Docket No. 4029 - Notice of Designation to Render an Advisory Opinion to the Energy Facility Siting Board Regarding the Need and Cost-justification for the Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid's proposal to construct and alter major energy facilities
the "Rhode Island Reliability Project"
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Notice of Designation to PUC to Issue an Advisory Opinion to the Energy Facility Siting Board regarding National Grid's proposed "Rhode Island Reliabitliy Project" which case is pending before the Siting Board in Docket No. SB-2008-2 (issued 12/19/08)
- PUC issues Procedural Schedule for Docket - Evidentiary hearings will commence on April 30, 2009 at PUC's office
- Notice of Public Hearing
- ISO New England - Motion to Intervene (1/26/09)
- Town of Johnston - Motion to Intervene (2/10/09)
- National Grid - Prefiled testimony of the following witnesses (filed 2/20/09)
- Division of Public Utilities -Prefiled testimony of the following witnesses (filed 4/8/09)
- Public Utilities Commission - Letter notifyng the Siting Board that it cannot render an advisory opinion and therefore is closing this docket and transferring all filings contained in the docket to the Siting Board for review (4/8/09)
Responses to Data Requests
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (3/6/09)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (3/25/09)
- National Grid - Response to Statewide Planning's Data Request No. 1 (2/9/09)
- National Grid - Response to Statewide Planning's Data Request No. 2 (3/12/09)
- ISO New England - Response to Division's 1st & 2nd set of data requests (4/2/09)