Docket No. 4316 - National Grid - Proposed Revisions to RPF for Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects Pursuant R.I.G.L. 39-26.1 et seq. (filed March 1, 2012)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule for docket - Hearing scheduled May 24, 2012 @ 9:30 A.M. Notice of Hearing
- National Grid - Request for approval of proposed revisions to the Company's RFP for Long-Term Contract for Renewable Energy Project. The RFP encompasses the Company's proposed timetable and method for solicitation and execution of long-term contracts to be used to solicit proposals from renewable energy developers in accordance with the Long-Term Contracting Standard. The proposed revisions also integrate the recently enacted Net Metering provision of the Renewable Standard, R.I.G.L. § 39-26.4-1 et seq., and the Distributed Generation Standard Contracts Act, R.I.G.L. § 39-26.2-1 et seq. (filed 3/1/12)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (3/21/12)
- Constellation Energy Commodities Corp., Inc. & Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. - Motion to Intervene (4/6/12)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (4/3/12)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Richard Hahn (4/30/12)
- National Grid - Reply Comments to the Division's Memorandum filed on April 30, 2012 (5/15/12)
- National Grid - Compliance filing, revisions to Request for Proposals ("RFP") pursuant to Open Meeting decision on June 12, 2012 (6/28/12)
- Commission issues Order No. 20768 on National Grid's proposed Revised RFP for Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects. Written Order issued 7/12/12.
- National Grid - Informational letter regarding Legislative Amendment that impact the content of the Company's Request for Proposals ("RFP") issued on July 1, 2013 pursuant to R.I.G.L. §39-26.1-3 and the Commission’s Rules and Regulations Governing Long-Term Contracting Standards for Renewable Energy (7/19/13)
National Grid's Reports Summarizing Result of Solicitations Pursuant to RIGL 39-26.1:
- National Grid - Summary Report on the results of NGrid's Third Solicitation for Long-Term Contract for Renewable Energy Projects Pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-26.1 et seq. & Request for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information (filed 8/29/13)
LINK TO RELATED DOCKET NO. 4150 - Relating to the approval of National Grid's initial filing of the Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects Pursuant R.I.G.L. Section 39-26.1 et seq., in June 17, 2010 - Also includes reports summarizing the results of previous First & Second Solicitations.