Docket No. 4890 - Narragansett Bay Commission - General Rate Filing to Collect Additional Revenues $6,388,424 to support a total revenue requirement of $10,249,751 (submitted 10/10/18)
Status of Docket: Closed
- PUC Report and Order 23927 approving Amended Settlement Agreement executed Jume 17, 2019 and aurthorizing NBC to collect additional operating revenue in the amount of $5,918,237 to support total cost of service in the amoutn of $106,594,096. Order issued October 16, 2020.
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing
- Amended Notice of Hearing
- Narragansett Bay Commission's General Rate Filing (10/10/18)
- Motions to Intervene Out of Time sumbitted by:
- RI General Treasurer Seth Magaziner (2/4/19)
- The George Wiley Center (2/4/19)
- Providence Apartment Association(2/20/19)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (Division) - Pre-filed Testimony of Ralph Smith (2/20/19)
- RI Treasuer Seth Magaziner's Pre-filed Testimony (2/20/19)
- The George Wiley Center's Comments (2/20/19)
- Narragansett Bay Commission's Rebuttal Testimony (4/10/19)
- Division's Surrebuttal Testimony of Ralph Smith (5/9/19)
- Intervernors RI Treasurer and The George Wiley Center's Joint Progress Report (5/9/19)
- Settlement Agreement between NBC and the Division (5/17/19)
- Amended Settlement Agreement between NBC and the Division (Revised) (6/17/19)
- At the June 17, 2019 Open Meeting, the PUC aprpoved the Amended Settlement Agreement.
- NBC's Compliance Tariff Filing (6/28/19)
- PUC Report and Order 23927 approving Amended Settlement Agreement executed Jume 17, 2019 and aurthorizing NBC to collect additional operating revenue in the amount of $5,918,237 to support total cost of service in the amoutn of $106,594,096. Order issued October 16, 2020.
Compliance Filings:
Responses to Data Requests:
- NBC's Responses to PUC Set 1 Data Requests (12/4/18)
- NBC's Responses to PUC Set 2 Data Requests (4/18/19)
- NBC's Response to PUC Set 3 Data Requests (5/7/19)
- NBC's Response to PUC 3-4 (5/8/19)
- NBC's Response to Record Requests (6/5/19)
- NBC's Responses to Division Set 1 Data Requests (11/26/18)
- Attachments to Division's Set 1 are available at Clerk's Office
- Supplemental Response to Division Set 1-7 (1/7/19)
- Supplemental Response to Division Set 1-26 and 1-27 (1/14/19)
- NBC's Response to Division's Set 2 Data Requests (5/3/19)
- Attachment to Division's Response 2-30 Maintenance Contracts
- NBC's Response to Division's Set 3 Data Requests (5/3/19)