For using Rhode Island Public Transit Authority:

Visit RIPTA to access their easy-to-use Trip Planner tool, located on their homepage. The Trip Planner will help you find the best RIPTA bus route to get to The Division of Public Utilities and Carriers . Simply type in your starting address in the "From" tab, then type 80 Washington Street, Providence in the "To" tab. Select the date and time you plan on traveling from the drop down menus and then click "Get Directions." The Trip Planner will tell you how to get here using RIPTA. Please plan to arrive at your stop at least 5 minutes early. Service may be affected by traffic, construction, accidents or weather conditions. Questions? Contact RIPTA's Customer Service Department at 401-781-9400 or .
The Division of Public Utilities and Carriers is served by Route 8. Routes 1 and 20 also serve our office with a 15 minute walk from the closest bus stop.
Driving Directions:
- Take the I-95 south towards NEW YORK
- Take the JEFFERSON BLVD. exit, exit number 15
- Proceed 1/4 mile to 89 Jefferson Blvd. (on the right)
- Take Interstate 95 North to Jefferson Boulevard exit (Exit 15)
- At bottom of ramp, take right onto Jefferson Boulevard
- Proceed 1/3 mile to 89 Jefferson Blvd. (on the right)
- Take Route 37 West to Jefferson Boulevard/I-95 North exit.
- At bottom of ramp, take right onto Jefferson Boulevard.
- Proceed 1/3 mile to 89 Jefferson Blvd. (on the right).
- Take Route 37 East to Jefferson Boulevard/I-95 North exit.
- At bottom of ramp, take right onto Jefferson Boulevard.
- Proceed 1/3 mile to 89 Jefferson Blvd. (on the right).