Docket No. 4443 - RI Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC) - Proposed Energy Efficiency Savings Targets for National Grid's energy efficiency procurement for the period 2015 - 2017 consistent with Least Cost Procurement (filed 9/17/13)
Status of Docket: Closed.
PUC Order No. 21767 approving EEMRC's proposed Energy Efficiency Savings Targets for National Grid's energy efficiency procurement for the period 2015 - 2017, and proposed amendments to the Least Cost Procurement Standards. Written Order issued 12/31/14.
Proceeding Relating to the EERMC's Proposed Energy Savings Targets
- EERMC - Recommendation and Proposed Energy Efficiency Savings Targets for the period 2015 - 2017
- National Grid - Letter in support of the high-level electric and natural gas savings targets for 2015-2017 proposed by the Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (11/23/13)
- Procedural Schedule 1
- Notice of Technical Session
- Division of Public Utilities & Carriers (Division) - Comments relating to the proposed energy savings targets submitted by the R.I. Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council to guide National Grid's energy efficiency procurement for 2015 -2017
- Division - Memorandum of Tim Wolf (2/11/14)
- EERMC's responses to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (2/25/14)
Proceeding Relating to the EERMC's Proposed Amendment to Least Cost Procurement Standards
- EERMC - Recommended and proposed revisions to the 2011 Least Procurement Standards (3/18/14)
- Procedural Schedue 2
- Notice of Technical Session - The following presentations were submtted at the May 8, 2014 Technical Session by:
- Division's Consultant, presentation on Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness: National Perspectives and Developments by Tim Woolf of Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.,
- National Grid's presentation on the Total Resource Cost Test
- EERMC's Presentation - 1) Cost effectiveness screening process in RI, 2) analysis “Benefits due to Winter Gas Constraint", and 3) paper by the Regulatory Assistance Project, entitled “Teaching the Duck to Fly"
- Division - Memorandum of Tim Woolf of Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. (5/13/14)
- EERMC - Reply Comments to the Division's Memorandum (5/16/14)
- National Grid - Responses to PUC's Data Requests (5/16/14)
- EERMC - Responses to PUC's Data Requests (5/16/14)
- National Grid - Reply Comments to the Division's Memorandum (5/19/14)
- Division - Response to PUC's Data Request (5/20/14)
- National Grid - Responses to PUC's Data Request (5/21/14)
- EERMC - Responses to PUC's Data Requests (5/23/14)
- EERMC - Least Cost Procurement Standards with 2014 Revisions, redline version showing markups from original draft and final version (5/27/14)
Compliance Filings: