Docket No. 4041 - National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Service (SOS) Portfolio Procurement Plan for 2010 and Renewable Energy Supply (RES) Procurement Plan for 2010
Status of Docket: Closed
National Grid's Compliance Filings under approved 2010 SOS and RES Procurement Plan, Division's Review and PUC's Orders (Filings submitted from November 2009 to Present)
- PUC issues Report and Order No. 19839 approving National Grid's 2010 RES Procurement Plan, 2010 SOS Procurement Plan for Large C&I Group, and 2010 SOS Procurement Plan for Small Customer Group and further modification to the plan. Written Order issued 11/24/09; and
Errata Order No. 19846 to correct Order 19839 issued 12/7/09. - National Grid - RES Plan Informational Filing containing projected RES rates for 2010 assuming a rate change on January 1, 2010 and alternatively assuming a rate change on March 1, 2010 (filed 11/19/09)
- National Grid - Compliance Filing: Standard Offer Service Bids and Power Supply Agreement for the Large Customer Group for the Period January 2010 through March 2010 and for the Small Customer Group for the Period October 2010 through March 2011; and Request for Confidential Treatment; and Standard Offer Services Rates for the Large Customer Group for the period January 2010 through March 2010 (filed 11/19/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum regarding National Grid's November 19, 2009 Large Customer Group Filing (12/14/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19880 approving National Grid's November 19, 2009 compliance filing regarding 2010 SOS Procurement Plan for Large C&I Group and approving SOS rates for Large Customer Group for period January - March 2010. Written Order issued 12/23/09.
- PUC issues Order No. 19878 approving a Renewable Energy Supply Charge of $0.00123 per kWh effective March 1, 2010. Written Order issued 12/23/09.
- National Grid - Tariff sheets reflecting Commission-approved SOS and rates for large customers for January through March 2010 and for small customers for January-February 2010 (1/4/10)
- National Grid - Compliance report regarding review and analysis of procurement methods and options for RI (1/22/10)
- National Grid - Compliance Filing: Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Large Customer Group for period April 2010 through June 2010; and results of the Competitive Procurement for the period April 2010 - June 2010 & for period October 2010 - March 2011 for the Small Customer Group (2/24/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Recommendation on NGrid's February 24, 2010 compliance filing (3/15/10).
- National Grid - Compliance Filing: Proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Large Customer Group for the period July 2010 - September 2010; and Result of Competitive Procurement Process for the Large Customer Group for period July 2010-September 2010 and Small Customer Group for the period October 2010 - March 2011;s (5/19/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Recommendation on NGrid's May 19, 2010 Compliance Filing (5/25/10)
- PUC issues Order No. 20045 approving National Grid's May 19, 2010 compliance filing and Standard Offer Service rates for the Large Customer Group as follows: July - $0.07019 per kWh; August - $0.07372 per kWh; September - $0.06830 per kWh. Written Order issued 6/29/10.
- National Grid - Compliance Filing: Standard Offer Service Rates for the Large Customer Group for the period October - December 2010 and for the Small Customer Group for the period October 2010 - March 2011(8/24/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum summarizing review and recommendation to approve National Grid's August 24, 2010 Compliance Filing (9/1/10)
- PUC issues Order 20148 approving National Grid's August 24, 2010 compliance filing and approving revised SOS rates for the Small Customer Group and Large Customer Group effective October 1, 2010. (9/29/10)
- National Grid - Summary of bids and final executed power supply contracts providing 100% of the SOS supply for NGrid's Large Customer Group for period January 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011 and SOS supply for the Residential and Commercial Customer Groups for period April 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011. Also, proposed retail prices for the Large Customer group for period January - March, 2011 (in Docket 4149) (filed 11/22/10)
Filings in connection w/ National Grid's Revised Standard Offer Procurement Plan and Revised Renewable Energy Procurement Plan for 2010, including compliance filings. (Filings submitted from April 2009 - November 2009)
- PUC issues Notice of Technical Session scheduled June 30, 2009 at PUC's office.
- National Grid's revised Standard Offer Procurement Plan consisting of testimony of witnesses Jeanne Lloyd and Alan P. Smithling (filed 4/29/09)
- National Grid revised Renewable Energy Procurement Plan consisting of testimony of witness Madison Milhous and Alan P. Smithling (filed 4/29/09)
- National Grid - Amendments to Procurement Plans replacing testimony of witnesses Madison Milhous and Alan P. Smithling which testimony excludes long-term contracting standards for renewable energy as a result of newly enacted legislature. (7/10/09)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Comments on Renewable Energy Procurement Plan (5/22/09)
- Constellation Energy Commodities -Testimony of Timothy Daniels (6/25/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests and Division's 1st and 2nd set of data requests (7/2/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 4th set of data requests (7/16/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of Richard S. Hahn (7/22/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 5th set of data requests (8/3/09)
- National Grid - Rebuttal testimony of Alan P. Smithling (8/14/09)
- Constellation Energy Commodities - Rebuttal testimony of Timothy Daniels and Daniel Allegretti (8/14/09)
- National Grid - Responses to PUC's 6th set of data requests (8/20/09)
- The Energy Council of RI - Public Comments (8/24/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of Richard S. Hahn (8/25/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 7th set of data requests (8/25/09)
- Constellation Energy - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (8/25/09)
- National Grid - Response to record requests issued at the August 27, 2009 hearing (9/2/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to Constellation's record request at the August 27 hearing (9/8/09)
- Constellation Energy - Post-Hearing Brief (9/22/09)
- National Grid - Post-Hearing Brief (9/22/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Post-Hearing Brief (9/22/09)
- Division of Public Utilities - Supplement to Post-Hearing Brief (9/28/09)
- Constellation Energy - Letter to clarify the record (9/28/09)
- National Grid - Revised Standard Offer Service tariff RIPUC No. 2012 effective 1/1/10 and calculation of National Grid's Small Customer Standard Offer Service rate effective March 1, 2010 (filed 10/23/09)
- National Grid - Supplemental Response to PUC's 8th set of data request (11/13/09)
Filings in connection w/ National Grid's proposed Accelerated Standard Offer Procurement Plan for 2010 (APP) filed on 4/9/09 (Filings from April 2009 - July 2009)
- National Grid - Proposed Accelerated 2010 Standard Offer Procurement Plan (4/9/09)
- PUC issues Notice of Hearing regarding NGrid's proposed Accelerated Procurement Plan (APP) for residential and small C&I customers. Hearing scheduled April 28, 2009 @ 10 A.M.. at the PUC's office.
- Procedural Schedule on proposed Accelerated Procurement Plan
- Division of Public Utilities - Position statement - memorandum from witness Richard Hahn (4/23/09)
- Office of Energy Resources - Position statement on NGrid's APP (4/24/09)
- Retail Energy Supply Association - Position statement on NGrid's (4/24/09)
- Constellation Energy Commodities - Position statement on NGrid's APP (4/24/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's data requests regarding NGrid's APP (4/21/09)
- National Grid - Response to OER's data requests regarding NGrid's APP (4/21/09)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data requests regarding NGrid's APP (4/21/09)
- National Grid - Supplemental response to PUC's data request 1-10 (4/23/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (4/27/09)
- National Grid - Response to record requests (5/1/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19640 approving National Grid's April 9, 2009 proposed Accelerated 2010 Standard Offer Procurement Plan with modification. Written Order issued 5/8/09.
- National Grid - Redacted procurement informational filing regarding the details of the Accelerated Standard Offer Procurement Plan, including redacted Master Power Agreements and Transaction Confirmation (7/1/09)
Filings in connection w/ National Grid's initial proposed Standard Offer Portfolio (filed March 3, 2009) Procurement Plan for 2010 which proposal was rejected by the PUC. (Filings from March 2009 - April 2009)
- National Grid - Standard Offer Portfolio Procurement Plan including testimony of witnesses Richard A. Rapp, Jr. and Alan P. Smithling (filed 3/3/09) The Commission rejected the Plan and ordered that National Grid re-file on April 29, 2009.
- National Grid - Renewable Energy Supply Procurement Plan for 2010 including testimony of witness Alan P. Smithling (filed 3/4/09) The Commission rejected the Plan and ordered that National Grid re-file on April 29, 2009.
- PUC issues Order No. 19602 rejecting National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Supply Procurement Plan and Renewable Energy Supply Procurement Plan. Written Order issued 3/18/09.
- National Grid - Motion for Clarification of Order No. 19602 and entry of appearance by Atty. Gerald Petros (3/27/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19610 in response to National Grid's Motion for Clarification, clarifying and stating that Order No. 19602 does not require NGrid to enter into any contracts at this time. Further, the Commission stated that Order No. 19602 does require NGrid to include solicitation of long term contracts for renewable energy certificates as part of its RES Procurement Plan, all aspects of which will be subject to Commission review and approval. Written Order issued 4/6/09.
- National Grid - Motion for Expedited Treatment of an Accelerated Procurement Plan and Request for Extension of Time to Re-file Amended Standard Offer and Renewable Energy Supply Procurement Plans (4/6/09)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (3/9/09)
- RI Office of Energy Resources - Motion to Intervene (3/27/09)
- Retail Energy Supply Association - Motion to Intervene (4/17/09)
- Constellation Energy Commodities Group Inc. and Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. - Motion to Intervene (4/17/09)
- TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. - Motion to Intervene (4/17/09)
- Cape Wind Associates - Motion to Intervene (5/20/09)
- CLF - Withdrawal of Appearance of CLF (7/2/09