Docket No. 4536-A RE: Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid's (NGrid) Tariff Advice Filing for Renewable Energy Growth Program (RE Growth Program) and Solicitation & Enrollment Process Rules (filed 11/14/14)
Docket No. 4536-B RE: RI Distributed Generation Board (DB Board) Report and Recommendation Regarding 2015 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices and Targets (filed 12/23/14)
Status of Docket: Closed.
PUC Order 23626 approving 2015 Renewable Energy Growth Program year proposals submitted by National Grid and the Distributed Generation Board. Order issued 7/1/2019.
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Technical Session - scheduled February 10, 2015
- National Grid's slide presentation regarding RE Growth Program, used at the Technical Session on February 10, 2015
- Notice of Hearing - hearing was continued to March 9, 2015
- Motions to Intervene filed by
- Wind Energy Development LLC (WED) - Motion to Intervene (12/2/14)
- Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (1/8/15)
- National Grid's request to the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for review and approval of the Company’s proposal to implement the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Growth Program (RE Growth Program) under the recently-enacted Clean Energy Jobs Program Act. The proposal is desgined to finance the development, construction, and operation of 160 MW of renewable energy distributred generation (DG) projects over a five-year period using performance-based incentives. The filings includes
- Executive Summary for implementing the RE Growth Program; and
- Joint pre-filed testimony and schedules of witnesses Corine M. DiDomenico and Jeanne A. Lloyd
- Wind Energy Development LLC (WED) - Objection to National Grid's proposed tariff (12/2/14)
- Distributed Generation Board - Letter in support of National Grid's 2015 RE Growth Tariff and Application documents (12/23/14)
- WED's Testimony of Mark Depasquale (1/22/15)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers - Memorandum of Alvaro Pereira and Richard Hahn (2/3/15)
- National Grid - Rebuttal Testimony of Corinne DiDomenico and Jeanne Lloyd (2/9/15)
- DG Board and Office of Energy Resources - Comments (2/26/15)
- National Grid - Summary concerning the February 12, 2015 Meeting (3/6/15)
- National Grid - Revision to its proposed Renewable Energy Growth (RE Growth) Program for Non-residential Customers, RIPUC No. 2152 Tariff (3/11/15)
- WED - Response to National Grid's proposed tariff language (3/12/15)
- National Grid - Correspondence which includes a redline comparison document that reflects changes National Grid has made to the Non-Residential Tariff (3/30/15)
- National Grid Compliance Tariff Filings
- National Grid's Compliance Filing submitted pursuant to March 31, 2015 Open Meeting (4/8/15)
- National Grid’s Revised Compliance Filing containing minor corrections to the Enrollment Rules (4/22/15)
- National Grid's Revised RE Growth Residential Tariff (7/2/15)
- Data Responses:
- National Grid's responses to PUC's First Set of Data Requests (12/11/14)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's Second Set of Data Requests (2/27/15)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's Third Set of Data Requests (3/2/15)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's Fourth Set of Data Requests (3/18/15)
- National Grid's response to PUC's Fifth Set of Data Requests (3/27/15)
- National Grid's responses to Division's First Set of Data Requests (1/30/15)
- National Grid's response to Division 1-8 (2/4/15)
- National Grid’s Open Enrollment Reports
- National Grid's Open Enrollment Reports Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.6-20(b). The Enrollment Report includes a list of commercial-scale, large-scale solar, and all other distributed generation projects selected by National Grid.
- PUC Order 22791 approving Certificates of Eligibility for commercial scale & large scale projects that have been chosen by National Grid for participation in the Renewable Energy Growth Program Years 2015 & 2016 (Docket Nos. 4536-A & 4589-A)
- Procedural Schedule (for both dockets)
- Notice of Hearing - March 12 hearing is re-scheduled to March 24, 2015 @ 1:00 P.M.
- Motions to Intervene filed by
- Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (1/8/15)
- Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) - Unopposed Motion to Intervene (1/8/15)
- Distributed Generation Board's Report & Recommendation Regarding 2015 Renewable Energy Growth Classes, Ceiling Prices and Targets and appendices:
- Appendix A - Distributed Generation Board Members
- Appendix B - Includes Attachments 1 through 11 (presentations and worksheets utilized in the development of RE Growth Program.
- Appendix C - Recommended Target Classes, Ceiling Prices and Targests for the 2015 RE Growth Program
- DG Board - Testimony of Jason Gifford, Christopher Kearns and Kevin Payne (2/5/15)
- Division of Public Utilities and Carriers - Memorandum of Carrie Gilbert and Al Pereira (2/27/15)
- Data Responses:
- DG Board's responses to PUC's First and Second Set of Data Requests (2/20/15)
- National Grid's response to the record request (3/30/15)
- Division of Public Utilities' responses to record requests (3/30/15)
- National Grid's responses to PUC's First Set of Data Requests (10/16/15)
- Distributed Generation Board Budget Requests:
- DG Board - Budgetary request for $65,000to perform the 2016 ceiling price services for the RE Growth Program (4/15/15) - PUC approved request May 7, 2015 open meeting.
- PUC Order No. 22503 approving DG Board's budgetary request.
- DG Board - Budgetary request of $125,000 to perform Solar Quality Assurance Report (SQA Report) (8/14/15)
- DG Board - RFP for Solar Quality Assurance Report (8/19/15)
- DG Board - Response to PUC's data request regarding budget request for SQA Report (10/1/15)
- PUC Order No. 22180 approving the DG Board's budgetary requests (10/26/15)
LINK TO DOCKET NO. 4536-C - National Grid's application for eligibility as Small Scale Solar Projects Aggregator