3890 - Petition of AT&T to Investigate, Clarify and Modify Accordingly Level 3's Recent Access Tariff Revisions
- AT&T Communications - Petition to Investigate Level 3's Recent AccessTariff Revisions (filed on 10/19/07)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Level 3 Communications - Response to AT&T petition (11/13/07)
- Verizon RI - Motion to Intervene on behalf of Verizon and its subsidiaries (11/21/07)
- Offer of Settlement entered between parties, Level 3 Communications, AT&T Corp. and Verizon NE d/b/a Verzion RI, MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC and MCI Communications Services, Inc. (1/4/08)
- AT&T Communications - Revised tariff for Level 3 (RIPUC Tariff No. 2, Section to reflect Divison's minor revision to the tariff (1/10/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Letter in support to approve Offer of Settlement entered by the parties and revise tariff schedule for Level 3, RIPUC Tariff No. 2 Section (filed 1/11/08)
- PUC issues Report and Order No. 19183 approving the Offer of Settlement resolving the parties differences through agreed tariff revisions (1/23/08)
- Signed Offer of Settlement (1/25/08)
- Level 3 - Compliance tariff filing in conformance with Order (1/25/08)