Docket No. 5165 - The Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid (NGrid) - 2021 Distribution Adjustment Charge (DAC) Filing Status of docket: Closed. Procedural Schedule Notice of Public Comment Hearing on 9/14/21 @ 9:30 AM Notice of Hearing on October 13, 2021 @ 9:30 AM National Grid's Distribution Adjustment Charge (DAC) Filing (filed August 2, 2021) National Grid's Supplement DAC Filing (9/2/21) National Grid's Second Supplemental DAC Filing (9/10/21) National Grid's supporting documentation associated with the Distribution Adjustment Filing: National Grid - Supporting documentation and testimony regarding the Company's annual reconciliation of the Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM) for the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. This filing is submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Company’s DAC gas tariff RIPUC NG-Gas No. 101, Section 3, Schedule A. The tariff provisions allow for an annual reconciliation of the target revenue-per-customer and the actual revenue-per-customer through a Revenue Decoupling Adjustment (RDA) factor to be included in the annual DAC effective November 1, 2021 (filed 6/28/21) National Grid - Supporting documentation and testimony of witnesses Amy Smith & Nathan Kocon, and Melissa A. Little regarding the Company's annual reconciliation of the FY 2021 Gas Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) and associated ISR factors for the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, a component of the DAC that is proposed to be collected through the DAC effective November 1, 2021. The 2020 Gas ISR Plan was approved in Docket No. 4996. (7/30/21) National Grid - Annual Gas Environmental Report for the period April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. Report relating to environmental remediation sites as well as expenses incurred during the reporting period to be funded through the DAC. (7/30/21) National Grid's Compliance Tariff Filing reflecting PUC's October 26, 2021 and November 1, 20231 Open Meeting decisions (11/3/21) Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Jerry Mierzwa and Lafayette Morgan, Jr Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum Alberico Mancini PUC Order No. 24275 approving revised Distribution Adjustment Charge effective for usage on or after November 1, 2021. Written Order issued 12/16/2021. Responses to Data Requests: National Grid's response to PUC Set 1 (8/27/21) National Grid's response to PUC Set 2 (9/10/21) National Grids' response to PUC Set 3 (9/17/21) National Grid's response to PUC Set 4 (9/20/21) National Grid's response to Division Set 1 (8/31/21) National Grid's response to Division Set 2 (9/8/21) National Grid's response to Division Set 3 (9/7/21) National Grid's response to Division Set 4 (9/14/21) Related Link: National Grid's 2020 DAC Filing - Docket No. 5040