Docket No. 4360 - Notice of Designation to Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") to Render an Advisory Opinion to the Energy Facility Siting Board regarding the need and cost-justification for Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construc
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for Docket and Notice of Hearing
- Preliminary Decision and Order designating the PUC to render an Advisory Opinion on need and cost-justification for Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter major energy facilities in Rhode Island, the "Interstate Reliability Project"
- ISO New England, Inc. - Motion to Intervene (10/29/12)
- National Grid's Application (proceeding presently before the Energy Facility Siting Board)
- Application
- Environmental Report (Volume 1) (Due to file size, Volume 2 is too large to post. Redacted copies are available for public inspection at the EFSB office.)
- National Grid Motion for Protected Treatment of Confidential Information
- Presentation by David J. Beron, P.E., P.M.P.
- Revised Environmental Report and Appendices (cover letter/instructions) filed November 20, 2012
- National Grid 's Prefiled Testimony of the following witnesses
- David J. Beron - Direct
- David J. Beron - Rebuttal
- Gabriel Gabremicael and Mark Stevens- Direct
- Gabriel Gabremicael and Mark Stevens - Rebuttal
- Judah L. Rose -Direct
- Judah L. Rose - Supplemental and Rebuttal
- David M. Campilii - Direct
- David M. Campilli - Rebuttal
- Responses to Record Requests (3/28/13)
- Division of Public Utilities & Carriers, Other State Agencies and Intervenor's - Prefiled Testimony of the following witnesses and Response to Record Requests:
- Commission's Advisory Opinion Order No. 21003 issued to Energy Facility Siting Board finding that there is need to construct and alter National Grid's facilities (Interstate Reliability Project), also includes Advisory Opinion Errata Order No. 21007. Written Advisory Opinions isused April 8, 2013 and April 9, 2013.