Docket No. 4774 - The Renewable Energy Growth (RE Growth) Program for Year 2018 Filings submitted by the Rhode Island Distributed Generation Board’s (DG Board) and the Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid (filed 11/15/17)
Docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Technical Session on the following:
- Notice of Hearing - January 24, 2018 @ 9;30 AM
- National Grid's Presentation - 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program (1/24/18)
- National Grid's Presentation - 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program (1/24/18)
- The DG Board's Report and Recommendations Relating to the 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices, and Capacity Targets (11/15/17)
- The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's Proposed 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program Tariff and Solicitation and Enrollment Process Rule (11/15/17)
- National Grid's Proposed Budget for 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program (12/18/17)
- National Grid's revised Non-Residential RE Growth Tariff (1/8/18)
- National Grid's Reply to Sunrun, Inc.'s Comments and New Energy RI's Objection (1/23/18)
- New Energy RI - Motion to Intervene and Objection (12/14/17)
- New Energy RI's Supplemental Memorandum and Pre-filed Testimony of Fred Under (1/17/18)
- Sunrun, Inc.'s Motion to Intervene (12/14/17)
- Sunrun Inc.'s Motion for Leave to File Late Comments and its Comments (12/20/17)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Carrie Gilbert on National Grid's Tariff and Solicitation and Enrollment Process Rules and Sunrun, Inc. Comments (1/17/18)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum of Carrie Gilbert on The DG Board's Report and Recommendation Relating to the 2017 RE Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices and Capacity Targets (1/17/18)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing (3/29/18)
- PUC Order No. 23630 approving the 2018 Renewable Energy Growth Program. Order issued 7/12/2019
Response to Data Requests and Record Requests:
- Office of Energy Resources' (OER) Response to PUC's Record Request 1 (1/19/18)
- National Grid's Response to Record Requests (1/19/18)
- National Grid's Response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (1/122/18)
- National Grid's Response to PUC 1-4
- National Grid's Response to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests (1/22/18)
- Natiional Grid's Response to PUC 2-11
- National Grid's Response to PUC 2-7 (2/5/18)
- National Grid's Response to Record Requests (2/5/18)
- National Grid's to PUC's Post-hearing Data Requests submitted in Docket No. 4763 (2/5/18)
- Distributed Generation Board Response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (1/23/18)
National Grid’s Open Enrollment Reports
- National Grid's Open Enrollment Reports Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.6-20(b). The Enrollment Report includes a list of commercial-scale, large-scale solar, and all other distributed generation projects selected by National Grid.