Docket No. 4783 - The Narragansett Electric Co. dba National Grid's Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan FY 2019 (filed 12/21/17)
Status of docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- National Grid's Proposed Electric ISR Plan for FY 2019
- Notice of Hearing - March 8, 2018 @ 10 AM
- Office of Energy Resources (OER)- Notice of Intervention (1/25/18)
- National Grid's Revised Proposed Electric ISR Plan for FY 2019 (2/22/18)
- Sunrun Inc. - Comments (2/14/18)
- Testimony of the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (Division) (2/22/18)
- PUC Order No. 23349 approving National Grid's ISR Plan as revised with the exception of the proposed funding of the proposed AMI Pilot Program which is denied. Written Order issued 12/18/18.
- National Grid's Annual Reconciliation Filing for effect October 1, 2019
- National Grid's Annual Reconciliation Filing and proposed CapEx Reconciling Factor and proposed O&M Reconciling Factor effective October 1, 2019 (filed 8/1/19)
- Procedural Schedule
- Division's Position Memorandum (9/13/19)
- Division's Supplemental Memorandum (9/23/19)
- National Grid's compliance tariff filng (9/30/19)
- National Grid's response to Division Data Requests Set 4 (10/319)
- PUC Order 23759 approving National Grid's proosed ISR factors and reconciliation filing. Order issued 2/6/20.
Compliance Filings and Reports:
- National Grid's Compliance Filing including an updated revenue requirement and bill impacts for the fiscal year 2019 Electric Infrastructure, Safety, and Reliability Plan, which reflect the PUC’s March 20, 2018 open meeting decision. (3/27/18)
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum on National Grid's Compliance Filing (3/29/18)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing - Revised Tariff Sheets - RIPUC No. 2095 & RIPUC No. 2096 (4/3/18)
- National Grid's summary report that details the gypsy moth-related damage in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 (filed 4/20/18)
- NGrid's Electric ISR Q1 Report (filed 8/15/18)
- NGrid's Electric ISR Q2 Report (11/15/18)
- NGrid's Electric ISR Q3 Report (2/15/19)
- NGrid's Electric ISR Q4 Report (5/15/19)
- Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid's response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (1/16/18)
- National Grid's attachments to PUC 1-2 (1 through 10)
- PUC 1-2-1 (Electric ISR FY 2019 Prefiling Documents)
- PUC 1-2-2 (Study Process Document)
- PUC 1-2-3 (Study Flow Chart)
- PUC 1-2-4 (Docket 4237 -Contact Voltage Annual Rept 2017)
- PUC 1-2-5 (Study Area Maps)
- PUC 1-2-6 (Five Year Budget)
- PUC 1-2-7 (Load Projections)
- PUC 1-2-8 (Vegetation Mgmt Cost Benefit)
- PUC 1-2-9 (NECO Agreement 5/31/2017)
- PUC 1-2-10 (FY 2019 Electric ISR- I and M Cost Benefit Study)
- National Grid's attachments to PUC 1-2 (1 through 10)
- National Grid's response to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests (2/7/18)
- National Grid's responses to PUC 2-48 (2/9/18)
- National Grid's responses to PUC data requests 3-1 (3/1/18)
- National Grid's responses to PUC data requests 3-2 and 3-3 (3/2/18)
- National Grid's responses to PUC 4th Set of Data Requests (3/1/18)
- National Grid's responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests (1/16/18)
- National Grid's responses to Division's 2nd Set of Data Requests (2/9/18)
- National Grid's responses to Division's 3rd Set of Data Requests (2/20/18)
- National Grid's responses to OER's data requests (2/16/18)
- National Grid's response to record requests issued at the March 8, 2018 hearing (3/16/18)
- Division of Public Utilities' response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (3/2/18)
Link to National Grid's Electric ISR Plan FY 2018 - Docket No. 4682