Docket 3900 - Block Island Power Company (BIPCO)- Application to implement new rates designed to generate additional revenues in the amount of $400,027 or 8.91% (filed on 11/9/07)
PUC issues Order No. 19504 approving new rates and authorizing BIPCo to collect additional revenues of $263,856 for a total cost of service of $2,607,548 effective June 1, 2008. Written Order issued 11/14/08.
Procedural Schedule for Docket - Evidentiary hearings scheduled 5/8, 5/9 & 5/12/08 at PUC's office. Public comment hearing at Town Hall on Block Island at 12:30 P.M. on 4/24/08.
BIPCO's testimony and exhibits in support of a rate increase consists of the following:
- Direct testimony of Albert Casazza (11/9/07)
- Direct testimony & exhibits of Walter Edge (11/9/07)
- Rebuttal testimony & exhibits of Walter Edge (3/18/08)
- Direct testimony & exhibits of David Bebyn (11/9/07)
- Filing requirements pursuant Section II of PUC's Rules I (11/9/07)
- Current Rates and Proposed Rates (11/9/07)
- Supplement to filing requirements, including corrected New Tariff Fuel Adjustment Rider that deletes a surcharge (11/15/07)
- Compliance tariff filing in conformance with PUC's open meeting decision authorizing BIPCo to collect additional revenues of $263,856 (6/11/08)
- Response to Town's letter of June 10, 2008 regarding PUC's open meeting decision at May 29 open meeting (filed 6/18/08)
Filings by the Division of Public Utilities and Intervenors:
- Town of New Shoreham - Motion to Intervene (12/6/07)
- Town of New Shoreham - Direct testimony of Richard LaCapra (2/19/08)
- Town of New Shoreham - Surrebuttal testimony of Richard LaCapra (4/9/08)
- Town of New Shoreham - Post-hearing Brief (5/21/08)
- Town of New Shoerham - Letter regarding PUC's oversight during the May 29, 2008 open meeting (6/11/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of David Effron (2/19/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of David Effron (4/9/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Electric Resource Planning Study prepared by the Joint IRP Working Group established by the PUC Order in Docket No. 3655 by HDR Engineering, Inc. (2/4/08)
Response to Data Requests:
- BIPCO's response to Division's 1st set of data requests (12/5/07)
- BIPCO's response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (12/11/07)
- BIPCO's financial statements and information for years ended May 31, 2007 and May 31, 2006 to supplement response to data requests DIV 1-1 and Town 1-1 (2/5/08)
- BIPCO's response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (4/4/08)
- BIPCO's response to Town of New Shoreham's 1st set of data requests (1/9/08)
- BIPCO's response to Town of New Shoreham's 2nd set of data requests (1/28/08)
- BIPCO's response to Town of New Shoreham's 3rd set of data requests (2/6/08)
- BIPCO's updated response to Town of New Shoreham's data request 3-124 (3/12/08)
- BIPCO's response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (3/10/08)
- BIPCO's resposne to record requests (5/15/08)