Docket 3706 - National Grid - Standard Offer Rate Adjustment, Transmission Service Rate Adjustment and Transition Rate Adjustment Filing for effect 12/1/06
- National Grid - Testimony of witnesses Ronald T. Gerwatowski, Jeanne A. Lloyd and Michael J. Hager in support to increase the Standard Offer Service Rate from 8.2¢ per kWh to 10.2¢ (date filed 10/31/05)
- Attorney General - Motion to Intervene (11/8/05)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's verbal data request providing two versions of projected SO reconciliation for 2006 (11/8/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memo recommending suspension of National Grid's rate change to allow for further review (11/9/05)
- The Energy Council of RI - Motion to Intervene (11/10/05)
- The Commission suspended the proposed SO rates for further review at open meeting held on 11/10/05
- Commission issues Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Commission issues Notice of Public Hearing - public comment hearing on 12/12/05 & evidentiary hearing on 12/16/05
- National Grid - Testimony of Jeanne A. LLoyd, Michael D. LaFlamme and Susan D. Hodgson in support of Annual Retail Reconciliation Filing proposing to decrease the Transition Charge from 0.845¢ per kWh to 0.575 ¢ per kWh, and to increase the Transmission Service Adjustment Factor from 0.239¢ per kWh to 0.371¢ per kWh (11/115/05)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion to Intervene (11/16/05)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (11/29/05)
- National Grid - Testimony of Jeanne A. Lloyd and Michael J. Hager in support of updated Standard Offer Service Rate filing - Company proposes to reduce the SO rate to 10.0¢ per Kwh from initial filing submitted on October 31 (11/30/05)
- National Grid - Typcial bill analysis reflecting all the rate changes proposed for January 1, 2006 in Docket 3706 and 3710 (12/5/05)
- National Grid - Typical bill impact analysis for Low Income Rate A60 reflecting all the rate changes proposed in Docket 3706 and 3710 effective 1/1/06 (12/7/05)
- George Wiley Center - Testimony and position statement on National Grid's proposed rate changes to SO, transition and transmission charges (12/7/05)
- Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony of John Stutz regarding National Grid's proposed changes to SO, transition and transmission charges and National Grid's request for dispensation of settlement proceeds (12/12/05)
- Attorney General - Position on National Grid's proposed changes to SO, transmission and transition charges(12/7/05)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (12/13/05)
- National Grid - Responses to Commission's 3rd set of data requests (12/15/05)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 2nd set of data requests (Part I) requests 2-3 through 2-5; 2-7 through 2-9; 2-12 through 2-14; 2-17 through 2-19 and 2-20. (12/15/05)
- National Grid - Remaining responses to Division's 2nd set of data requests (Part II) (some responses are available on CD-ROM only) (12/16/05)
- National Grid - Response to record requests 2 and 6 propounded at the 12/16/05 hearing (12/21/05)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's post-hearing data requests (12/21/05)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data requests 2-10 (12/21/05)
- National Grid - Response to record requests 1 and 4 propounded at the 12/16/05 hearing (12/22/05)
- National Grid - Supplement response to Division's data request 2-6 (available on CD-ROM only) (12/28/05)
- At open meeting held December 21, 2005, the PUC approved a revised Standard Offer Service Rate of 10¢ per kWh, Transmission Adjustment Factor of .371¢ per kWh, Transition Charge of .575¢ per kWh effective 1/1/06. A written Report and Order will follow.
- National Grid - Standard Offer Service Rate compliance filing effective 1/1/06 (1/11/06)
- National Grid - Standard Offer Reconciliation Report through November 2005 (1/11/06)
- National Grid - Request to Correct Transcript
- Commission - Reply to National Grid granting request to correct transcript (1/23/06)
- National Grid - Response to Commission record requests 3 & 5 propounded at hearing held 12/16/05
National Grid's Monthly Reconciliation Reports: