4419 Seneca Energy II, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Ontario LFGE
4418 Summit Hydropower, Inc., Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Wyre Wind Hydroelectric Project (filed 6/5/13)
4417 Kent County Water Authority Motion to Pass Through Water Wholesale Rate Increase (filed 6/4/13)
4416 Village of Barton Falls Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Barton Hydro (filed 6/3/13)
4415 Village of Enosburg Falls Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Enosburg Hydro
4414 ACP Land LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: ACP Solar I (filed 5/29/13)
4413 Swanton Village Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Highgate Falls (filed 5/29/13)
4412 National Grid Electric Filing to Amend Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Factor effective 7/1/13 (filed 5/15/13)
4411 National Grid Electric 2013 Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliation Filing (filed 5/15/13)
4410 Forbes Street Solar LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RER) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Forbes Street Solar LLC (filed 5/14/13)
4409 West Greenwich Solar, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: West Greenwich Solar (filed 5/8/13)
4408 Howard Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Howard Wind Farm (field 5/3/13)
4407 TNCI Operating Co., LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (4/18/13)
4406 Providence Water Supply Board Application to change rates to collect additional revenues of $14,621,793 or 24.3% over current authoirzed level (filed 3/29/13)
4405 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice Filng to Amend RIPUC NG-GAS No. 101 - Discontinuation of Service (filed 4/11/13)
4404 Commission Iniated Investigation pursuant to R.I.G.L. Sec. 39-26-6(d) to determine the adequacy or potential, of renewable energy supplies to meet the increase in the percentage requirement of energy from renewable energy resources in 2015
4403 Camelot Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Camelot Wind (filed 4/1/13)
4402 National Grid Gas Filing to Amend RIPUC NG-GAS No. 101 (Modification of General Terms & Conditions - Installation of Meters) to eliminate the requirement that residential customers with emergency back-up natural generator in excess of 12kW have seperate meters (filed 3/21/13)
4401 Narragansett Bay Commission Elimination of BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) Surcharge (filed 3/20/13)
4400 Great Bay Hydro Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Newport Hydro (filed 3/12/13)
4399 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw Operator Passthrough Service (filed 3/6/13)
4398 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw the Operator Services Busy Line Verification and Busy Line Interrupt Services (filed 3/6/13)
4397 National Grid Petition for approval of Energy Efficiency and Advanced Gas Technology Incentive package to install a 12.5 MW Combined Heat and Power System at Toray Plastics (America), Inc. facilities (filed 3/5/13)
4396 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement executed between Verizon and 365 Wierless, LLC (filed 3/5/13)
4395 North Hartland LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Hartland Bypass Flow Turbine (3/4/13)
4394 Verso Bucksport LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Verso Bucksport LLC - TG5 (2/28/13)
4393 National Grid Electric 2014 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2014 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan (3/1/13)
4392 Pascoag Utility District LED Street Tariff Advice Filing (filed 2/22/13)
4391 National Grid 2013 Electric Retail Rate Filing (filed 2/20/13)
4390 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather the Fix-Price Bundle Discount (filed 2/13/13)
4389 Conanicut Marine Services, Inc.
d/b/a Jamestown & Newport Ferry
Seasonal Tariff Filings for Ferry Service (Years 2013 to 2022)
4388 365 Wireless LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 2/1/13)
4387 Block Island Power Co. Reverse (Net) Metering Tariff Advice (filed 1/17/13)
4386 Birch Communications of the Northeast, Inc. Application for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (filed 1/14/13)
4385 Green Mountain Community Wind, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Green Mountain Community Wind (filed 1/9/13)
4384 WED NK GREEN, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: WED NK GREEN (filed 1/9/13)
4383 Total Call Mobile, Inc. Petition for Designation as an Elibible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 12/28/12)
4382 National Grid Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan for FY 2014 (filed 12/28/12)
4381 Zayo Group, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitie Local Exchange Carrier (filed 12/19/12)
4380 National Grid Gas Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan for FY 2014 (filed 12/28/12)
4379 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed rate increase to various residential local and regional service packages (filed 12/20/12)
4378 Green Mountain Power Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Kingdom Community Wind (filed 12/18/12)
4377 YMax Communications Corp. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 12/14/12)
4376 Narragansett Bay Commission Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Narragansett Bay Commission Field's Point WInd Turbine (filed 12/19/12)
4375 Blue Jay Wireless, LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (filed 12/6/12)
4374 Blue Jay Wireless, LLC Application for authority to operate as a Competitie Local Exchange Carrier (filed 12/6/12)
4373 Interstate Navigation Co. General Rate Filing to implement new traditional rates designed to collect additional revenues of $1,302,l177 or 13.19% (filed 11/28/12)
4372 Common Point LLC Application for Authority to Operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4371 National Grid Electric Proposed Revision to the Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery (LTCRER) Factor effective January 1, 2013 (filed 11/16/12)
4370 Swanton Village Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Highgate Falls Unit #5
4369 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation Tariff Filing (Standard Offer, Transition Charge and Transmission Charge)
4368 Pascoag Utiltiy District 2013 Demand Side Management Plan
4367 National Grid 2013 System Reliability Procurement Report
4366 National Grid 2013 Energy Efficiency Program Plan
4365 Ice House Partners, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Ice House Partners, Inc.
4364 Narragansett Bay Commission General Rate Application to collect additional revenues of $12,483,704 or 14.5% to support total revenue requirement of $98,568,187
4363 Noble Wind Operations, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Chateaugay Windpark, LLC
4362 Noble Wind Operations, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Wethersfield Windpark, LLC
4361 Noble Wind Operations, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Noble Altona Windpark, LLC
4360 RI Energy Faciltiy Siting Board Order designating the PUC to render an Advisory Opinion on need and cost-justification for Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter major energy facilities in Rhode Island, the "Interstate Reliability Project"
4359 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to make certain Toll-Free Services, Digital PBX Service and FlexGrow Service available to wholesale customers on an no-resale basis for a limited time
4358 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to increase the monthly rates for residential services
4357 Contoocook Hydro LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hopkinton Hydro Project
4356 National Grid Petition for Review Pursuant to RIGL §39-1-30 Regarding Amended Ordinance Adopted by the Town of West Warwick
4355 Newport Water Division Application to Change Rates Based on Cost of Service Study which reflects the Second Phase of Multi-Year Rate Plan to collect additional Debt Service Revenue Requirement of approximately $1,986,710 or 15.5%
4354 Cox RI Telcom Waiver Request for Number Block Release
4353 Verizon Rhode Island Extended and Restated Agreement between Verizon RI and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC & Brooks Fiber Communications RI and Amendment No. 1
4352 Narragansett Bay Commission Debt Service Compliance Rate Filing to collect additional revenue of $5,877,586 or 7.09% for debt service requirements to support total revenue requirement of $88,766,913
4351 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update the Lifeline discount pursuant to FCC Order No. 12-11 (Lifeline Reform Order)
4350 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to modify the eligibility criteria for the Regional Essentials Voice Discount
4349 Ipswich Municipal Light Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Ipswich Wind Turbine
4348 Exeter Agri-Energy Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Exeter Agri-Energy
4347 Verizon Rhode Island Administrative filing to correct omission of language in the Regional Essentials section of the tariff that clarifies the grandfathering of certain VAS services
4346 National Grid Gas 2012 Annual Gas Cost Recovery Reconciliation Filing
4345 CH4 Biogas LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Synergy Biogas LLC
4344 AT&T Corporation Petition for Investigation Regarding YMax Communication’s Tariff Filing dated May 31, 2012 to implement revisions pursuant to FCC’s Order (issued November 18, 2011) Regarding the Treatment of Toll VoIP-PSTN Traffic
4343 National Grid Electric Correction to Back-up Service Retail Delivery Service Rates B-32 and B-62
4342 National Grid Electric & Gas Tariff Advice Filing to Amend 1) Terms & Conditons for Distribution Service, RIPUC No. 2072 and to Amend 2) Terms & Conditions, R.I.P.U.C. NG-Gas No. 101, Section 1M, Schedule A
4341 Pascoag Utility District Application for approval of revised rates designed to generate additional revenues of $584,145 or 7.53% over current revenues
4340 Covanta Maine LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Covanta West Enfield
4339 National Grid Gas 2012 Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge ("DAC") Filing
4338 National Grid Electric Tariff Advice Filing to Amend R.I.P.U.C. No. 2081, Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Provision
4337 Commission Rules and Regulations Governing the Certification and Verification Procedures for Telecommunications Carriers Eligible to Receive Payments From the Federal Universal Service Fund
4336 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase Regional Essentials and Regional Value Services by $5.00 per month
4335 Sandywoods Home, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Sandy Woods Farm 275 kW Vergnet Turbine
4334 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement the intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic, as modified by the FCC's Second Reconsideration Order
4333 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice to revise the On-System Margin Credits Tariff Provisions of the Distribution Adjustment Clause (DAC)
4332 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement the FCC's Step 1 Transitional Intrastate Access Service rate reduction pursuant to FCC's Order
4331 Black Bear Development Holdings Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Black Bear Orono B Hydroelectric Project
4330 ANPI, LLC Application for Authority to Operate as a Class VI Telecommunication Service Provider
4329 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed changes to the Lifeline and Link-up Programs as required by FCC Order
4328 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather several services for residential purchase as part of a Verizon-wide initiative to streamline the Company's product offerings
4327 National Grid Electric Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) Reconciliaton Filing for Year Ending March 31, 2012
4326 AT&T Corporation Request for Waiver of NANPA's Deneal of Request for 200 Numbers
4325 Granite Reliable Wind Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Granite Reliable Wind Project
4324 Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Berkshire Wind Power Project
4323 National Grid Application for Approval to Change Electric and Gas Distribution Rates
4322 Record Hill Wind LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Record Hill Wind LLC
4321 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to Introduce the Residential Subdivision Extension Policy
4320 Woonsocket Water Division Request to change rates to collect additional revenues of approximately $813,326 or 10.86% to support total operating revenue requirement of $8,301,954
4319 National Grid Electric Review of Power Purchase Agreement for the potential purchase of renewable power from Black Bear Development Holdings, LLC
4318 National Grid Gas Long-Range Gas Supply Paln for the forecast period 2011/12 to 2015/16
4317 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to eliminate the residential Directory Assistance Monthly Allowance of one (1) call per monthly billing period
4316 National Grid Electric Revised Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects
4315 National Grid Electric 2013 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2013 Renewable Energy Resource Procurement Plan
4314 National Grid Electric 2012 Electric Retail Rate Filing
4313 Q Link Wireless LLC Application for authority to operate as Class VI telecommunications service provider
4312 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increase to residential services
4311 SREC Generating Co., Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Steuben Landfill
4310 Liberty Bell Telecom LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4309 Woonsocket Water Division Fire Protection Service Charge Tariff Advice Filing
4308 National Grid - Electric Tariff Advice Filing for Approval of Long-Term Contracting for Renewable Energy Recovery Provision and Amend RIPUC No. 2036, Transmission Service Cost Adjustment Provision
4307 National Grid - Electric FY 2013 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan
4306 National Grid - Gas FY 2013 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan
4305 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to collect additional revenues of $1,763,306 or 2.17% for debt service requirements
4304 CapeNet LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4303 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Bath Electric Hydro
4302 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to clarify remainder of tariffs following the withdrawal of the Company's business services from RI PUC No. 15
4301 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic that was mandated by the FCC
4300 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Fire Protection Service Charge Tariff Advice Filing
4299 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw Collect and Bill to an Third Number Mechanized Service
4298 Pascoag Utility District 2012 Annual Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Adjustment Factor and Transmission Adjustment Factor
4297 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Program for 2012
4296 Natonal Grid System Reliability Plan Report for 2012
4295 National Grid Energy Efficiency Program Plan for 2012
4294 Budget PrePay, Inc. Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in RI
4293 Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in RI
4292 Essential Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Putts Bridge Project
4291 Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and a Group of Wireless Providers Petition for Modification of Tariff of Global Tel*Link Corporation
4290 RI Office of Energy Resources LIHEAP Enhancement Plan Rates Pursuant Henry Shelton Act
4289 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw the Talking Call Waiting ancillary feature
(for Year 2014)
RI Distributed Generation Standard Contract Board Report and Recommendation Regarding Classes and Ceiling Prices for 2014 submitted pursuant to "The Distributed Generation Standard Contracts Act"
(for Year 2013)
RI Office of Energy Resources Report and Recommendation Regarding Classes and Ceiling Prices for 2013 submitted pursuant to "The Distributed Generation Standard Contracts Act"
(for Year 2012)
RI Office of Energy Resources Report and Recommendation Regarding Classes and Ceiling Prices for 2012 submitted pursuant to "The Distributed Generation Standard Contracts Act"
4287 Providence Water Supply Board Tariff Filing to implement a New Fire Protection Service Charge applicable to all customers who reside in the City of Providence
4286 Vermont Wind LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Sheffield Wind Plant
4285 Toray Plastics (America) Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Toray Solar #1
4284 National Grid 2012 - 2014 Energy Efficiency Program Plans and System Reliabilty Annual Reports for Electric and Gas
4283 National Grid (Gas) 2011 Annual Gas Cost Recovery Filing
4282 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather Enhanced FlexGrow Service
4281 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and WiMacTel, Inc.
4280 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection agreement between Verizon RI and Magellan Hill Technologies, LLC
4279 True Wireless LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in RI
4278 True Wireless LLC Application for authority to transact as Class VI Telecommunication Service Provider
for Year 2014)
National Grid Electric Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules for 2014
(for Year 2013)
National Grid Electric Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules for 2013
(for year 2012)
National Grid Electric Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules for 2012
4276 National Grid Electric Tariff advice filing to amend Standards for Connection Distributed Generation R.I.P.U.C. No. 2007
4275 Essential Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Red Bridge Project
4274 First Wind O&M LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Stetson II Wind Farm
4273 First Wind O&M LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation: Stetson Wind Farm
4272 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw sections of PUC RI No. 15 concerning the Large System-Specific Pricing Plan and Customer Specific Pricing Contracts
4271 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice Filing to Amend R.I.P.U.C. NG-GAS No. 101 to (Modify/Eliminate) Natural Gas Vehicle Serice (Rate 70)
4270 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice Filing Regarding Terms & Conditions for Gas Marketers and the calculation of Gas Cost Recovery rates (R.I.P.U.C. NG-GAS No. 101, Sections 2, 5, and 6)
4269 National Grid Gas 2011 Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
4268 National Grid Electric Tariff Advice Filing for Approval of Net Metering Provision and to Amend R.I.P.U.C. No. 2035, QF Power Purchase Rate
4267 Virgin Mobile, USA, LP Application for authority as a Class VI Telecommunication Provider
4266 Nexus Communications, Inc. Application for authority as a Class VI Telecommunication Provider
4265 National Grid Review of Power Purchase Agreement with Orbit Energy Rhode Island LLC Pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-26.1 et seq
4264 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection agreement between Verizon RI and Halo Wireless Services, Inc.
4263 Northern Waterfront L.P. Petition to Establish and Improve Railroad Crossings on the Newport Secondary Line in Portsmouth .
4262 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to waive the monthly rate and the reconnection charge for Temporary Suspension of Serivce when a customer's account includes Regional Essentials bundle with a FiOS product
4261 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase Business Measured 1-Party Service from $22.95 to $23.95
4260 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for Digital Centrex Plus Service
4259 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff fiing to grandather Central Office Local Area Network Service
4258 Littleville Power Company Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Glendale Hydropower
4257 Littleville Power Company Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Crescent Hydropower
4256 Cox RI Telcom LLC Waiver Request For Number Block Release
4255 United Water Rhode Island Rate application to collect additional operating revenue of $1,218,702 to support a total cost of service of $4,077,004
4254 Aquidneck Ferry & Charter, Inc. Ship Tender Service Tariff Filing
4253 Aquidneck Ferry & Charter, Inc. Application for approval of 2011 seasonal ferry service tariff
4252 National Grid Electric Tariff Advice Filing to Amend R.I.P.U.C. No. 2072 to add Section 33, Billing Termination ("Soff-Off") to its Terms and Conditions
4251 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice Filing to Amend R.I.P.U.C. NG-Gas No. 101 to add Section 3.1, Billing Termination ("Soff-Off") to its Terms and Conditions
4250 Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in RI
4249 YourTel America, Inc. Application for authority as a Class VI Telecommunication Provider
4248 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make administrative changers to tariff
4247 Jamestown & Newport Ferry Tariff filing for 2011Summer Season
4246 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to eliminate the minimum requirement of two lines for Digital Centrex Plus Service
4245 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify the monthly discount associated with the Regional Essentials FiOS Bundle Discount II for new subscribers to the bundle
4244 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement business rate increases
4243 Newport Water Division Multi-year rate plan application to collect total operating revenue requirement of $15,038,048 over four years
4242 RNK Telecom Complaint Regarding the Unlawful Refusal of Verizon RI to Pay Reciprocal Compensation Charges and Switched Access Charges and Verizon's Breach of Contract by Resorting to Unilateral Self-Help
4241 Cintex Wireless, Inc. Application for authority to transact as a Class VI provider of telecommunications service
4240 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to allow for the application of a surcharge to recover the Gross Reciepts Tax imposed on the Company
4239 YourTel America, Inc. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for Low Income Support
4238 Nexus Communications, Inc. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for Low Income Support
4237 Commission I) Investigation Relating to Stray and Contact Voltage, and II) National Grid's Contact Voltage Filing and Compliance Reports
4236 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement and Amendment between Verizon RI and Amecial Dial Tone, Inc.
4235 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to allow customers to use certain Business packages/bundles with unlimited calling for incidental facsimile use
4234 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to introduce Regional Essentials Bundle Discount II
4233 Verizon Rhode Island Solutions for Business Bundle Additional Bundle Line - Plus or the Additional Bundle Line - Unlimited lines when the total lines in the bundle equal four or more
4232 National Grid Electric Petition For Review of the Use of Backup Rates
4231 Verizon RI Proposed rate increases to selected Private Line and Data Services
4230 Narragansettt Bay Commission Tariff Advice Related to Residential Well Customers
4229 Peerless Network of RI LLC Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4228 GC Pivotal, LLC Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4227 National Grid Electric Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan for 2012 and Renewable Energy Supply (RES) Procurement Plan for 2012
4226 National Grid Electric 2011 Annual Retail Rate and Reconciliation Filing and 2011 Renewable Energy Standard Charge Reconciliation Filing
4225 Windstream NuVox Inc Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exhchange Carrier
4224 Cintex Wireless, LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in RI
4223 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to proposed several changes to the Solutions for Business Bundle Package
4222 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to proposed several changes to the Solutions for Business Bundle Package
4221 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and Cincinnati Bell Any Distance, Inc.
4220 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and Intrado Communications, Inc.
4219 National Grid Gas Proposed Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability Plan (ISR) for FY 2012 submitted pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-1-27.7.1
4218 National Grid Electric Proposed Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability Plan (ISR) for FY 2012 submitted pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-1-27.7.1
4217 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather ISDN Primary Service 2- and 3-year Term & Volume Pricing Plans
4216 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to introduce Business Direct Bill Credit
4215 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed increase to monthly rates for business packages
4214 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to collect additional revenues of $2,521,655 or 3.21% for debt service requirements
4213 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw the Auto-Attendant Redirecting feature of CUSTOM REDIRECT Service
4212 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify the Verizon Client Advantage Program for Regulated Services
4211 Pascoag Utility District Annual Retail Rate Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge
4210 WiMacTel, Inc. Application for authority a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4209 National Grid Energy Efficiency Program Plan for 2011
4208 Pascoag Utility District 2011 Demand Side Management Programs
4207 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to eliminate the minimum requirement of two lines for Centrex Plus
4206 National Grid Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Proposal for Electric and Gas
4205 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to collect additional operating revenues of $6,544,525 or 8.86%
4204 Canandaigua Power Partners LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cohocton & Dutch Hill Wind Farm
4203 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify the Business Link Rewards Plan by specifying that the plan is available only to small and medium business customers
4202 RI Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC) Electric and Natural Gas Least Cost Procurement Efficiency Savings Targets for Years 2012 - 2014 in Compliance with R.I.G.L. §39-1-27.7
4201 RI LFG Genco Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Rhode Island LFG Genco
4200 National Grid Electric Tariff Filing to Amend Terms and Conditions for Distribution Service
4199 National Grid Gas 2010 Gas Charge Recovery Filing
4198 Brookfield Renewable Power, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Brassua Project
4197 Brookfield Renewable Power, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hydro Kennebec Project
4196 National Grid Gas 2010 Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
4195 Providence Water Supply Board Petition Pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking relief from Ordinance adopted by the Providence City Council that would require the Council to approve contracts entered into by the Providence Water Supply Board
4194 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to expand the Bundle Discount associated with Regional Value to customers who subscribe to a long distance calling plan
4193 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce a month-to-month option and a two-year term commitment to the Solutions for Business Bundle
4192 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed rate increase to Residential Services
4191 Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4190 Somerset Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Casella Waste System for Generation Unit Somerset Station Unit 6
4189 FPL Energy Maine Hydor Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit Aziscohos Project (FERC No. 4026)
4188 TracFone Wireless LLC Application for authority to operate as a Class IV Telecommunications Service Provider in RI
4187 Crexendo Business Solutions, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4186 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to extend the Bundle Discount for Regional Essentials to customers who subscribe to Verizon's Online Broadband Speed of Up to 1.5 Mbps
4185 National Grid Review of Amended Purchase Power Purchase Agreement Between Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid and Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC Pursuant to R.I.G.L § 39-26.1-7
4184 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to remove the grandfathering of the Single Line Business PAK for Business
4183 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement with Triarch Marketing, Inc.
4182 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to grandfather the Solutions for Business Bundle
4181 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to change Business Link Rewards Plan
4180 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to withdraw post-paid calling card produce (Local Exchange Calling Card)
4179 Commission Investigation into whether there is a public need to construct a transmission line between Block Island and the mainland RI
4178 TDS Long Distance Corporation Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4177 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement with LifeConnex Telecom, Inc.
4176 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement with Knology Provider Solutions Group, Inc.
4175 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce the Solutions for Business Bundle, optional business package that includes Business Exchange Service line or CustoPak Line calling features & services bundled w/ long distance calling and broadband internet service
4174 Aquidneck Ferry & Charter LLC Ship tender service tariff filing
4173 Pascoag Utility District Net Metering Program Tariff Advice
4172 Coin Phone Management Co. Application for authority to operate as a Public Payphone Service Provider
4171 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Rate application to collect additional revenues of $2,611,923 or 15.6%
4170 Pascoag Utility District Surge Suppressor Program Tariff Advice
4169 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to increase rates for Unlimited Local Usage for Business and Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business Service Package
4168 NextGen Communications Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4167 PAETEC Communications, Inc. Request for Waiver of NeuStar's Denial of PAETEC''s Request for 1,000 Numbers to Serve a Large Customer
4166 Littleville Power Company Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Casella Waste System for Generation Unit: Glendale
4165 Littleville Power Company Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Casella Waste System for Generation Unit: Crescent
4163 Knology Provider Solutions Group Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4162 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff filing to Expand Definition of Industrial User to Include Industrial Laundries
4161 Triarch Marketing, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4160 Commission Access to Public Records Regulations
4159 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to withdraw Centrex Call Management (CCM) Service
4158 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce a Feature Package for customers who subscribe to Regional Essentials and a Verizon long distance calling plan
4157 tw telecom data services llc Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4156 Bellerud Communications, LLC Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4155 Oldport Marine Services Tariff Filings for Seasonal Ferry Service
4154 AT&T Corporation Request for a Waiver of NANPA's decision denying AT&T's Request for 1000 Numbers to Serve N. Kingtwon rate center
4153 TracFone Wireless Inc. Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of RI for the Limited Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service to Qualified Households
4152 Insterstate Navigation Co. Application for authority to change fast ferry rates and services
4151 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to collect additional revenues of $2,111,330 or 2.74% for debt service requirements
4150 National Grid Electric Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects Pursuant to R.I.G.L. Section 39-26.1 et seq.
4149 National Grid Electric 2011 Standard Offer Service Procurement Plan and 2011 Renewable Energy Standard Procurement Plan
4148 LifeConnex Telecom LLC Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4147 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed rate increase to selected Private Line and Data Services
4146 American Dial Tone Inc. Application for authority to operate a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4145 Verizon Rhode Island WITHDRAWN - Filing to delete tariff language that specifies that Verizon RI will bill the E-911 surcharge to reseller who provide service within Rhode Island
4144 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to expand the Voice Discount associated with Regional Value
4143 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to expand the Voice Discount Associated with Regional Value and Regional Essentials
4142 Kent County Water Authority Kent County Water Authority ("KCWA") - Rate application to implement new rates designed to collect additional revenues in the amount of $1,460,031
4141 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to proposed tariff language that clarifies the qualifying criteria for the Fixed-Price Bundle Discount associated with Regional Value
4140 National Grid 2010 Annual Reconciliation Retail Rate Filing
4139 Commission Rules and Regulations Governing the Review of a Utility Scale Offshore Wind Project as Described in R.I.G.L. § 39-26.1-8
4138 Innovative Energy Systems, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Chautauqua LFGE
4137 Pascoag Utility District Tariff Advice Filing to Modify the Public and Private Lighting Rate
4136 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce FIOS Bundle Discount II to allow customers to receive a monthly discount on Regional Essentials when customer subscribes to an unlimited long distance calling plan in addition to either or both FiOS TV and FiOS Internet
4135 Block Island Power Co. Request for a $0.01 per kWh Summer Only Surcharge as a Fully Reconciling Rate Adjustment Pursuant to RIGL 39-26.1-7
4134 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to modify tariff language associated with the Service Establishment Charge for customers with term commitments for Centrex Plus and Centrex Plus with Assume Dial 9
4133 Conservation Services Group Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Fulton LFGE
4132 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase the monthly rate of optional features associated with Unlimited Local and Toll Usage Package for Business
4131 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather the Verizon Client Advantage Program for Regulated Services
4130 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Program for 2010
4129 Pascoag Utility District Reconciliation of the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transmission Rate and Transition Rate Adjustment Filing
4128 Newport Water Division Cost of Service Study and Rate Design
4127 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Harris Energy
4126 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Beebe Holbrook
4125 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Riverside 4-7
4124 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Boatlock
4123 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Valley Hydro
4122 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Valley Hydro
4121 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Riverside 8
4120 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Chemical
4119 Holyoke Gas & Electric Dept. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: HG&E Hydro/Cabot 1-4
4118 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed changes to the application of termination liability associated with FLEXPATH services
4117 IntelePeer, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4116 National Grid Energy Efficiency Programs for 2010
4115 Save the Bay, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bay Center 20KW Solar Array
4114 Commission Initiated Rules Governing the Termination of Residential Water Utility Service
4113 Commission Initiated Rate Structure Review of Water Utilities
4112 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and iNetworks Group, Inc.
4111 National Grid Review of Proposed Town of New Shoreham Project Pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-26.1-7
4110 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase the monthly rate for Regional Value Service
4109 Washington Electric Cooperative Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Coventry Landfill Gas to Energy Project (Unit #5)
4108 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and Entelegent Solutions, Inc.
4107 Thundermist Hydropower LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Thundermist Hydropower
4106 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and Cox TMI Wireless, LLC d/b/a Cox Wireless
4105 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and BLC Management, LLC d/b/a Angles Communications Solutions
4104 Seaman Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Seaman Energy LLC
4103 Conservation Services Group Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: RI Solar
4102 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to change tariff language associated with Service Establishment Charges for customers with term commitments for Centrex Plus and Centrex Plus with Assume Dial 9
4101 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to clarify tariff language associated with customer deposits
4100 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make changes to the Verizon Client Advantage Program (VCAP-R)
4099 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make changes to the application of termination liability associated with Corporate Rewards and Enhanced FlexGrow services
4098 Commission Rulemaking to promulgate new Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric and Natural Gas Service
4097 National Grid Gas Annual Gas Cost Recovery Filing
4096 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Androscoggin #3
4095 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Brunswick
4094 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Gulf Island
4093 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bar Mills
4092 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Williams
4091 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Weston
4090 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: West Buxton
4089 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Skelton
4088 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Shawmut
4087 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: North Gorham
4086 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Hiram
4085 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Cataract
4084 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Monty
4083 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Deer Rips
4082 FPL Energy Maine Hydro, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Bonny Eagle
4081 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce combination of products to the Bundle Discount Plans associated with Regional Essentials and Regional Value service
4080 Providence Water Suppy Board Tariff advice filing to implement a volume surcharge of $0.06 per HCF and Fire Protection service charge applicable to only to City of Providence ratepayers as a result of new law that prohibits Providence Water from charging hydrant rental fees to the City of Providence
4079 National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 2010-A Qualifying Facilities Purchase Power Rate
4078 Mark Richey Woodworking Wind
Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Mark Richey Woodworking Wind Farm Unit #1
4077 National Grid Gas 2009 Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
4076 National Grid Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review of Ordinance adopted by the Town of Hopkinton which prohibits the Company from construction a substation on or adjacent to existing transmission line right-of-way
4075 National Grid Smart Grid Pilot Program Proposal
4074 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a Fixed-Price Bundle Discount associated with Regional Value
4073 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed changes to the application of termination liability associated with Large System-Specific Pricing Plans (LSSP)
4072 WM Renewable Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Rochester Landfill (Turnkey 2)
4071 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to waive the non-recurring charges (Service and Equipment Charges) associated w/ the installation of business lines and PBX trunks for customers who subscribe to two- or three-ear service agreement for Corporate Rewards
4070 Providence Water Supply Board Conservation Rate Structure Filing
4069 Commission Initiated Rules and Regulations Governing a Long-Term Contracting Standard for Renewable Energy
4068 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed rate increases to Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Service
4067 Kent County Water Authority Motion to Pass Through Wholesale Rate Increase
4066 Nextmarine LLC Application to amend tariff for RIPTA-sponsored ferry transportation service
4065 National Grid Electric Application to change electric distribution rates and collect additional revenues of approximately $75.3 million
4064 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce the Single Line Business PAK for Business
4063 Veriozn Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increases to the surcharge applied to call for which the customer requests that the operator dial the call
4062 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to expand the FIOS Bundle Discount by providing a monthly discount for customers agreeing to a 6-month commitment
4061 Providence Water Supply Board Rate application to collect additional revenues of $5,569,425 or 9.79%
4060 Commission Initiated Review of Commission's Rules Regarding Telephone Collection Procedures
4059 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement changes to the Regional Essentials and Regional Value Service Packages
4058 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increase to residential services
4057 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement rate increase to Enhanced FlexGrow Feature
4056 National Grid Gas Tariff Advice to Amend RIPUC NG-Gas No. 101 to Eliminate Non-Firm sales Service and Update Transportation Service Agreement
4055 Renewable Energy Supplier/Obligated Entities Annual Compliance Filings submitted pursuant to Section 7.5 of the Renewable Energy Standard Rules
4054 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to modify tariff language associated with the Unlimited Local Usage for Business, Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business, Unlimited Dial tone line packages for Business and Unlimited CustoPAK packages for Business packages
4053 Interstate Navigation Co. Request to establish rates to provide traditional ferry service between Point Judith and Newport
4052 Commission Initiated Consideration of Smart Grid Investments Pursuant to Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
4051 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase monthly rates of Residence service packages
4050 Commission Initated Investigation pursuant to R.I.G.L. Sec. 39-26-6(d) into the adequacy of renewable energy supplies (RES) to meet percentage requirement of energy from RES in 2011
4049 BLC Management, LLC Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunication Carrier
4048 Entelegent Solutions, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4047 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to update language associated with Centrex Services to comply with FCC mandate
4046 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase the monthly rate to the three tiers of the Corporate Rewards Volume Discount Plan
4045 Green Mountain Power Corporation Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Vergennes
4044 WM Renewable Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Madison County
4043 WM Renewable Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Crossroads
4042 Clariant Corporation Petition for Transfer from National Grid Electric Rate G-62 to Rate-32
4041 National Grid Electric Standard Offer Portfolio Procurement Plan for 2010 and Renewable Energy Supply Procurement Plan for 2010
4040 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates to selected Private Line and Data Services
4039 Broadvox-CLEC, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4038 National Grid Gas Natural Gas Portfolio Management Plan
4037 WM Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: Fitchburg
4036 National Grid Petition for an Order permitting the exercise of the right of eminent domain - Cottrell
4035 ATC Outdoor DAS, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
4034 National Grid Gas Accelerated Replacement Program Filing
4033 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce new optional features to Enhance Dedicated SONET Service
4032 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce the ISDN PRI Term and Volume II Package Plan which bundles term options for ISDN PRI with popular features as a discounted price
4031 Narragansett Bay Commission Revision to Terms & Conditions to clarify the billing for Commercial & Industrial account with compound (two-dial) meters
4030 Verizon Rhode island Tariff filing to implement business rate increases
4029 Energy Facility Siting Board Order seeking an Advisory Opinion regarding the need and cost justification of National Grid's proposed RI Reliability Project which application is pending before the Siting Board
4028 National Grid Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review & nullification of ordinance enacted by City of Providence prohibiting National Grid from installing exterior meters, metering equipment & regulators on residential structures
4027 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a new feature for Directory Assistance Service
4026 Narraganset Bay Commission Rate application to increase revenues by in the amount of $8,990,368 or 12.89%, to support a total operating revenue requirement of $78,751,850
4025 Newport Water Division Rate application to increase revenues in the amount of $3,353,023 or 35.6% to support a total operating revenue requirement in the amount $12,754,756
4024 National Grid Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review and nullification of the Town of Bristol denial of requested permit to install new gas service
4023 MM Albany Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: MM Albany Energy
4022 Providence Water Supply Board Request for Approval to use a $5 million property tax refund from Scituate to establish a Watershed Protection Restricted Fund
4021 Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4020 Cox RI Telcom LLC Petition for Adoption of the FCC's Lifeline Certification & Verification Procedures for Eligible Telecommunications Companies
4019 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to clarify Voice Discount language to the Regional Essential Services
4018 NextG Networks of NY, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4017 Fortistar LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: GRS-Randolph Facility
4016 Fortistar LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: GRS-Fall River
4015 Fortistar LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: GRS-East Bridgewater
4014 Industrial Power Services Corp. Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: Granby LFG
4013 Verizon Rhode Island Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of Verizon RI's Request for 3000 Number to Serve Johnston Customer
4012 National Grid Electric 2009 Renewable Energy Procurement Plan
4011 National Grid Electric 2009 Electric Retail Rate Filing (Annual reconcilition of the Standard Offer rate, Transmission Service Cost Adjustment and Non-bypassable Transition Charge Adjustment Provisions)
4010 National Grid Petition Pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking relief from the City of Cranston imposition of curb-to-curb repaving requirements
4009 Lempster Wind LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: Lempster Wind
4008 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a new higher speed, 10 Gigabits per Second to Transparent LAN Service Premier Access Lines
4007 National Grid Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review of a sunset provision contained in an amendment to §220-4 of the Code of the Town of Lincoln, outlining different repaving obligations depending on the nature of the excavation project
4006 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation Tariff Filing of Standard Offer Rate, Transition Charge and Transmission Charge
4005 Pascoag Utility District 2009 Demand Side Management Program
4004 Town of Portsmouth Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: A-1500 Wind Turbine Generator
4003 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to eliminate the call allowance associated with Directory Assistance Service for residential customers
4002 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to propose certain rate increases to Frame Relay Service and Asynchronous Transfer Mode Cell Relay Services
4001 Pine Tree Landfill Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pne Tree Landfill
4000 National Grid - Electric Energy Efficiency Programs Plans for the 2009 Demand Side Management Programs
3999 National Grid - Electric Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 2006, Qualifying Facilities Power Purchase Rate to implement amended provisions of R.I.G.L. Sections 39-26-2 and 39-26-2(g)-(k)
3998 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw Information Delivery Service
3997 WM Renewable Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources Certification Application for Generation Unit: High Acres
3996 BLC Management LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3995 Golden Pond Hydro LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Golden Pond Hydro
3994 University of New Hampshire Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: UNH Power Plant
3993 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/a Verizon RI and Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc.
3992 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnetion Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/'a Verizon RI and McGraw Communications, Inc.
3991 National Grid Gas Petition for Review Pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 for review of City of Newport's ordinance requiring curb-to-curb paving of any street that is excavated for installation of utility facilities within 5 years of any construction, resurfacing or sealing of the street
3990 Verizon Rhode Island Proposal to introduce a new feature for Directory Assistance Service
3989 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to propose changes the Bundle Discounts for Regional Essentials and Regional Value
3988 Quarry Energy Project Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Quarry Energy Project
3987 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to amend the One-time Bill Credit offer of $5.00 by expanding it to include residential customers who may be reconnecting dial tone service at their exsitng location
3986 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to eliminate the additional line option as a qualifier for the Regional Essentials Voice Discount Plan
3985 McGraw Communications, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3984 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw CallMAx Service
3983 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed discount rate for the regional essentials 12-month FiOS Bundle Discount for new subscribers to FiOS Internet (packages of less than 50M download speed)
3982 National Grid Gas Annual Gas Cost Recovery Charge Filing
3981 Veriozn Rhode Island Proposed changes to the renewal of Corporate Rewards Service Agreements
3980 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to discontinue the FiOS Bundle Discount for customers subscribing to regional Essential as part of the a 24-month term commitment
3979 Conservation Services Group Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Indeck Energy Services for Generation Unit: Indeck Alexandria Energy Center
3978 National Grid Gas Petition for Review Pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking relief from the City of Newport's recent action to impose unreasonable repaving requirements
3977 National Grid Gas Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
3976 Commission Amendment to termination rules to change the language to "infant protection" as encated by legislation
3975 The George Wiley Center Petition to amend termination rules, specifically, amendment to allow consumers the ability to make a 10% down payment to restore and/or avoid termination of utility service.
3974 Cox RI Telcom Request for a Waiver of a denial by NANPA to Cox's request for additional numbers to provide service to a Cox's customer GTECH
3973 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to amend the Voice Discount for Regional Essentials and Regional Value
3972 Interstate Navigation Co. Tariff filing to change the Fast Ferry Rates and Terms & Conditions that apply to children under 3 years of age
3971 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement and Amendment No. 1 between Verizon RI and Vista PCS, LLC
3970 Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. Application registration for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3969 National Grid Electric Fuel Adjustment Factor Tariff
3968 National Grid Electric Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking relief from the City of Newport recent action to assess additional administrative fee on all permits for excavation work
3967 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce a waiver of non-recurring charges associated with installation of a network access line when the customer subscribes to the 24-month Commitment for Business Measured Exchange Service
3966 Union Energy Corporation Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Attleboro Landfill - QF
3965 Light Tower Fiber LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3964 Verizon Rhode Isalnd Introduction of PRI Plus 20K, a 2- or 3-year term offering that bundles ISDN PRI with20,000- minutes of local usage; and to reduce rates for the Callig Line Identification with Name feature for ISDN PRI Plus subscribers
3963 Pontiac Energy Corporation Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Pontiac Energy QF
3962 Town of Johnston Request for declaratory ruling to exempt the Town of Johnston Water Department as a regulated public utility
3961 National Grid Gas Cost of Gas Recovery Charge Filing
3960 National Grid Electric Standard Offer Rate Adjustment Filing
3959 National Grid Electric Petition and Request for Expedited Review for approval of Settlement Agreement in connection with litigation pending in TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd v. The Narragansett Electric Co.
3958 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to remove the one-time bill credit in the amount of $25.00 that is offered to residence customers who are disconnecting Verizon service and agree to retain the service or are switching to Verizon from another local service provider
3957 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce a waiver for the applicable ILP PIC NRC associated with the business end user's selection of Verizon Telephone Company for intra-LATA toll service
3956 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce a late payment charge for residential customers
3955 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase Returned Check charge from $15.00 to $25.00 for all customers
3954 Momentum Telecom, Inc. Application registration for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3953 Jamestown & Newport Ferry Tariff filing to amend seasonal rates for ferry transportation the 2008 season
3952 Pascoag Utility District Filing to introduce new Seasonal Rate for Large Commercial and Industrial Customers, R.I.P.U.C. No. 501
3951 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase the monthly rate for CustoPAK line purchased on a month-to-month basis from $27.00 to $29.00
3950 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase rates for optional residential calling features
3949 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase rates to the optional feature packages available to subscribers to the Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business optional calling plan
3948 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather Protection Equipment for Service to Power Stations
3947 Innovative Energy Systems, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Casella Waste System for Generation Unit: Clinton LFGE Unit
3946 Conservation Group Services, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application on behalf of Casella Waste System for Generation Unit: Hyland
3945 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Rate application to implement new rates designed to collect additional revenues of $3,109,387 or 17.4%
3944 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to limit the availability of the Buisness Link Rewards Plan to customers whose total monthly billing does not exceed $20,000
3943 National Grid - Gas Rate application to collect additional revenues of $20.4 million or 4.6%
3942 Kent County Water Authority Rate application to implement new rates to collect additional revenues in the amount of $5,464,566 or 35%
3941 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to implement changes to the Regional Essentials Bundle Discount and the Regional Essentials FiOS Bundle Discount
3940 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to implement rate increase to the various monthly residence local and regional packages
3939 Verizon Rhode Island Request for waiver of NANPA's denial of Verizon RI's request for a new NXX code for the purpose of obtaining a Location Routing Number to support activation of new switching equipment in Providence
3938 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to propose rate increase for Unlimited Local Usage for Business and Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business optional calling plans
3937 Putnam Hydropower LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Putnam Hydropower
3936 Block Island Housing Board Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-2-15.1 for the temporary removal of utility lines to facilitate the moving of a house to be used as affordable housing
3935 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce renewal discounts to customer currently receiving the Voice Discount
3934 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a One-Time Bill Credit in the amount of $25.00 or $50.00 to qualifying residential customers who meet certain criteria
3933 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/a/ Verizon RI and Neutral Tandem-Rhode Island, LLC
3932 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, Inc. d/b/a/ Verizon RI and CLEC, LLC
3931 Energy Resource Management Council Proposed Standards for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Procurement and System Reliability
3930 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to implement a rate increase to the Enhanced FlexGrow Service option
3929 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to implement rate increase for selected Private Line and Data Services
3928 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff advice to add Uniform Septage Disposal Fee to comply with legislative mandate RIGL 46-12.11-4
3927 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England, InC. d/b/a Verizon RI and MetroPCS Massachusetts LLC
3926 New England Fast Ferry, LLC Tariff filing to amend RIPTA-Sponsored ferry transportation seasonal rates between Providence and Newport for the 2008 Season
3925 WM Renewable Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Mill Seat Landfill
3924 WM Renewable Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Chaffee Landfill
3923 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff to grandfather Information Delivery Services
3922 CTC Communications d/b/a One Communicatons Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of One's Communications Request for 300 DID Number Block
3921 Block Island Power Co. Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 to appeal a decision of and the issuance of a Zoning Certificate to BIPCO by the Town of New Shoreham Building Inspector
3920 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to clarify tariff language associated with two items in the existing ISDN PRI Portion of the tariff: Remote/Host Switching Clusters and ISDN PRI Anywhere
3919 Pepperel Hydro Co. LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Pepperel Hydro
3918 Woronoco Hydro LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Woronock Hydro
3917 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce the Voice Discount for Regional Essentials and Regional Value
3916 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce additional Regional Essentials FiOS Bundle Discount rates
3915 Central Vermont Public Service Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Middlebury Composite Hydro
3914 Central Vermont Public Service Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: North Rutland Composite Hydro
3913 Central Vermont Public Service Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Lower Lamoille Composite Hydro
3912 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to grandfather the ISDN-BRI D-Channel Packet Switch Service features
3911 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to make an administrative change to amend the tariff language associated with Caller ID features to reflect the expanding technological opt9ions for the display of Caller ID information
3910 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase the Business Measured 1-Party service from $20.95 to $21.95
3909 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase business rates
3908 Magellan Hill Technologies, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3907 National Grid Electric Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 requesting that the PUC reject the City of Newport's Zoning Board's decision to require National Grid to seek a zoning variance setback to alter facilities
3906 Airtricity Munnsville Wind Farm LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Munnsville Wind Farm
3905 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate application to increase revenue requirements by $10,924,164 or 16.48% for total cost of service of $77,231,261
3904 National Grid Electric Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 1078-A, Qualifying Facilities Power Purchase Rate
3903 CLEC, LLC Joint petition for Computer Network Technology Corp. (CNTC) and for authority to complete the transfer of the CPCN of CNTC to
3902 National Grid Electric Annual retail rate filing to adjust the Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Charge and Transmission Service Charge
3901 National Grid Electric 2008 Renewable Energy Procurement Plan
3900 Block Island Power Co. Rate application to increase revenues by $400,027 or 8.91% increase over test year revenue
3899 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce three additional local loop access options which customers may choose to obtain Transparent LAN Service
3898 Night Sisters Corp., Inc. and Steven A. Simoni Request for Relief and Declaratory Ruling regarding the applicability of RIGL 39-2-3 on Hog Island, Inc. and Hog Island South East Association, Inc.
3897 Springfield Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Springfield Power
3896 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation Tariff Adjustment Filing of Standard Offer Service, Transmission Charge and Transition Charge
3895 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase certain Frame Relay Service (FRS) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode Cell Relay Service (ATM CRS) rates
3894 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather the post-paid calling card product and to amend procedure by which disabled customer may reach directory assistance without incurring a charge
3893 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to amend exisitng Access Service Tariff
3892 National Grid (Electric) 2008 Demand Side Management Programs
3891 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Ri and Telrite Corp.
3890 AT&T Communications of NE, Inc. Petition of AT&T to Investigate, Clarify and Modify Accordingly Level 3's Recent Access Tariff Revisions
3889 National Grid (Electric) Petition for Review Pursuant RIGL 39-1-30 for review and nullification of a curb-to-curb pavement requirement imposed by the City of Newport
3888 Pascoag Utility District 2008 Demand Side Management Programs
3887 SilentSherpa Energy Consulting and Professional Services Petition to Remedy National Non-Firm Sales Service Rate RIPUC Natural Gas No. 101
3886 Mount Miller Wind Energy L.P. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Mount Miller
3885 Mount Copper Wind Power Energy, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Mount Copper
3884 Washington Electric Cooperative Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Washington Electric Cooperative Coventry Landfill Gas to Energy Project
3883 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to make text changes to standardize and clarify languate for *69 service across the Verizon footprint
3882 Evegreeen Wind Power LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Mars Hill Wind Farm
3881 National Grid (Gas) Tariff advice filng to amend the General Terms and Conditions for the natural gas service to expand and clarify the provision regarding the prohibition of submetering for resale
3880 Essex Hydro Associates LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Benton Falls Associates
3879 Jaroth, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Customer-Owned Coin Operated Telephone Service Provider
3878 Seneca Energy LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Seneca Falls
3877 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make several changes to ISDN Primary Service
3876 Public Utilities Commission Amendment to Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric, Gas and Water Utility Service
3875 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) PRI Plus service
3874 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to modify the Customer Redirect Service (CRS) tariff for administrative purposes to clarify billing and standardize verbiage throughout the Verizon footprint
3873 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Penacook Lower Falls
3872 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Penacook Upper Falls
3871 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Wells River Hydroelectric
3870 National Grid Petition for review pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking nullification of an Amended Ordinance enacted by the City of Warwick
3869 National Grid Petition for review pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking nullification or in the alternative, modification of an Ordinance enacted by the Town of Tiverton Town Council
3868 National Grid (Gas) Annual Gas Cost Recovery Charge Filing
3867 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a 12-month discount to Regional Value customers who also subscribe to an unlimited long distance calling plan and Veeriozn Wireless ONE-BILL 200 Minute Plan
3866 National Grid National Grid's proposal to implement recently enacted Infant Protection Legislation, R.I.G.L. 39-1.1-2.1 and adopt new section to the Termination Rules
3865 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Briar Hydro Associates - Rolfe Canal
3864 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Nashua Hydro Associates
3863 Essex Hydro Associates, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Dodge Falls Associates, LP
3862 Conservation Services Group Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for Generation Unit: Swans Falls Waste Vegetable Oil
3861 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to remove the term "domestic" from the long distance reference to two Bundle Discount offerings associated with the Regional Essentials package plan
3860 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw the Verizon Bundle Discount from Verizon Regional Package Extra, Verizon Regional Package and Verizon Regional Package Unlimited sections of the tariff
3859 National Grid (Gas) Annual Distribution Adjustment Clause Filing
3858 National Grid Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review and nullification of recent action by the Town of Portsmouth
3857 CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a One Communications Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a One Communications' Request for 300 DID Number Block to Meet a Specific Customer Need
3856 Ware River Power, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Poineer Hydro Electric (filed 7/24/07)
3855 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to increase the Regional Value Package monthly recurring rate from $22.04 to $27.04
3854 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to add language to the ISDN Service tariff to enable Verizon to provision ISDN Primary Service from an alternate serving wire center without an additional charge to the customer
3853 Global Capacity Group, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3852 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Unlimited Dial Tone Line (DTL) Package for Business and Unlimited CustoPAK Package for Business
3851 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to implement a $1.00 decrease to the monthly recurring reduction for Lifeline Telephone Service for unlimited basic exchange service
3850 Bruce Shaw d/b/a Shaw's Water Taxi Tariff fling to provide discretionary water carrier services between Prudence Island and different points in Bristol, Porstmouth, Newport, Warwick and Wickford
3849 Ridgewood Power Mgmt. LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Indeck West Infield
3848 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Schiller Unit 5
3847 National Grid Petition for Review under RIGL 39-1-30 seeking review and nullification, or in the alternative, modification, of an ordnance adopted by the Johnston Town Council
3846 Pascoag Utility District Tariff filing to amend the Large Commercial and Industrial Rate
3845 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a new pricing option know as the FiOS Bundle Discount for residential customers who subscribe to the Regional Essentials Package Service
3844 Neutral Tandem-Rhode Island, LLC Application for authority to operate of Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3843 Kent County Water Authority Motion to Pass Through Wholesale Rate Increase (requested by the Providence Water Supply Board)
3842 Energy Consumers Alliance of New England Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Mass Energy Aggregate PV (RI)
3841 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Searsburg Station
3840 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Sherman Station
3839 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Deerfield Unit 5
3838 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Lower Deerfield Stations
3837 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: Vernon Station
3836 TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generating Unit: McIndoes Station
3835 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase residence rates for Custom Calling Services, Distinctive Ring Service, Phonesmart Services and ValuePack Service
3834 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff advice to add Abatement Terms and Methodology section to the existing Terms & Conditions to provide method for calculating abatements
3833 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and CloseCall America, Inc.
3832 Providence Water Supply Board Rate application to increase revenues by $9,688,321 to support total cost of service of $60,495,441 or 19.07% (filed 3/307/07)
3832-A Providence Water Supply Board Request to Draw from the Restricted Reserve Reserve (filed 9/22/09)
3831 Mobilitie, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3830 National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Amend Green-Up Service Terms and Conditions
3829 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Service Level Agreements with Service Response Credits for Transparent LAN Service Customers
3828 Verizon Rhode Island Notice to Introduce Three Promotional Offerings for Residence Service
3827 Public Utilities Commission Amendment to Rules Establishing Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in the State of RI
3826 Verizon Rhode Island Request for Waiver of NANPA's Denial of Verizon RI's Request for 2000 Numbers to Serve West Greenwich Customers
3825 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify the Business Link Rewards plan to include DSL, FiOS Internet and long Distance revenue in the qualifying threshold for business customers who participate in the Business Link Rewards plan
3824 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for various residential Service Package offerings
3823 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase residential and business rates for Directory Listing Service, Directory Assistance Service and National-411 Service
3822 Blackstone Hydro Associates Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Application for Cerfitication of its Generation Unit: Blackstone Hydro Associates
3821 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff Advice to Amend Terms & Conditions Service Fee Schedule to recover costs associated with contractual title and lien service agreements
3820 Granite Telecommunications, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3819 New England Fast Ferrry LLC Tariff filing to add a $2.00 one-way fare per bicycle for the 2007 season
3818 City of Newport Water Division Application for authority to implement new rates designed to general additional operating revenues of $1,580,896 to support a total cost of service of $10,603,318 or 15%
3817 Ridgewood Power Management LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Johnston Landfill Expansion Phase II
3816 Ridgewood Power Management LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Johnston Landfill Expansion Phase I
3815 United Way of RI Petition to implement 211as the abbreviated dialing code for providing access to community information and referral services in RI
3814 North Hartland, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: North Hartland Hydroelectric Project
3813 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for various Private Line Services
3812 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for business services
3811 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase business rates to certain Value Added Services
3810 CCG Communications LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3809 Brookfield Energy Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Fife Brook
3808 Brookfield Energy Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Pontook Hydro
3807 Matrix Telecom, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3806 Block Island Power Co. Affordable Energy Plan in compliance w/ RIGL 39-1-27.10(a)
3806 Pascoag Utility District Affordable Energy Plan in compliance w/ RIGL 39-1-27.10(a)
3805 Pawtucket Hydropower LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Pawtucket Hydropower
3804 National Grid Affordable Energy Plan for Gas and Electric Service
3803 CloseCall America, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3802 Verizon Rhode Island Fling to clarify the Digital Centrex Plus Service tariff language
3801 Portsmouth Abbey School Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Portsmouth Abbey Wind Turbine (Revised & Updated)
3800 City of Woonsocket Water Division Application for authority to imlement new rates designed to generate additional operating revenues of $1,720,064 or 24.92%
3799 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff advice to make minor name changes to NBC's fees
3798 Public Utilities Commission Amendments to Rules and Regulations Governing the Implementation of a Renewable Energy Standard
3797 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate filing applicaton to collect additional operating revenues of $4,798,797 or 7.09%
3795 Blackstone Valley Tourism Council Tariff filing to increase tour rates for the 2007 operating season (beginning May 2007)
3794 CHI Power Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Application for Cerfitication of its Generation Unit: Hosiery Mills
3793 CHI Power Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Application for Cerfitication of its Generation Unit: Kelley's Falls
3792 CHI Power Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Application for Cerfitication of its Generation Unit: Mascoma
3791 CHI Power Marketing, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Application for Cerfitication of its Generation Unit: South Berwick (aka Salmon Falls)
3790 National Grid Gas Energy Efficiency Programs for 2007
3789 National Grid Long-Range Gas Supply Plan for RI Service Area for the five-year forecast period of 2006/2007 through 2010/2011
3788 National Grid Retail rate filing comprising of proposed decrease to the Standard Offer Rate, and other rate adjustments to the Transmission Cost Adjustment Charge and Transition Cost Adjustment Charge
3787 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase certain rates for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Cell Ray Service (ATM CRS)
3786 Seneca Energy II LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Ontario
3785 Innovative Energy Systems, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Development Authority of the North Country (DANC)
3784 Innovative Energy Systems, Inc. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Colonie
3783 Seneca Energy II LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Seneca Falls
3782 Modern Innovative Energy, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Modern LFG
3781 Southern New Hampshire Hydroelectric Development Corp. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Swan Falls
3780 Model City, LLC Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Model City
3779 National Grid 2007 Demand Side Management Filing
3778 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement (ICA) and Amendment No. 1 to ICA between Verizon RI and Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC
3777 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Rhode Island and CommPartners, LLC
3776 Pascoag Utility District 2007 Demand Side Management Filing
3775 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate filing application to generate additional revenues of $6,010,883 or 9.5% for debt service and debt service coverage
3774 Erie Boulevard Hydropower L.P. Renewable Energy Resources (RES) Certification Application for its Generation Unit: Higley Hydro
3773 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to propose to reduce the local directory assistance monthly call allowance for residence customers from five calls to three calls
3772 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to propose price increases to certain Frame Relay Service rate elements
3771 National Grid Tariff Advice Filing to Revise Definition of Peak and Off-Peak Hours Under Certain General Service Rates
3770 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a monthly recurring charge of $1.00 to the Sensible Minute optional toll calling plan
3769 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement and Amendment No. 1 between Verizon RI and New Horizons Communications Corp.
3768 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposal to reduce rates to the 2- and 3-year Term and Volume Packages Plans for Intergrated Services Digital Network - Primate Rate Interface (ISDN PRI)
3767 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposal to revise existing Enhance Flexgrow® Service Tariff
3766 National Grid Gas Cost Recovery ("GCR") Charge Filing
3765 National Grid Renewable Energy Standard ("RES") Charge Filing and RES Procurement Plan Filing
3764 Interstate Navigation Co. Request for Approval of Fast Ferry Rate Filing
3763 Pascoag Utility District Tariff filing add language to the Residential Service Rate
3762 Interstate Navigation Co. Application for approval of new rates designed to generate additional revenues in the amount of $2,438,522 or 27.15%
3761 George Wiley Center Rulemaking to Amend Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric, Gas and Water Utility Service to Establish a Summer Moratorium
3761 George Wiley Center Petition to Institute a Summer Moratorium on Electric, Gas and Water Utility Shut-offs
3760 National Grid Annual Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
3759 Commission Implementation of the Requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
3758 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase the month-to-month rate for Business Measured One-party Service (Business Basic Exchange Service ) and decrease the monthly rate for 24-month Term Commitment for Business Measured One-party Service
3757 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce two new service packages for residential customers - "Regional Essentials" and "Regional Value"
3756 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce changes to Verizon's Centrex Services
3755 Block Island Power Co. Appeal pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking relief from a Notice of Violation issued by the Town of New Shoreham
3754 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to propose a $1.00 decrease to the monthly recurring reduction for Lifelin
3753 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to propose revisions to existing RI Integrated Services Digital Network - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN PRI) tariff
3752 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement together w/ Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between Verizon RI and Ymax Communications Corp.
3751 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff fiiling to propose increases to selected Value Added Services (VAS) for residence customers
3750 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to change rates for the Verizon Regional Package, the Verizon Regional Package Extra, and the Verizon Regional Package Unlimited
3749 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to reduce the month-to-month rate for Digital Centrex Plus Service from $37.00 to $27.00
3748 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to change certain rates for the Unlimited Local Usage for Business, and Unlimited Local and Toll usage for Business Plans
3747 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to grandfather termination and end-of-period options for the Business Exchange Measured Service 24-month term plan for customers of record on or before 6/28/06
3746 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff filing to amend RIPUC No. 1170, Basic Residential Rate A-16, to make clear that service under this rate is available to residential condominium associations for service provided to common areas and facilities
3745 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to allow for the relocation of Digital Centrex Plus Service to another Verizon Telephone Company under certain conditions
3744 New England Fast Ferry Tariff filing to amend RIPTA-Sponsored ferry transportation seasonal rates between Providence and Newport
3743 Verizon Rhode Island Request for Waiver of NANPA's decision denying Verizon RI request for 2500 numbers to permit VRI to offer service
3742 Interstate Navigation, Inc. Rate application to implement the same fast ferry rates the PUC approved for Island Hi-Speed Ferry, LLC rates between Point Judith and Old Harbor, Block Island
3741 PaeTec Communications Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3740 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce new access line connections for Transparent LAN Service (TLS) and introduce Ethenet Virtual Circuites (EVCs) for Transparent LAN Ethernet Relay Services (ERS)
3739 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Tariff filing to decrease the Standard Offer Service Rate from 10.0¢ per kWh to 9.4¢ per kWh
3738 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to make administrative changes to Verizon Client Advantage Program for Regulated Services
3737 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw optional Service Level 3 for Network View from its Enhanced Dedicated SONET Service (EDSS) Customer Service Management (CSM) offering
3736 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for RI Directory Listing Service and Directory Assistance Service
3735 YMax Communications Corp. Proceeding Relating to YMax’s Tariff Filing dated May 31, 2012 Pursuant to FCC’s VoIP-PSTN Intercarrier Compensation Regime Established November 18, 2011 Order; and Application for Authority to Operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3734 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase the residence basic exchange rates for unlimited service and measured service. The proposed increase is $1.00 per month except for unlimited service in the Providence, Pawtucket, Cumberland Hill and Centerdale exchange groups which will increase by $0.50 per month
3733 Telrite Corporation Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3732 Energy Faciltiy Siting Board Designation to PUC to Render an Advisory Opinion on need and cost-justification for Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter major energy facilities in Southern RI
3731 Commission Rules and Regulations Establishing Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain New Products Sold in Rhode Island
3730 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement (ICA) Between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon RI and Ernest Communications, Inc., together with Amendment No. 1 to the ICA
3729 LMDS Holdings, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC)
3728 Blackstone Valley Tourism Council Tariff filing for 2006 Summer Season
3727 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to revise the business late charge payment to 1.5% per month
3726 Jamestown & Newport Ferry Tariff filing for 2006 Summer Season
3725 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to reduce the termination liability charge for FlexGrow customers who discontinue the service prior to the completion of a term commitment or minimum service period
3724 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce a Late Payment Charge of 1.5 per month for residential customers
3723 Verizon Rhode Island Amended, Extended and Restated Interconnection Agreement (ICA) between Verizon NE, Inc. d/b/a Verizon RI and Covista , Inc. (dated 12/26/05) and together with Amendment No. 1 and 2 to the ICA
3722 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce an optional feature, Premier Permanent Virtual Cicuit Service (Premiere PVC), as an enhancement to Frame Relay Service (RIPUC Tariff No. 15)
3721 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to revise RIPUC Tariff No. 18 to add wire centers that no longer qualify for Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs)
3720 Dig Safe System, Inc. Implementation of 811 as the Abbreviated Dialing Code for Providing Notification of Excavation Activities to Underground Facilty Operators Within RI
3719 DSLnet Communications, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3718 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce the Customer Service Management (CSM) Optional Feature for Enhanced Dedicated SONET Service
3717 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement, together with Amendment 1 and Amendment No. 2, entered between Verizon and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.,
3716 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Proposed Revision to Line Extension Policies
3715 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce " Verizon Client Advantage Programs for Regulated Services"
3714 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce two options for ISDN PRI customers - PRI Station Detail Billing and ISDN PRI Service Portability
3713 Comtel Telcom Assets LP Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3712 New Horizons Communications Corp. Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
3711 ClearLinx Network Corporation Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
3710 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Request for Approval of Dispensation of Settlement Proceeds (of $16.5 million)
3709 Pascoag Utility District Annual Reconciliation of Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Charge and Transmission Charge
3708 Verizon Rhode Island Petition for review pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 seeking nullification of an ordinance enacted by the City of Warwick
3707 Narragansett Bay Commission Application for approval of new rates to generate additional revenue requirement (RR) of $3,108,471 or 5.10% to support a total cost RR in the amount of $64,040,242
3706 Narragansett Electric Co.
d/b/a National Grid
Standard Offer Service Rate Adjustment Filing and Retail Rate Filing (Transmission Cost Adjustment and Transition Charge Adjustment Provision)
3705 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon RI and Eureka Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Eureka Networks (dated 9/14/05), together with Amendment No. 1
3704 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon New England d/b/a Verizon RI and Navigator Telecommunications, LLC (dated 10/7/05), together with Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to the agreement
3703 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Verizon Client Advantage Program for Regulated Services ("VCAP-R") - FILING WITHDRAWN
3702 Cox RI Telcom LLC Waiver Request for Number Block Release
3701 Narragansett Electric Co.
d/b/a National Grid
Demand Side Management Programs for 2006
3700 Pascoag Utility District Demand Side Management Programs for 2006
3699 Kent County Water Authority Motion to Pass Through Wholesale Rate Increase requested by the Providence Water Supply Board
3698 Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
3697 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce SONET Point-to-Point Service
3696 National Grid, formerly New England Gas Co. Gas Cost Recovery Charge Filing
3695 CommPartners, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
3694 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to exclude the offering of Verizon's Online 768 Kbps maximum speed service as a qualifier for the Verizon Bundle Discount found in the Verizon Regional Package Extra, Verizon Regional Package and Verizon Regional Package Unlimited
3693 Ernest Communications, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competiive Local Exchange Carrier
3692 Verizon Rhode Island Successor Alternative Regulation Plan
3691 Navigator Telecommunications, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3690 National Grid, formerly New England Gas Co. Distribution Adjustment Charge Filing
3689 Narragansett Electric Co.
d/b/a National Grid
Standard Offfer Service Rate Adjustment Filing
3688 Gillette Global Network, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3687 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Centrex Line Additive to the Corporate Rewards Optional Calling Plan
3686 BellSouth Long Distance Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3685 Pascoag Utility District Tariff advice to amend the Commercial & Industrial Rate to add language to allow Pascoag to bill at the highest demand recorded, when that level equals 15 kw or higher in any fifteen minute period
3684 Providence Water Supply Board Application to revise rates to generate additional revenues in the amount of $4,957,115 or 10.74%
3683 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement (ICA) and Amendment No. 1 to ICA between Verizon Rhode Island and Trans National Communications International, Inc.
3682 Narragansett Electric Co. Petition for Approval of Settlement Agreement and Related Transactions Pertaining to Certain Standard Offer Wholesale Supply Agreements
3681 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement and Amendment No. 1 Between Verizon RI and OnFiber Carrier Services, Inc.
3680 Narragansett Electric Co. Implementation of the ISO-New England 2005 Load Response Program and Narragansett's Proposed 2005 Summer Load Curtailment Program
3679 Narragansett Electric Co. Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 1124 Terms and Conditions for Nonregulated Power Producers, specifically to permit electronic exchange between Company and Suppliers in order for supplier to obtain historical usage information using Electronic Data Interchange transaction process; and add Provision of Customer Lists to Suppliers
3678 Narragansett Electric Co. Tariff Advice Filing to Amend RIPUC No. 1154 Terms & Conditions for Distribution Service and to Add RIPUC No. 1193 Off Cycle Meter Read for Switch of Supplier
3677 Mobil Pipeline Company Petition For Issuance of Emergency Order pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-1-32; seeking that PUC order P&W Railroad Co. to not interfere wth the continued use a pipeline by Mobil so long as it continues to pay its monthly rent; or negotiate a fair and reasonable lease
3676 Verizon Rhode Island Administrative tariff filing to add clarifying language to Verizon RI's liability for damages or injuries as a result of customer-provided power supplies in RIPUC No. 15
3675 City of Newport Water Division Application for approval of new rates designed to generate additional revenue requirement (RR) in the amount of $1,852,451 or 23.3% to support a total RR in the amount of $9,801,199
3674 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Application for approval of new rates designed to generate additional revenue requirement (RR) in the amount of $3,540,101 or 22% to support a total RR in the amount of $19,972,083
3673 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce One-Year Term Options for business customers who purchase the Unlimited Local Usage for Business and Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business plans (marketed as "Freedom" packages")
3672 Verizon Rhode Island Administrative filing to clarify tariff language for ISDN PRI (Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface) Services
3671 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff advice to change the Septic Tank Waste Discharge Fee in Schedule B
3670 nni communications, LP Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3669 Island Hi-Speed Ferry LLC Petition for Exemption From Part II of Commission's Rule and Petition for Modification of Rate Order Nos. 17619 & 17819 to allow IHSF to offer season's passes and volume discounts
3668 Several Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) Petition for Emergency Declaratory Relief by CLECs A.R.C. Networks, Inc., Broadview Networks, Broadview NP Acquisition Corp., DSCI Corp. and similarly situated CLECs to prevent Verizon RI from breaching its interconnection agreeements w/ petitioners
3667 MCI Corporation Request for a Waiver in Order to Request Additional Numbering Resources
3666 UCN, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3665 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rates for Verizon's Directory Listing Services and Directory Assistance Service
3664 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposing price increases to three Verizon Value Added Services (VAS) for business customers: Caller ID, Call Waiting ID Deluxe and Call Waiting ID with Name services
3663 Budget Phone, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3662 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to revise RIPUC Tariff No. 18 to implement the FCC's new unbundled (UNE) rules regarding as set forth in the TRO Remand Order issued February 4, 2005
3661 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposal to increase the day, evening and night per minute rates for Residence Regional Toll Calling (Message Telecomunications Service (MTS)) and Sensible Minute Optional Toll Calling Plan
3660 Kent County Water Authority Application to implement new rates designed to generate additional operating revenues of $3,172,794 or 25% over currently authorized revenues
3659 Commission Negotiated Rulemaking to Promulgate Rules and Regulations to Implement a Renewable Energy Standard
3658 Interstate Navigation Co. Petition seeking resolution to a dispute between Interstate and the Town of Narragansett regarding the disposition of funds generated by RIGL 45-2-35.2
3657 Pascoag Utility District Reconciliation Tariff Filing to revise Standard Offer Service Rate, Transition Charge and Transmission Charge
3656 Prudence Ferry, Inc. Tariff advice to add language to Schedule A of tariff regarding eligibility requirements for discounted commuter tickets
3655 Block Island Power Co. Application to implement new rates designed to generate additional operating revenues of $463,171 or 21.96% over currently authorized revenues
3654 Prudence Island Utilities Tariff filing to change existing Terms and Conditions (for billing and collection, shutoff and fines section of tariff)
3653 Verizon Rhode Isalnd Tariff filing to grandfather INFOPATH Packet Switching Service
3652 Verizon Rhode Isalnd Tariff filing to introduce Ground Start provisioning, an additional provisioning option for Digital Centrex Service (Intellipath and Centrex Plus)
3651 Commission Investigation Into the Reasonableness, Prudency and Necessity of the Narragansett Bay Commission's Defined Benefit Plan for Non-Union Employees
3650 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement between Verizon RI and Massachusetts Local Telepone Co. Inc.
3649 OnFiber Carrier Services, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3648 Narragansett Electric Co. Annual Rate Reconciliation Filing Proposing Adjustments to the Transmission Cost Adjustment Charge, Transition Charge and Standard Offer Service Rate
3647 XO Communications Services Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3646 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce Business Traffic Study Service
3645 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement Between Verizon RI and BCN Telecom, Inc.
3644 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement Between Verizon RI and Southwestern Bell Communications d/b/a SBC Long Distance
3643 Scott M. Pollard Complaint Regarding Line Extension Rates of the Narragansett Electric Co.
3642 Commission Initiated Rulemaking Rules Governing Energy Source Disclosure Required Under R.I.G.L. Section 39-26-9
3641 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to introduce Centrex CallMAX Service
3640 Town of New Shoreham Complaint against Block Island Power Co. and request to investigate the Company's long range energy plan and rates
3639 Narragansett Bay Commission Rate filing to generate revenues to cover debt service and debt service coverage for Capital Improvement Porgram projects
3638 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed price increases to certain Verizon Value Added Service
3637 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed increase to certqain rate elements for Pulsenet, Private Line, Superpath, Switchway, DovPath and Digipath Services
3636 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to replace tariff language that assesses non-recurring charges upon an end user who is acquired by Verizon by default when the reseller discontinues service
3635 Narragansett Electric 2005 Demand Side Management Programs
3634 Providence Housing Authority Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-2-15.1 requesting that utiliyt wires be moved in order to facilitiate the move of two builinds to be use as affordable housing for low income persons
3633 Covad Communications Emergency Compliant for Declaratory Order and Emergency Motion to Enjoin Verizon from Undertaking Unilateral Action to Impair Broadband Service
3632 Talk America Inc. Applications for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
3631 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to clarify language that triggers "customer Redirect Cental Office" service for NPA-NXX location
3630 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filng to introduce 1+Coin Rating Service
3629 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Enhanced Dedicated SONET Service
3628 Narragansett Electric Company Service Quality Plan Proposal
3627 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Verizon Bundle Discount
3626 Woonsocket Water Division Application to increase revenues by approximately $2 million
3625 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw VOICEDIALING Service
3624 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to enhance existing Frame Relay Service
3623 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to add an additional speed to its Transparent LAN Service
3622 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ North Atlantic Networks LLC
3621 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ ACN Communications Services, Inc
3620 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ Comtech21, LLC
3619 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC
3618 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ Spectrotel, Inc.
3617 Narragansett Electric Co. Comprehensive Distribution Rate Settlement
3616 Narragansett Electric Co. Request for the Recovery of Deferred Expenses
3615 BCN Telecom, Inc Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange
3614 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to withdraw applicable tariff provision pertaining to the availability of unbundled network elements in accordance with FCC mandate Triennial
3613 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce new service package: Verizon Regional Package
3612 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff advice to change the frequency of billing Treatment Fees from annual to quarterly
3611 Trans National Communications International, Inc. Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange
3610 Narragansett Electric Co. Revenue Neutral Allocated Cost of Service Filing
3609 Internet and Telephone, LLC Application for authority to operate as Competitive Local Exchange
3608 Narragansett Electric Co. Implementation of the ISO-New England 2004 Load Response Program and Narragansett's Proposed 2004 Summer Load Relief Program
3607 Cox Rhode Island Telcom Appeal to PUC seeking waiver of a denial by the Number Pooling Administrator to release certain blocks of number for Cox commercial customer Carey, Richmond & Viking America
3606 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to offer an additional service option for Frame Relay Service
3605 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Procurement of Last Resort Service (LRS) Supply under the approved LRS Acquisition Plan (for period starting September 1, 2004 to the present)
3604 KMC Telecom V, Inc. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3603 North Atlantic Networks LLC Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3602 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposal to offer additional service options for Flexpath service.
3601 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposal to enhance the existing ISDN Primary Service offering by introducing multi-year term rates for selected Variable Term Pricing Plan volume packages
3600 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing proposing an increase of $1.00 to residence basic exchange rates for all rate groups
3599 Island Hi-Speed Ferry Service LLC Filing to Amend Rates, Terms and Conditions
3598 Spectrotel, Inc Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3597 ACN Communications Services Inc Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3596 Southwestern Bell Communications Services Inc. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3595 Broadband Communities of Rhode Island, Inc. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3594 Optimum Global Communications, Ins Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3593 Pawtucket Water Supply Board Application to change rates to generate additional revenues in the amount of $3,414,969 or 
3592 Narragansett Bay Commission Application to change rates to generate additional revenues in the amount of $4,967,683 or 9.65%.  
3591 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cell Relay Service
3590 WorldxChange Corp. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3589 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to add an optional Transparent LAN Service called Customer Service Management
3588 Verizon Rhode Island Petition for Arbitration to Amend Interconnection Agreement between Verizon and each of the CLECs and commercial mobile service providers
3587 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered between Verizon New England and Sprint Communications Co. L.P.
3586 New England Fast Ferry Tariff filing to amend rates for ferry transportation between Providence & Newport
3585 Verizon Rhode Island Amendment No. 2 to Interconnection Agreement entered between Verizon New England and MCImetro Access Transmission Services and Brooks Fiber Communications RI, Inc.
3584 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce two new feature packages for business customers who purchase the Unlimited Local and Toll Usage for Business Plan 
3583 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to change the names of its Local Package products to enhance brand identity and standardize the packages across the Verizon footprint
3582 Lightyear Network Solutions Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3581 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ Essex Acquisition Corp.
3580 Pascoag Utility District Tariff filing to implement revised Standard Offer Adjustment, Transmission Adjustment Charge and Transition Adjustment Charge Provisions
3579 ComTech21, LLC Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3578 City of Newport Water Division Application to increase rates designed to collect additional revenues in the amount of $606,662
3577 CAT Communications International, Inc. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3576 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce enhancements to ISDN Primary Service and Enhanced ISDN PRI Hub Service
3575 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify Customer Specific Pricing Contract to reflect pricing flexibility
3574 Narragansett Electric Co. Petition for review pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30  seeking that the Commission nullify the City of  East Providence's Waterfront Special Development District Plan noting its intention to to regulate and restrict electrical distribution and high voltage transmission lines adopted by the City of East Providence
3573 Interstate Navigation Co. Application to increase rates designed to collect additional revenues in the amount of $2,750,712
3572 EZ Talk Communications, Inc. Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3571 Narragansett Electric Co. Tariff filing to implement revised Standard Offer Adjustment, Transmission Service Cost Adjustment and Non-bypassable Transition Adjustment Charge Provisions
3570 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to modify Centrex Plus tariff to introduce increased customer flexibility and broaden the market for Centrex Plus
3569 Commission Initiated Rulemaking to Repeial Rules Governing the Acceptance of Credit Card Payments by Utilities 
3568 Verizon Rhode Island Request for approval of interconnection agreement entered w/ Volo Communications of RI (adoption by Volo of agreement entered between Verizon New York and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC)
3567  Cox RI Telcom LLC Request for Waiver of a denial by the Number Pooling Administrator to release certain blocks of number for a commercial customer
3566 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff revision to PUC RI No.18 to comply with terms of Agreement entered w/ AT&T, Sprint, and Covad to modify collocation provisioning intervals
3565 RI Resource Recovery Corp. Petition for Declaratory Ruling seeking exemption that its project of a 500 MW, combined-cycle, gas-fired power plant is exempted from the definition of "Public Utility", "Electric Distribution Company", "Distribution Facility" and/or "Non-Regulated Power Producer" as defined in R.I.G.L 39-1-2 and 39-1-2(20)(ii)
3564 Energy Facility Siting Board Notice of Designation to PUC for an Advisory Opinion Regarding the Narragansett Electric Co. application to relocate transmission lines between the Cities of Providence and East Providence
3563 Elmwood Foundation Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-2-15.1 to temporarily remove lines, conduits, etc to relocate a dwelling to be used as affordable housing
3562 Narragansett Bay Commission Tariff filing to revised Terms & Conditions Service Fee Schedule
3561 Computer Network Technology Corporation Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3560 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce Local Package Plus and Local Package Basic services
3559 Volo Communications of RI Application for authority to operate as a CLEC
3558 Narragansett Electric Co. Petition for Review Pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-1-30 seeking that the Commission revoke seeking that the Commission nullify action by the Town of East Greenwich to approve the Codification of the 1993 Amendments to ßß2.3.2, 2.3.4, 4.1.11, 6.1.1 and 7.10 of the East Greenwich Comprehensive Plan
3557 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce two new business service offerings:  Unlimited Local Usage for Business and Unlimited Local and Tool Usage for Business
3556 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing in compliance w/ FCC mandate ñ Remove Dark Fiber IOF Channel Termination and OCn and STS-1 transport as UNE elements; grandfather embedded base for Line Sharing
3555 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase rate elements for Pulsenet, Private Line, Superpath, Switchway and Digipath Services
3554 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to increase Verizon Residence Value Added Services and Residence Value Added Packages, per minute rate for Residence Regional Toll Calling and ValuePack Service Package
3553 Commission Initiated Review of Request for Proposals to Provide Internet Access Services For RI School and Libraries
3552 Verizon Rhode  Island Interconnection Agreement w/ XO Long Distance Services, Inc.
3551 Narragansett Electric Co. Request for approval to place Newport Naval Station on Rate G-62 effective not later than January 1, 2005
3551 Department of Navy Petition for approval to place Newport Naval Station on Narragansett Electric Rate Schedule G-62 effective as soon as possible
3550 Commission Initiated Implementation of the Requirements of the Federal Communications Commission's Triennial Review Order
3549 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to delete the restriction on PBX trunk lines to take advantage of the discounted 24-month term commitment for trunk service
3548 New England Gas Co. Distribution Adjustment Clause filing for effect November 1, 2004
3547 Verizon Rhode Island Proposed rate change to Directory Assistance and Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Services
3546 Pascoag Utility District Proposed new rates to generate additional revenue requirement in the amount of $488,515
3545 Commission Initiated Rulemaking Proposed Rules & Regulation Governing the Telecommunications Education Access Fund Required Under RIGL Section 39-1-61
3544 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement w/ DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad
3543 Verizon Rhode Island Enhancement to Verizon's Frame Relay Service 
3542 Interstate Navigation Co. Petition for Review Pursuant to RIGL 39-1-30 of the July 30, 2003 Decision of the Building Inspector of the Town of Narragansett
3541 Habitat for Humanity of West Bay and Northern RI Petition pursuant to RIGL 39-2-15.1 to temporarily remove lines, conduits, etc to relocate a dwelling to be used as affordable housing
3540 Verizon Rhode Island Filing to clarify language for Enhanced ISND PRI 
3539 Verizon Rhode Island Complaint Concerning Customer Transfer Charges Imposed by TCG Rhode Island
3538 Verizon Rhode Island Interconnection Agreement entered w/ NEON Connect, Inc.
3537 XO Long Distance Services Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) registration 
3536 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to introduce new service Customer Moves and Changers (CMAC) that allows the customer to initiate changes to their Centrex line configurations
3535 Verizon Rhode Island Tariff filing to revise Verizon's business services
3534 Narragansett Electric Co. GreenUp Service Filing to implement programs designed to support growth of renewable energy resources
3533 Cox Rhode Island Telcom, LLC Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
3515 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Proposed Last Resort Service Procurement Plan 
3476 Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Service Quality Plan for Gas Operations (9/30/2002)
3436 New England Gas Co. Gas Cost Recovery Charge (Years 2003-2005)
3400 Public Utilities Commission Examination of the Feasibility of Implementing a Debt Forgiveness Plan on Energy Bills
2759 Global NAPs, Inc. Investigation into NEUSTAR's Request to Reclaim Central Office Codes Assigned to Global NAPs, Inc.
2515 The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Compliance Open Access Customer Data Quarterly Reports
2509 Public Utilities Commission Review of Storm Contingency Funds of Electric Utilities
1725 Public Utilities Commission Rules and Regulations Governing the Termination of Residential Electric, Gas and Water Utility Service