Docket No. 3551 - Petitions to Place Newport Naval Station on Narragansett Electric Company Rate G-62
Status of Docket: CLOSED
Updated: 3/31/04
- Narragansett Electric Request to Place the Newport Naval Station on Rate G-62 (09/08/03)
- Dept. of Navy Petition to Place the Newport Naval Station on Rate G-62 (09/10/03)
- Commission issues Procedural Calendar for Docket
- Settlement to Place Naval Station on G-62 Rate entered by and between Narragansett Electric Co., the Department of Navy and RI Economic Development Corp. (11/19/03)
- Amended Settlement Agreement (12/09/03)
- Third Amend Settlement Agreement (12/15/03)
- Commission issues Order No. 17644 approving a settlement agreement entered between Narragansett Electric and the Dept. of Navy to place the Newport Naval Station on Narragansett Electric Rate G-62 effective January 1, 2004.