Docket No. 24-51-WW - Providence Water Supply Board - Application for General Rate Schedule Changes
Public Utilities Commission (PUC):
Providence Water Supply Board's Filings (Providence Water):
- Providence Water's Application for General Rate Schedule Changes (11/26/24)
- Providence Water's Revised Application for General Rate Schedule Changes (12/24/24)
- Providence Water's Responses to Data Requests:
- Providence Water's Responses to Division's Data Requests Set 1-1 through 1-21 (12/23/24)
- Providence Water's Responses to Division's Data Requests Set 2-1 through 2-6 (1/31/25)
- Providence Water's Responses to PUC's Data Requests Set 1-1 through 1-9 (1/31/25)
- Providence Water's Responses to PUC's Data Requests Set 2-1 through 2-7 (1/31/25)
- Providence Water's Responses to PUC's Data Requests Set 3-1 through 3-6 (2/19/25)
- Providence Water's Responses to Division's Data Requests Set 3 (3/5/25)
- DIV 3-1 Chart of Accounts (Excel)
- DIV 3-2 Monthly Operating Reports (Excel)
- DIV 3-4 Construction Expenditure Table
- DIV 3-7 GG-2 (Excel), DIV 3-7 GG-3 (Excel), DIV 3-7 GG-4 (Excel)
- DIV 3-9 October 2024 PWSB Meeting Minutes
- DIV 3-10 Trial Balances (Excel)
- DIV 3-11 Operating Budgets 2025-2027 (Excel)
- DIV 3-13 2015 Tax Bill
- DIV 3-18 Meters for Test Years (Excel)
- DIV 3-19 Projected Meters (Excel)
- DIV 3-21 Misc Revenue Analysis FY20-24 (Excel)
- DIV 3-24 Employees in Each Job Title (Excel)
- DIV 3-26 Employee Changes (Excel)
- DIV 3-27 (a)(b) Workpapers (Excel), DIV 3-27 (c)(d)(e)(f) Workpapers (Excel), DIV 3-27 Monthly Labor Data (Excel)
- DIV 3-28 Actual Employee Counts (Excel)
- Providence Water's Responses to PUC's Data Requests Set 4-1 through 4-2 (3/6/25)
- Providence Water's Responses to BWCA's Data Requests Set 1 (3/12/25)
- Attachments BWCA 1-2, BWCA 1-3, BWCA 1-4, BWCA 1-9, BWCA 1-11, BWCA 1-17 (Excel)
- Attachment BWCA 1-15 (Excel)
- Attachments 1-20 PWSB Annual Report FY22, FY23, FY24
- Vehicle Replacement FY24-FY26 (Excel)
- Auto and Truck FY 24
- Claims & Damages FY24 & FY25, Computer Equipment FY24
- Insurance Payments FY24 & FY25, Office Furniture FY24 & Other Services FY24
- Shop and Plant Equipment FY 24 & Shop and Equipment FY25-FY26
- Bristol Country Water Authority (BCWA)
- BWCA's Motion to Intervene (12/5/24)
- Kent County Water Authority (KCWA)
- KCWA's Motion to Intervene (12/10/24)
- Lincoln Water Commission (LWC)
- LWC's Motion to Intervene (1/9/25)
- Greenville Water District (GWD)
- GWD's Motion to Intervene (1/9/25)
- Smithfield Water Supply Board (SWSB)
- SWSB's Motion to Intervene (1/9/25)