Docket No. 4682 - The Narragansett Electric Co. dba National Grid's Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2018 (filed 12/21/16)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Notice of Hearing
- National Grid's proposed Electric ISR Plan for FY 2018
- National Grid's revised attachments to Section 2 of the Electric ISR FY2018 Plan (3/8/17)
- National Grid's revised Revenue Requirement and Bill Impact (3/7/17)
- National Grid's redlined version of the Updated Joint Pre-Filed Testimony of Melissa A. Little and Aidimarys Martinez and the Updated Pre-filed Testimony of Adam S. Crary (3/8/17)
- National Grid's Volt Var Optimization Pilot 1) PowerPoint regarding the progress and initial results of the VVO Pilot, 2) Power Point regarding th progress of VVO Pilot; and 3) Utilidata Measurement and Verification Result for the VVO Pilot (submitted in Docket 4592 on 12/12/16)
- National Grid's Presentation on 12/9/16 - Update of Distributed Generation Consideration in National Grid’s Forecasting & Distribution Planning Processes
- Office of Energy Resources's (OER) Motion to Intervene (1/4/17)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Direct Testimony of Gregory L. Booth, PE; and Memorandum of David Effron
- National Grid's Compliance Filing reflecting the PUC's March 9 bench decision approving National Grid's revised ISR factors effective April 1, 2017 (3/31/17)
- PUC Order Order No. 22955 approving National Grid's Revised Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability Plan FY 2018 Proposal filed on December 21, 2017 and associated compliance tariffs, effective April 1, 2017. Order issued 11/14/17.
National Grid's Annual Reconciliation Filing and proposed ISR factors for effect October 1, 2018:
- National Grid's Annual Reconciliation Filing of the Electric ISR Plan for the period April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018, and proposed reconciling factors for effect October 1, 2018 (submitted 8/1/18)
- National Grid's Revised Schedules (8/31/18)
- Procedural Schedule
- National Grid's Response to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (9/18/18)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Memorandum (9/20/18)
- National Grid - Compliance Filing (9/25/18)
- PUC Order No. 23358 approving National Grid 's CapEx and O&M Reconciliation Factors for the FY 2018 Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability Plan Reconciliation, as amended on August 31, 2018, for effect on October 1, 2018. Order issued 1/3/2019.
Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid's response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (2/18/17)
- National Grid's response to PUC's Data Requests 1-2 and 1-3 (3/3/17)
National Grid's Compliance Reports:
- Quarterly report for 1st quarter period ending June 30, 2017 (8/15/17)
- Quarterly report for 2nd quarter period ending September 30, 2017 (11/16/17)
- Quarterly report for 3rd quarter period ending December 31, 2017 (2/16/18)
- Quarterly report for 4th quarter period ending March 31, 2018 (5/16/18)
Link to National Grid's Electric ISR Plan FY 2017 - Docket No. 4592