Docket No. D-06-15 Rules & Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propane Systems - Docket No. D-06-15 Notice of Rulemaking and Public Hearing - to be held on May 8, 2006 @ 10 A.M. at Division's office, 89 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, R.I. Proposed Rules & Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propone Systems - The proposed rules will rewrite and consolidate the following currently effective rules: Rules and Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Utilities, effective date July 1, 1966 Regulations Regarding Gas Pipeline Safety Enforcement Procedures, effective date April 2, 1986 Control of Drug Use in Natural Gas and Liquified Natural Gas, effective date May 10, 1990 Rules and Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Line Abandonment & Leakage Survey Procedures, effective date May 21, 1986 New England Gas Co. - Comments on proposed rules (5/8/06) New England Gas Co. - Post-hearing comments providing additional information on outstanding issues: 1) meter inventory and 2) timeframe allowed to collect for estimated reads (5/31/06) Division Advocacy Section - Supplemental filing, copies of (two) letters addressed to Don Ledversis (Division Advocacy) and Kevin Penders (New England Gas) concerning agreement on spin testing and appropriate definition of meter (8/29/06) Division of Public Utilities issues Report & Order No. 18705 adopting new Rules and Regulations Prescribing Standards for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propane Systems as reflected in "Appendix 2" to Report & Order. The new rules are effective October 5, 2006. Division of Public Utilities issues Erratum Order No. 18740 to correct newly adopt Rules & Regulations Prescribing Standard for Gas Utilities, Master Meter Systems and Jurisdictional Propone Systems (10/30/06)