Docket No. 4149 - National Grid's Standard Offer Service (SOS) Procurement Plan for 2011 and Renewable Energy Supply (RES) Procurement Plan for 2011
Status of Docket: Closed.
- PUC issues Report & Order No. 20125 approving National Grid's 2011 SOS and 2011 RES Procurement Plans with modifications. Written Order issued 9/23/10
National Grid's Compliance Filings under approved 2011 SOS and RES Procurement Plan and pursuant to Order No. 20125 (Filings submitted from October, 2010 to Present)
- National Grid - Informational Filing (redacted) concerning the results of a competitive procurement of power supply for the Residential and Commercial groups of National Grid for the period April 2011 through December 2011 (filed 10/27/10)
- National Grid - Proposed retail prices for the Large Customer group for period January - March, 2011 (filed 11/22/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum finding the November 22, 2010 filing in compliance with Commission's Order 20148. (filed 12/23/10)
- National Grid - Compliance tariff for Standard Offer Service (11/30/10)
- National Grid - Compliance report "Study on the Costs and Implementation Issues of Transitioning to Spot Market Pricing for the Narragansett Electric Company's Industrial Group Customers" (3/1/11)
- National Grid - Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period April 2011 - June 2011 and for the Residential Group and the Commercial Group for the period April 2011 - December 2011; and Results for Competitive Procurements (2/23/11)
- National Grid - Correction to February 23, 2011 SOS Procurement Plan (3/9/11)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's data requests providing bill impacts by rate class assuming any and all rate changes proposed (in Dockets 4226, 4218 & 4149) for effect April 1, 2011 are approved by the Commission (3/2/11)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum summarizing its review and finding that National Grid's February 23, 2011 SOS filing is in compliance with Commission's Order No. 20125. (3/25/11)
- National Grid - Compliance tariff filing to reflect all rate adjustments approved in Docket Nos. 4149, 4218 and 4226 (4/4/11)
- Commission issues Order No. 20344 approving NGrid's SOS rates for Industrial Group for the period April 2011 - June 2011, and SOS rates for the Residential Group and Commercial Group for the period April 2011 - December 2011. Written Order issued 5/5/11.
- National Grid - Proposed SOS rates for Industrial group for period July - September 2011; and results of competitive procurement for period July - September 2011 for industrial group, January-June 2012 for commercial group & January-December 2012 for residential group (5/20/11)
- Division - Memorandum summarizing its review and finding that National Grid's May 20, 2011 SOS filing is in compliance with Order No. 20125. (6/27/11)
- Commision issues Order No. 20485 approving National Grid's SOS rates for Industrial Group for the period July - September 2011. Written Order issued 9/30/11.
- National Grid - Proposed SOS rates for the Industrial Group for period October 2011 - December 2011 (filed 8/17/11)
- Division - Memorandum regarding National Grid's August 17, 2011 proposed SOS rate (9/7/11)
- Commission issues Order No. 20486 approving National Grid's SOS rates for the Industrial Group for the period October - December 2011. Written Order issued 9/30/11.
- National Grid - RI RES RFP Summary and request for confidential treatment (11/17/11)
- Notice of Technical Session scheduled April 14, 2010 @ 9:30 AM
- Notice of Hearing - Evidentiary scheduled July 8, 2010 @ 9:30 AM
- Revised Procedural Schedule for Docket
1) National Grid's Testimony and Pleadings in support of SOS & RES Procurement Plans
- National Grid - Standard Offer Service ("SOS") and Renewable Energy Standard ("RES") Procurement Plans for 2011 including testimony of witnesses Margaret M. Janzen and Jeanne A. Lloyd, and Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information filing Attachment 2 to the testimony of Margaret M. Janzen (filed 3/1/10)
- National Grid - Supplement to March 1, 2010 filing with updated version of SOS RFP and Certificate Purchase Agreement and associated documents and testimonies of Margaret M. Janzen and Jeanne A. Lloyd (filed 3/9/10)
- National Grid - Compliance report regarding review and analysis of procurement methods and options for RI filed filed in Docket 4041 on (1/22/10)
- National Grid - Rebuttal testimony of witnesses Margaret Janzen, Jeanne Lloyd and Scott Fisher (6/3/10)
- NGrid - Post-Hearing Brief (7/29/10)
- NGrid - Reply to Constellation's Post-Hearing Brief (8/3/10)
2) Division's and Intervernor's Testimony and Pleadings
- Division of Public Utilities -Testimony of Richard Hahn (5/13/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of Richard Hahn (6/23/10)
- Division - Post-Hearing Brief (7/29/10)
- Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. - Motion to Intervene (3/22/10)
- Constellation - Testimony of Daniel Allegretti (5/13/10)
- Constellation - Post-Hearing Brief (7/29/10)
3) All Responses to Data Requests
- National Grid - Response to PUC's record request (4/22/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data request(6/10/10)
- National Grid - Updated response to PUC's data request 3-1 (7/2/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st and 2nd sets of data requests and request for protective treatment of attachment to Division data request 1-2(a) (filed 5/11/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (6/4/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 4th set of data requests (6/7/10)
- National Grid - Response to Record Requests issued at July 8 hearing (7/22/10)
- Division - Responses to National Grid's 2nd set of data requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidental Information of response to National Grid's data requests (6/10/10)