Docket No. 3707 - Narragansett Bay Commission ("NBC") application for approval of new rates to generate additional revenue requirement (RR) of $3,108,471 or 5.10%
Status of Docket: CLOSED
Testimony, exhibit and discovery submitted by the parties in the docket in chronological date order:
- NBC - Testimony Walter E. Edge and exhibits in support of rate increase application (filed 11/1/05)
- NBC - Legal Notice of Filing (11/9/05)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket - Public comment hearing scheduled on 1/31/06 @ North Providence Town Hall, 2000 Smith St.; Evidentiary hearings scheduled 4/10 - 4/11/06 @ PUC office. Notice of Public Hearings
- NBC - Response to Division of Public Utilities' (Division) 1st set of data requests (12/23/05)
- NBC - Response to Public Utilities Commission's (PUC) 1st set of data requests (1/6/06)
- NBC - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (1/10/06)
- NBC - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (1/23/06)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony and exhibits of Thomas S. Catlin and David R. Stearns (2/8/06)
- NBC - Response to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (2/27/06)
- NBC - Rebuttal testimony & exhibits of Walter E. Edge (3/1/06)
- NBC - Response to Division's 4th set of data requests (3/14/06)
- Division of Public Utilities - Request for extension of time to file surrebuttal testimony (3/15/06)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony and exhibits of Thomas S. Catlin (3/23/06)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony and exhibits David R. Stearns(3/23/06)
- NBC and Division of Public Utilities - Settlement Agreement resolving all issues on NBC's rate case. The settlement agreement will allow NBC to collect additional revenues of $2,658,009 or 4.60% over current authorized level, for a total rate year revenue requirement of $63,593,529 (4/6/06)
- NBC - Response to record requests from the April 10, 2006 hearing and response to PUC's data request of April 11, 2006 (4/14/06)
- NBC - Response to Commission's data requests of May 8, 2006 (5/16/06)
- At open meeting held 5/25/06, the PUC considered the Settlement Agreement. It was approved with the modification to reduce the Settlement amount by approximately $248,746 to reflect a 10% copay on health insurance by all NBC's employees. The PUC requested that NBC reply whether it accepts the modification to the Settlement.
- On 6/5/06, NBC replied indicating that it does not accept the PUC's modification and proposed alternatives. The PUC proceeded to schedule a hearing to take testimony on the rate filing. The hearing is scheduled June 19, 2006 at 1:30 P.M.
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to PUC's data request (6/13/06)
- NBC - Responses to PUC's record requests from June 19 hearing (7/21/06)
- PUC - Memo to parties and directing NBC to file compliance tariffs and proof of revenues to support additional revenues in the amount of $2,348,622 (6/23/06)
- NBC - Compliance tariff filing and proof of revenues (6/30/06)
- Division - Memo recommending approval of NBC's compliance tariff filing of 6/30/06