Docket No. 4592 - National Grid's Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability (ISR) Plan for FY 2017 (filed 12/9/15)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- National Grid's Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability Plan for Year 2017 includes corrected pages to Section 3 (Vegetation Mgmt Program pages)
- National Grid's Presentation on February 22, 2016 hearing - Overview of National Grid’s Distribution Planning &
Forecasting Processes
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing
- Office of Energy Resources' (OER) Motion to Intervene (1/8/16)
- Division of Public Utilities' redacted Testimony of Greg L. Booth, P.E. and Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information for the unredacted version (2/12/16)
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum of David Effron (2/12/16)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing reflecting the PUC's February 25, 2016 Open Meeting Decision
- PUC Order No. 22471 approving National Grid's Revised Electric Infrastructure, Safey and Reliability Plan FY 2017 filed on December 9, 2015; also associated compliance tariffs for effective 4/1/16. Written Order issued 7/11/16.
- National Grid's Volt Var Optimization Pilot 1) PowerPoint regarding the progress and initial results of the VVO Pilot, 2) Power Point regarding th progress of VVO Pilot; and 3) Utilidata Measurement and Verification Result for the VVO Pilot (12/12/16)
- National Grid's Electric ISR FY 2017 Reconciliation Filing and proposed ISR factors for effect October 1, 2017 (filed 8/1/17
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum of David Effron (9/14/17)
- National Grid's response to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests regarding ISR Reconciliation (9/21/17)
- National Grid's Compliance Tariff Filing, effective 10/1/17
- PUC Order No. 22929 approving National Grid's Electric 2017 ISR Reconciliation Filing and associated factors for effect October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018. Written Order issued 10/24/17.
Compliance Reports:
- Quarterly update for the 1st quarter ending June 30, 2016
- Quarterly update for the 3rd quarter ending December 31, 2016
- Quarterly update for the 4th quarter ending March 31, 2017
Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid's responses to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (1/5/16)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests (2/22/16)
- National Grid's responess to OER's 1st Set of Data Requests (2/10/16)
- National Grid's responses to Record Requests (3/14/16)
- National Grid's response to Record Request No. 3
- Division of Public Utililties' responses to record request
Link to National Grid's Electric ISR for FY 2016 - Docket No. 4539