Docket No. 4214 - Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) - Rate filing to collect additional revenues of $2,521,655 or 3.21% for debt service requirements
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Notice of Hearing - Evidentiary hearing scheduled at 9:30 AM, January 18, 2011 at PUC's office.
- NBC's application, proposed rates and the testimony of w itnesses Walter E. Edge and Maureen Gurgighian in support of rate increase (11/24/10)
- NBC's response to Division of Public Utilities' 1st set of data requests (12/9/10)
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum regarding NBC's rate filing (1/11/11)
- PUC issues Order No. 20268 approving NBC's debt service rate application and authorizing NBC to collect additional revenues of $2,521,655 effective 7/1/11. Written Order issued 1/28/11.
- Division of Public Utilities letter (regarding NBC's withdrawal in Docket No. 4205) and recommending that the increase in debt service revenues be applied on an across- the-board basis on all rates (2/18/11)
- NBC's proposed tariff reflecting an across-the-board percent increase effective July 1, 2011 (2/28/11)
- Division's letter recommeding approval of NBC's proposed charge for residential well customers in Docket No. 4230 and indicating that NBC's proposed rate changes reflect an across-the-board increase of 3.21 percent as approved in this docket in Order No. 20268. (3/8/11)