Docket No. 3977 - National Grid Gas - Annual Distribution Adjustment Clause ("DAC") Filing (filed 8/1/08)
Status of Docket: CLOSED.
- National Grid DAC filing including testimony and exhibits of witness Peter Czekanski in support of changes to various components of the DAC - The Company proposes a credit of $.0040 per therm for firm service customers which represents a decrease from last year for effect November 1, 2008 (8/1/08)
- National Grid - Earning Sharing Mechanism component and DAC, including supplemental testimony of Peter Czekanski (9/2/08)
- National Grid - Pre-filed testimony of Michael Laflamme regarding the Earning Sharing Mechanism for the period ended June 30, 2008; and corrected attachments PPC-1 and PPC-5 of Peter Czekanski (9/26/08)
- Procedural Schedule for docket and Notice of Hearing. The Commission opened the hearing on October 24 which at t hat time there was no public comment. The hearing was continued to November 21, 2008 @ 9:30 A.M.
- National Grid - Supplement to attachment MDL-2 of Michael Laflamme's testimony (10/2/08)
- National Grid - Responses to Division's 1st set of data requests (10-8-08)
- National Grid - Notice that it will update filing to reflect decrease in gas cost and request to change the effective date of DAC charge to December 1, 2008
- National Grid - Response to Commission's 1st set of data request (10/30/08)
- National Grid - Updated Attachment PCC-! and PCC-2 to incorporate updates to the System Pressure component of the DAC in concert w/ the company's updated Gas Cost Recovery filing in Docket No. 3982 (10/31/08)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's remaining data request (10/31/08)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony and exhibits of Bruce Oliver (11/12/08)
- National Grid - Compliance in conformance with PUC's November 24 open meeting decision, including attachment PPC-1 incorporating the approved component rates as well as the Lost Revenue Adjustment component for the company's base rate in Docket 3943 (11/25/08)
- PUC issues Order No. 19562 approving a revised DAC charge of ($0.0032) per them effective December 1, 2008. Written Order issued 1/28/09.
- National Grid - Semi-annual Environmental Report for Gas Service for the period July 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008 providing description of the environmental remediation sites as well the expenses incurred for that period (2/17/09)