Docket No. 4678 - The Narragansett Electric Co. dba National Grid's Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2018 (filed 12/21/16)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Notice of Hearing - hearing scheduled February 17, 2017 @ 9:30 AM
- National Grid's proposed Gas ISR Plan for FY 2018
- National Grids' REVISED Gas ISR Plan for FY 2018 (1/26/17)
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum (2/8/17)
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum of David Effron on Gas ISR Revenue Requirement (2/13/17)
- PUC Order 22950 approving National Grid’s proposed FY 2018 Revised Gas Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability Plan submitted on January 26, 2017 and associated compliance tariffs for usage on and after April 1, 2017. Order issued 11/10/17.
Responses to Data Requests & Record Requests:
- National Grid's responses to PUC's data requests COMM 1-2, COMM 1-4, COMM 1-7 (1/20/17)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's data requests COMM 1-1, COMM 1-3, COMM 1-6, and COMM 1-8 (1/26/17)
- National Grid's responses to record requests 1 through 6 issued at the Feburary 17, 2017 hearing
- National Grid's response to record requests 7 and 8 issued at the February 17, 2017 hearing
National Grid's Gas Compliance Reports (FY quarterly reports, FY ends 3/31/18) and Annual Reconciliation
- NGrid's Gas ISR Q1 Report (filed 8/14/17)
- NGrid's Gas ISR Q2 Report (11/14/17)
- NGrid's Gas ISR Q3 Report (2/14/18)
- NGrid's Gas ISR Q4 Report (5/15/18)
- NGrid's Annual Reconciliation of the FY 2018 Gas ISR Plan for period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018.
Link to National Grid's Gas ISR Plan FY 2017 - Docket No. 4590