Docket No. 5090 - Exeter Renewables 1, LLC - Petition for Dispute Resolution ((filed 11/19/2020) Docket closed. Exeter Renewables' Petition for Dispute Resolutiion and Exhibits: Exhibit A (7-17-2019 National Grid Request for Staff Dispute Resolution) Exhibit B (Staff Report and Recommendation) Exhibit C (10-18-2019 Hearing Transcript) Exhibit D (6-2-2020 Letter from ISO-NE to NEP) Exhibit E (EDP Summary of Western RI Area ASO Study Results) Exhibit F (9-2-2020 Letter to National Grid) Exhibit G (Invoice No. 500094459) Exhibit H (10-19-2020 Email) Exhibit I (10-22-2020 Email) National Grid's Reply to Petiton, Motion for Protective Treatment and Exhibits: Exhibit 1 (Conditional Interconnection Service AgreementI) Exhibit 2 (Draft System Impacdt Study) Redacted Exhibit 3 (Final System Impact Sudy) Redacted PUC Staff Final Report (9/12/22)