Docket No. 3680 - Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid Implementation of the ISO-New England 2005 Load Response Program and Narragansett's Proposed 2005 Summer Load Curtailment Program
Filings submitted in the parties in chronological date order:
- Narragansett Electric - Proposed 2005 Summer Load Curtailment Program (5/5/05)
- Commission Order No. 18267 approving Narragansett's proposed 2005 Summer Load Curtailment Program (6/6/05)
- Narragansett Electric - Compliance report on enrollment and curtailment events through July 31, 2005 (9/1/05)
- Narragansett Electric - Compliance report on enrollment and curtailment events through September 30, 2005 (11/9/05)