Division Docket Menu
This listing includes docket information in accordance with Rules and Regulations Governing Digital Filings and Website Information Required Under Rhode Island General Laws Section 39-1-18.
This web site may not contain links to other related documents that may be included in the docket. The complete dockets are available for examination at the Clerk's Office.
Docket | Filer | Description of Filing | |
D-25-02 | Kent County Water Authority | Application for $25 Million in Borrowing Authority | |
D-24-21 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for $26.3 Million in Borrowing Authority | |
D-24-19 | Rhode Island Energy | Petition for Temporary Waiver or Other Relief from certain meter testing requirements under the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers’ Standards for Electric Utilities Rule 815-RICR-30-00-1.7.2(E) (“Rule 1.7.2(E)”) (Test Schedules for all Watthour Meters and Demand Devices) as a result of the statewide deployment of Advanced Metering Functionality (“AMF”) | |
D-24-17 | Division | Division Rulemaking - Proposed Amendment 815-RICR-40-00-01 Standards for Water Utilities | |
D-24-06 | Division | Division Rulemaking - 815-RICR-00-00-05 Standards of Acceptable Performance for Emergency Preparation and Restoration of Electric Distribution and Gas Distribution Companies | |
D-24-05 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-24-04 | A&R Marine Corp. | Application for Authorization to Incur Debt | |
D-24-03 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Debt Filing-Approval to Enter Into Long-Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds of $75,000,000 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan | |
D-23-17 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application to Borrow up to $26.3 Million from the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank | |
D-23-06 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow $5,500,000 from RI Infrastructure Bank | |
D-23-05 | Woonsocket Water Division | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-23-04 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application Seeking Approval to Enter Into Long‐Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds of $100,000,000 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan | |
D-22-18 | Rhode Island Energy | Application to Incur New Long-Term Debt | |
D-22-16 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow from RI Infrastructure Bank | |
D-22-15 | Pawtucket Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-22-14 | Newport Water Division | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-22-13 | Rhode Island Energy | Application to Join a Revolving Credit Facility | |
D-22-12 | Block Island Utility District | Application for Authorization to Incur Debt | |
D-22-11 | RI PBS Foundation | Petition for Approval of Adjustment of Public, Education and Government Access Fees | |
D-22-09 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Approval to Enter Into Long-Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds for an Original Principal Amount Not to Exceed $60,000,000 | |
D-22-07 | Service Area 5 Cable, LLC | Application of Service Area 5 Cable, LLC to Participate in Financing Arrangements |
D-22-03 | Kent County Water Authority | Application for Borrowing Authority for $20,000,000 from the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank | |
D-22-01 | Block Island Utility District | Application for Borrowing Authority in an amount of $1,800,000 | |
D-21-13 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Approval to Enter Into Long‐Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds of $45,000,000 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan | |
D-21-11 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund in an Amount of $21,000,000 | |
D-21-09 | PPL Corporation, PPL Rhode Island Holdings, LLC, National Grid USA, and The Narragansett Electric Company | Petition for Authority to Transfer Ownership of The Narragansett Electric Company to PPL Rhode Island Holdings, LLC | |
D-20-13 | WH i3B Bidco LLC, Service Area 5 Holdings, LLC and Service Area 5 Cable, LLC | Transfer Control of CATV Certificates | |
D-20-11 | Pascoag Utility District | Application to Incur Debt | |
D-20-08 | Interstate Navigation Company | Seasonal Service Adjustments Related to COVID-19 | |
D-20-06 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-20-05 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-20-03 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-20-02 | Newport Water Division | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-19-33 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
D-19-26 | Division | Agera Energy LLC, Renewable Energy Standard Compliance | |
D-19-21 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Borrowing Authority not to Exceed $270,000,000 | |
D-19-17 | National Grid | Issuance of New Long-Term Debt | |
D-19-11 | Block Island Utility District | Application to Borrow $5.8 Million | |
D-19-05 | Division | Investigation of the need and appropriateness of Interstate Navigation Company’s plans to replace the Athena with a large high-speed ferry | |
D-19-04 | East Providence | Streetlighting Petition | |
D-19-01 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow $14,700,000 from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund | |
D-18-39 | Interstate Navigation Company | Application to Incur Debt | |
D-18-38 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application to Enter Into Long‐Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds of $45,000,000 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan | |
D-18-34 | National Grid | Petition for Relief (Pawtucket Streetlighting) and Pawtucket Complaint | |
Docket D-18-24 | Sara McGinnes | Petition for Declaratory Relief and for an Investigation of Proposed Utility Asset Sale | |
Docket D-18-10 | Division | Rulemaking - Amendment to Transportation Provided by Motor Carriers of Property | |
Docket D-18-09 | Division | Rulemaking- Amendment to Standards for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propane Systems | |
Docket D-18-06 | Woonsocket Water Division | Application for Borrowing Authority (not to exceed $44,750,000) | |
Docket D-18-02 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow From the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund in an Amount up to $1,000,000 | |
Docket D-17-45 | Division | Review of National Grid (Narragansett Electric) Storm Preparedness and Restoration Efforts related to the October 30, 2017 Storm | |
Docket-D-17-43 | Woonsocket Water Division | Application to Borrow up to $12,500,000 | |
Docket D-17-42 | Full Channel Inc, and Service Area 5 Cable | Joint Application of Full Channel, Inc. and Service Area 5 Cable, LLC to transfer CATV Certificate | |
Docket D-17-36 | National Grid | The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Regarding Issuance of New Long-Term Debt |
Docket D-17-29 | A&R Marine | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-17-28 | Division | Rules and Regulations for Telephone Operator Service Providers in Rhode Island (Proposed Repeal) | |
Docket D-17-27 | Division | Rulemaking to establish - Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Passengers via Transportation Network Companies | |
Docket D-17-05 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for the Assumption of $1,127,856.33 of Long Term Debt and Other Obligations of the East Smithfield Water District | |
Docket D-17-04 | Kent County Water Authority | Application to Obtain Financing and Issue Revenue Bonds in an Amount not to Exceed $12,000,000 | |
Docket D-17-01 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Authority to Borrow From the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund in an Amount up to $17,000,000 | |
Docket D-16-113 | Division | Rulemaking to Establish Nonregulated Power Producer Evidence of Financial Security | |
Docket D-16-112 | Division | Rulemaking to Establish Nonregulated Power Producer Consumer Protection Rules | |
Docket D-16-108 | Division | Rulemaking to Repeal Rules and Regulations Establishing Non-Profit Affordable Housing Certification Application Process and Eligibility Criteria as Required Under Rhode Island General Laws, Section 39-26-2(19) | |
Docket D-16-78 | Division | Review of Standard Residential Electric Billing Format Pursuant to R.I.G.L. §39-26.7-4 | |
Docket D-16-36 Docket D-16-37 | Division | Investigation into Debt Collection Practices National Grid Gas (36) and National Grid Electric (37) | |
Docket D-16-35 | SeaStreak, LLC | CPCN application to operate water carrier service between Providence to Newport | |
Docket D-16-08 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-16-03 | Rhode Island Fast Ferry, Inc | CPCN application to operate fast ferry service from Providence to Newport (with optional stops at Quonset Point) | |
Docket D-15-222 | Pawtucket Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-15-194 | Pawtucket Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-15-116 | Providence Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-15-21 | Pawtucket Water Supply Board | Application for Borrowing Authority | |
Docket D-15-20 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Approval to Enter Into Long‐Term Debt and Issuance of Revenue Bonds of $41,753,500 - State Revolving Fund Loan | |
Docket D-15-3 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Approval to Enter Long‐Term Debt and Issue Revenue Bonds to Effectuate the Refunding of the Narragansett Bay Commission $42,500,000 Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, 2007 Series A | |
Docket D-14-191 | Full Channel | Full Channel Petition to Discontinue Separate Analog I-Net Infrastructure (Area 5) |
Docket D-14-180 | A&R Marine Corp. | Application to Incur Additional Debt | |
Docket D-14-162 | Division (Rulemaking) | Rules Applicable to Nonregulated Power Producers (Amendment) | |
Docket D-14-111 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Approval to Refund the Narragansett Bay Commission Wastewater Revenue Bonds, 2005 Series A | |
Docket D-14-62 | A&R Marine Corp. | Application to Incur Debt | |
Docket D-14-29 | Verizon | Petition of Verizon Long Distance LLC and Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC for Approval of Merger | |
Docket D-14-20 | National Grid | Town of New Shoreham Project Transmission Facilities Purchase Agreement |
Docket 13 MC 121 | Division | Review of Rule D(1) Establishing Minimum Allowable Charge in Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Passengers via Public Motor Vehicles | |
Docket D-13-147 | Division | Proposed Amendment to Rules and Regulations Prescribing Standards for Water Utilities | |
Docket D-13-143 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application to Enter Into Long-Term Debt & Issuance of Revenue Bonds Not to Exceed $90,000,000 | |
Docket D-13-105 | A &R Marine Corp. d/b/a/ Prudence & Bay Islands Transport | Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) License to Operate a Ferry to Prudence Island | |
Docket D-13-51 | Rhode Island Fast Ferry, Inc. | Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) license to operate a fast ferry between Quonset Point, North Kingstown to Old Harbor, Bock Island (filed 7/2/13) | |
Docket D-13-19 | Division | Interstate Navigation - New Fast Ferry Report and Interstate's Application to Modify its' Fast Ferry Water Carrier Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN Certificate no. W-1169 dated January 18, 2012) and to Relinquish its' Conventional Ferry Water Carrier Certificates No.'s 2 and 3 (dated June 25, 1954) | |
Docket 13 MC 08 | Division | Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Passengers via Public Motor Vehicles | |
Docket 2013-C-1 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket 2012-C-2 | Division | Amendments to Rules Governing Community Antenna Television Systems | |
Docket D-12-12 | Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid | Application Regarding the Issuance of New Long-Term Debt | |
Docket 2012-C -1 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket D-11-94 | Division | Review Of Preparedness And Restoration Efforts By The State's Electric Utility Companies Related to the Recent Damages Sustained in Tropical Storm Irene | |
Docket 2010- C-1 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket D-10-126 | Division | Investigation Into Net Metering Complaint Relating to the Town of Portsmouth Wind Generating Facility | |
Docket D-10-36 | Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid | Town of Johnston Project - Power Purchase Agreement between National Grid and Rhode Island LFG Genco, LLC | |
Docket D-10-09 | Division | Rulemaking to Adopt Access to Public Records Regulation | |
Docket D-10-01 | Aquidneck Ferry & Charter Inc. | Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Authority to Operate as a Seasonal Water Carrier | |
Docket 2009-C-1 | Division | Amendments to Rules Governing Community Antenna Television Systems | |
Docket D-09-49 | National Grid | Application to Issue Long-Term Debt | |
Docket 2009-C-2 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket 2008-C-1 | Division | Amendments to Rules Governing Community Antenna Television Systems | |
Docket D-08-03 | Newport Water Division | Request to Issue Debt | |
Docket-2008-C2 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket 2007-C-2 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket D-07-35 | Division | Rules and Regulations Prescribing Standards for Water Utilities | |
Docket 2007-C-1 | Verizon New England Inc. | Application for Compliance Order Certificates, Construction Certificates and Certificates of Authority to Operate in for Cable Service Areas 2, 3 and 8. (Includes communities of Providence, North Providence, Cranston, Foster, Scituate, Johnston, Westerly, Hopkinton Richmond, Charlestown, South Kingstown and Narragansett) | |
Docket 2007-C-3 | Verizon New England Inc. | Application for Compliance Order Certificates, Construction Certificates and Certificates of Authority to Operate for Service areas 1 and 4. (Includes the communities of Burrillville, Central Falls, Cumberland, Glocester, Lincoln, Smithfield, North Smithfield, Woonsocket, East Providence, and Pawtucket. ) | |
Docket 2007-C-4 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket D-07-08 | Block Island Power Co. | Application for Approval to Obtain a $600,000 Loan from the Rural Utilities Service/Federal Financing Bank | |
Docket D-06-69 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application for Approval to Issue Revenue Bonds Not to Exceed $43,000,000 | |
Docket 2006-C-9 | Cox Communications | Form 1240, 1205 Rate Filings | |
Docket D-06-63 | Narragansett Bay Commission | Application to enter into long-term debt and issuance of revenue bonds not to exceed $30,000,000 State Revolving Fund Loan | |
Docket 2006-C-8 | Division | Rules Governing Community Antenna Television Systems | |
Docket D-06-53 and Docket D-06-51 | Interstate Navigation Co. | Petition for Approval to Implement the Purchase of Assets, Docket No. D-06-53 and Request for Approval to Finance, Docket No. D-06-51 | |
Docket 2006-C-7 | Block Island Cable Television | Filing for Franchise Abandonment | |
Docket D-06-45 | RI American Civil Liberties Union | Complaint and Request for Investigation Into Verizon RI and AT&T Communications Sharing of Records with the National Security Agency | |
Docket 2006-C-4 | Verizon New England, Inc. | Application for a Cable Television Compliance Order Certificate; Construction Certificate; and Certificate of Authority to Operate in Service Area 6 (includes communities of Coventry, East Greenwich, Exeter, North Kingstown, Warwick, West Warwick, and West Greenwich) | |
Docket D-06-15 | Division | Rules & Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propane Systems | |
Docket 06-MC-08 | Division | Rules and Regulations Governing Operators Transporting Passengers in Taxicabs, Limited Public Motor Vehicles, and Public Motor Vehicles | |
Dockets D-06-17, D-06-16 and D-05-06 | Petitions filed by Interstate Navigation Co. ("Interstate") and Island Hi-Speed Ferry LLC ("ISHF") | Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") to operate a fast ferry for the summer of 2006 from Point Judith to Old Harbor, Block Island | |
Docket D-06-13 | Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid and Southern Union Company | Joint Petition for Purchase and Sale of Assets | |
Docket D-05-10 | Division | Rules and Regulations Governing the Rhode Island Telecommunications Education Access Fund | |
Docket D-05-06 | Interstate Navigation Co | Application for Authority to Provide Hi-Speed Ferry Services Between Point Judith and Block Island (Old Harbor) and Between Newport and Block Island | |
Docket 05-MC-06 | Division | Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Passengers Via Taxicabs and Limited Public Motor Vehicles | |
Docket D-04-16 | Division | Proposed Amendments to current Rules Prescribing Standards for Electric Utilities | |
Docket D-2004-C-3 | Division | Rules Governing Community Antenna Television Systems | |
Docket D-03-08 | Division | Rules & Regulations Governing Digital Filings and Website Information Required Under R.I.G.L. Section 39-1-18 | |
Docket 2003-C-2 | Full Channel Cable TV, Inc. | Motion to Remove Stay |