Docket No. 5114 - The Narragansett Electric Co. D/b/a National Grid - Grid Modernization Plan (filed 1/21/2021)
- National Grid - Grid Modernization Plan (GMP) pursuant to Article II, Section C.15.b of the Amended Settlement Agreement (ASA) approved by the PUC at its Open Meeting on August 24, 2018 in Docket Nos. 4770 & 4780
- Division of Public Utilities (Division) Opposition to the Consolidation of Docket Nos. 5113 and 5114
- National Grid esponse to Division’s Opposition to the Consolidation of Dockets and Objection to Motion to Stay
- PUC Memorandum and Data Request to National Grid and Division (5/27/21)
- National Grid Response to PUC Data Request 1 (6/10/21)
- Division Further Motion to Stay, Continued Opposition to Consolidation of Docket Nos. 5113 and 5114, and responses to data requests (6/3/21)
- PUC Order 24089 in response to motion to stay dockets pending the outcome of the Division’s review of the PPL acquisition of The Narragansett Electric Company (7/14/21)
- Notice of Withdrawal of The Narragansett Electric Company’s Request for Approval of its Grid Modernization Plan (9/12/22)