Docket No. 3943 - National Grid Gas ("NGrid") - Application to implement new rates designed to collect additional revenue requirements in the amount of $20.04 million or 4.6% (filed April 9, 2008)
Pleadings, compliance filings and Orders entered subsequent to Report & Order 19563 (issued January 29, 2009):
- National Grid - Request to amend Non-Firm Sales Service Tariff Rate 60 (filed 2/23/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19617 approving National Grid's Request to Amend Non-Firm Sales Service Tariff Rate 60 (RIPUC NG-Gas 101 Section 5 Schedule G Tariff). Written Order issued April 9. 2009.
- Division of Public Utilities - Motion for Clarification of Order No. 19563 on the issue of National Grid's Size of Rate Base and proposal to make appropriate adjustment to rate base and modify the Accelerated Replacement Plan mechanism (filed 5/1/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's data request (regarding Motion for Clarification) issued on May 28, 2009 (5/29/09)
- PUC issues Order No. 19710 approving the Division's May 5, 2009 proposed rate base adjustment and proposed Accelerated Replacement Program process. Written order issued 7/16/09.
Report & Orders issued by the Commission (prior to January 29, 2009):
- PUC issues Report & Order No. 19563 authorizing National Grid to collect additional revenue requirements of $13,659,773 or 10.88% for a total cost of service of $139,266,486 and approving new rates effective December 1, 2008. Written Order issued January 29, 2009.
- PUC issues Order No. 19528 approving National Grid's Compliance Tariff Filing. Writen Order issued January 8, 2009.
- PUC issues Order No. 19330 granting the New England Gas Workers Association's (NEGWA) Motion to Intervene. Wirtten Order issued July 7, 2008.
- PUC issues Order No. 19371 in response to NEGWA's Motion for Extension of Time to file testimony. NGrid's Motion Extension of Time & Deadline for Discovery, and SilentSherpa's Motion for Interim/Emergency Relief. Written Order issued August 13, 2008.
Testimony and pleadings entered post Report and Order No. 19653, January 29, 2009:
NGrid incorporates the following testimony and exhibits in support of its rate application:
- Transmittal letter summarizing components of rate filing by Legal Counsel
- Direct testimony of Nickolas Stavropoulos - Summary and overview of rate filing
- Direct testimony & attachments of Michael D. Laflamme - Calculation of revenue requirement and revenue defficiency
- Workpapers of Michael D. Laflamme
- Rebuttal testimony of Michael D. Laflamme (8/18/08)
- Direct testimony & attachments of Susan L. Fleck - Evaluation of gas distributiion system and Infrastructure Improvement Proposal
- Direct testimony & attachments of Sean P. Mongan - Gas Marketing Program in RI
- Rebuttal testimony of Sean P. Mongan (8/15/08)
- Direct testimony & attachments of Paul R. Moul - Capital structure and cost of capital analysis
- Rebuttal testimony of Paul Moul (8/15/08)
- Direct testimony & attachments of Dr. Kimbugwe A. Kateregga - Depreciation Study and proposed depreciation rates for ratemaking purposes
- Direct testimony & attachments of Alan Feibelman and Richard J. Levin - Integration Planning Initiative and resulting estimated synergy savings and cost to achieve
- Direct testimony & attachments of James D. Simpson - Revenue decoupling mechanism proposal
- Rebuttal testimony of James D. Simpson (8/15/08)
- Direct testimony & attachments of David A. Heintz - Allocated Cost of Service Study and rate design
- Workpapers of David A. Heintz
- Direct testimony & attachments of Peter C. Czekanski - Test year and rate year billing determinants & revenues, proposed low-income residential distrbution rate, proposed changes to Distribution Adjustment Charge Tariff and Cost of Gas Recovery Clause. Company's tariffs, clean and maked showing changes
- Workpapers of Peter C. Czekanski
- Rebuttal testimony of Peter Czekanski - Non-firm ratemaking policy and related rate design issues (8/15/08)
- Rebuttal testimony of Karen M. Czaplewksi - Low-income matter (8/15/08)
- Rebuttal testimony of Robert B. Hevert - Revenue decoupling and return on equity (8/15/08)
- National Grid's filing requirements in compliance with Section 1 and Section 2 of PUC Rules of Practice and Procedure
- National Grid - Motion for Extension of Time to file rebutttal testimony and amend the procedural schedule (8/1/08)
- National Grid - Response to SilentSherpa's Motion for Interim/Emergency Relief regarding natural gas pricing to non-firm customers (8/5/08)
- National Grid - Responses to Request for Admission by CLF (8/14/08)
- National Grid - Request to Withdraw Revenue Decoupling in this docket (9/3/08)
- National Grid - Legal Memorandum on Low-Income Rates and Gas Marketing Program (9/8/08)
- National Grid - Extension of time proposal for the Commission to issue a final order (9/19/08)
- National Grid - Stipulation entered into between National Grid and the Division that is designed to resolve the issue relating to the effect on revenues of potential migration between the firm and non-firm customer classes (11/5/08)
- National Grid - Revised Non-Firm Cost of Service Study being submitted as part of National Grid Ex. 44 (11/5/08)
- National Grid - Post -Hearing Memorandum (11/6/08)
- National Grid - 1) Response to Post-Hearing Memoranda filed by the parties to this proceeding and 2) Response to the Attorney General's Legal Memorandum on Gas Marketing Program (11/10/08)
- National Grid - Compliance tariff filing in conformance w/ PUC's open meeting decision (on November 24) authorizing National Grid to implement new rates designed to collect additional revenues in the amount of $13,659,773 in connection with this rate case, revised Gas Cost Recovery charge in Docket No. 3982 and revised Distribution Adjustment Charge in Docket No. 3977. The net impact of the proposed rate filings is an annual reduction of $64.00 or 4.1% on a typical residential heating customer using 922 therms annually .
Filings by the Division of Public Utilities and Intervenors
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of James A. Rothschild (filed 7/25/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of James A. Rothschild (8/29/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of Bruce R. Oliver (7/25/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of Bruce R. Oliver (8/29/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of David J. Effron (7/25/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of David J/ Effron (8/29/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to SilentSherpa's Motion for Interim/Emergency Relief (8/1/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Letter regarding PUC's open meeting decision on August 7, 2008
- Division of Public Utilities - Reply opposing National Grid's request to withdraw the proposal to implement revenue decoupling (9/5/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Post-Hearing Memorandum (11/6/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Reply to Post-Hearing Memoranda (11/12/08)
- Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) - Motion to Intervene (filed on 4/10/08)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Pre-filed testimony of Seth Kaplan (7/9/08)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Requests for Admission directed to National Grid (7/15/08)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Reply to National Grid's request to withdraw the proposal to implement revenue decoupling and National Grid's response to CLF (9/5/08)
- Conservation Law Foundation - Post-Hearing Memorandum and Proposed Findings of Fact and Rulings (11/5/08)
- SilentSherpa Energy Consulting and Proffesional Services - Motion to Intervene (4/23/08)
- SientSherpa Energy - Motion for Interim/Emergency Relief requesting that the PUC order National Grid to utilize the floor tariff rate as its natural gas pricing to non-firm customers and testimony of James Grasso in support of motion (7/25/08)
- SilentSherpa Energy - Reply opposing National Grid's request to withdraw the proposal to implement revenue decoupling (9/5/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion to Intervene (5/22/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Motion for Extension of Time to file testimony (7/24/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Pre-Filed Comments on National Grid's Return on Equity and Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (8/6/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Sur-rebuttal testimony (8/8/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Memorandum of the Legal Basis of the Low Income Rate (9/10/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Post-Hearing Memorandum of Law (11/6/08)
- Environment Northeast - Motion to Intervene (5/23/08)
- Environment Northeast - Comments Concerning the National Grid Decoupling Proposal (7/25/08)
- Environment Northeast - Reply to National Grid's request to withdraw the proposal to implement revenue decoupling (9/5/08)
- Environment Northeast - Brief Concerning National Grid Decoupling Proposal, as Amended (11/6/08)
- Environment Northeast - Reply Brief (11/10/08)
- The Energy Council of RI (TEC-RI) - Motion to Inrtervene (5/23/08)
- TEC-RI - Testimony of John Farley (7/25/08)
- TEC-RI - Surrebuttal testimony of John Farley (8/29/08)
- TEC-RI - Post Hearing Brief (11/6/08)
- TEC-RI - Reply Brief (11/12/08)
- RI Office of Energy Resources (OER) - Motion to Intervene (5/23/08)
- OER - Brief (11/7/08)
- OER - Reply Brief (11/10/08)
- Rhode Island Hospital (RIH) - Motion to Inervene (5/27/08)
- RI Hospital - Post Hearing Brief (11/6/08)
- RI Hospital - Reply Brief (11/12/08)
- Attorney General Pactrick C. Lynch (AG) - Motion to Interevene (527/08)
- Attorney General Paterick C. Lynch - Memorandum of Law (11/6/08)
- NE Gas Workers Association (NEGWA) - Motion to intervene (6/5/08)
- National Grid - Response in opposition to NE Gas Workers motion to intervene (6/9/08)
- NE Gas Workers Association - Motion for Extension of Time to file testimony (7/25/08)
- National Grid - Reply to NEGWA's Motion to extension of Time to file testimony (8/1/08)
Response to Data Requests
- National Grid - Motion for Confidential Treatment provided in response to Data Request DIV-1-l6 and response to Division's 1st set of data requests (filed 5/14/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (5/2/108)
- National Grid - Motion for Protective Treatment of data response DIV 2-8 (5/21/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (6/4/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 4th set of data requests (6/9/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 5th set of data requests (6/23/08)
- National Grid - Motion for Confidential Treatment provided in response to Data Request DIV 8-27 (6/26/08) and
- National Grid - Response to Division's 6th set of data requests (6/26/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 7th set pf data requests (6/26/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 8th set of data requests (6/26/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 9th set of data requests along with responses to DIV 6-9, DIV 7-14 and DIV 7-21 (7/8/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 10th set of data requests (7/11/08)
- National Grid - Transmittal and Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information provided in response to TEC-RI 1-23 (7/15/08); and
- National Grid - Response to George Wiley's 1st set of data requests and TEC-RI's 1st set of data requests; (7/15/08); and
- National Grid - Response to DIvision's data requests DIV 5-13, DIV 5-15, DIV 5-16 and DIV 7-3; (7/15/08)
- National Grid - Response to RI Hospital's set of data requests; and response to George Wiley's 2nd set of data requests; and more responses to o Divisions 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7th data requests (7/22/08)
- National Grid - Responses to data requests DIV 5-36, DIV 6-14, DIV 11-1, TEC-RI 1-38 and RI-NS-6 (filed 7/24/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 12th set of data requests;; responses to Data Requests
- National Grid - Responses to data requests COMM 2-1, 2-2 and AG 2-1; and updated responses to RIH-NS-1 and COMM 3-9 (filed 9/26/08)
- National Grid - Responses to WILEY 2-3 through 2-12; Data Requests TEC-RI 1-34, TEC-RI 1-60, TEC-RI 1-71, and TEC-RI 1-75; and Data Requests RIH-NS-4, RIH-NS-5, RIH-NS-7, and RIH-NS-8 data requests (filed 8/1/08)
- National Grid - Response to Divison's data request DIV 5-53 (8/7/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (8/7/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's outstanding 1st set of data requests and DIV 12-8 (8/20/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's remaining 1st set of data requests and Motion for Protective Order of responses to COMM 1-1; and updates to Division's DIV 6-24, DIV 6-25 and TEC-RI 1-18 (8/22/08)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 13th set of data requests and to COMM 2-8 (9/5/08)
- National Grid - Response to Divison's 14th set of data requests (9/5/08)
- National Grid - Response to data requests COMM 2-3, 2-4 & 2-7 (9/5/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 3rd set of data requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of data requests COMM 3-2 and COMM 3-8
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 4th set of data request. and RIH-JS-3, DIV 13-7, DIV 14-5 and COMM 2-5 (9/7/08)
- National Grid - Response to the Wiley Center's 4th set of data requests (9/10/08)
- National Grid - Response to George Wiley's 3rd set of data requests (9/12/08)
- National Grid - Response to Data Requests DIV 13-4, COMM 2-6 and responses to Commission's record requests (9/24/08)
- National Grid - Response to Data Requests COMM 2-1, 2-2, and AG 1-1 and updated RIH-NS-1 and COMM 3-9, and response to Record Request COMM-5 (9/26/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's data requests COMM 3-2 and 3-8, responses to the Wiley Center's third set of data equests; and responses to record requests (10/16/08)
- National Grid - Responses to Data Requests & Record Requests (10/20/08)
- National Grid - Responses to record requests RR-DIV-5 through RR-DIV-9, RR-DIV-11 and RR-DIV-13, RR-RIH-1 and RR-COMM-24 and RR-COMM-26 (filed 10/30/08)
- National Grid - Responses to Record Requests RR-DIV-12 and RR-COMM-23 (11/3/08)
- National Grid - Response to Record Request RR-DIV-14 (11/6/08)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's Post-Hearing Requests (11/14/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to National Grid's 1st set of data requests (8/13/08)
- Rhode Island Hospital - Response to PUC's 1st set of data request (8/22/08)
- Envrironment Northeast - Response to PUC's 1st set of data request (8/25/08)
- The George Wiley Center - Response to PUC's 1st set of data request (8/25/08)