Docket No. 4218 - National Grid's Proposed FY 2012 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability ("ISR") Plan (filed 12/23/10)
Status of Docket: Closed.
Pleadings in connection with National Grid's Initial ISR Plan FIling
- Notice of Technical Session scheduled March 18, 2011 @ 10 A.M.
- National Grid - Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability (ISR) Plan for FY 2012 (filed 12/23/10)
- National Grid - Revised ISR Plan (3/2/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (1/21/11)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data request 2-1 (2/15/11)
- National Grid & Division - Copies of responses to Division's three sets of data requests made during the period the Division reviewed and reached an agreeement on the Company's proposed Electric ISR Plan (2/18/11)
- Division of Public Utiltiies - Testimony of Gregory Booth (2/18/11)
- Division of Public Utilities - Comments of witness David Effron regarding revenue requirements (2/18/11)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's data requests providing bill impacts by rate class assuming any and all rate changes proposed (in Dockets No. 4220, 4218 & 4149) for effect April 1, 2011 are approved by the Commission (3/2/11)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (3/16/11)
- National Grid - Compliance tariff filing to reflect all rate adjustments approved in Docket Nos. 4149, 4218 and 4226 (4/4/11)
- Commission issues Order 20582 approving National Grid's March 2, 2011 Revised Electric ISR Plan and approving Compliance Tariffs filed on April 4, 2011. Written Order issued 12/12/11.
National Grid's Annual FY 2012 ISR Reconciliation & Proposed Factors for effect October 1, 2012
- Annual Report and Reconciliation Filing for FY 2012 regarding electric ISR and revised ISR factors for effect October 1, 2012 (filed 8/1/12)
- Notice of Hearing - scheduled September 20, 2012
- Division of Public Utilities - Position/Comments from Gregory Booth (9/6/12)
- National Grid - Responses to questions issued on behalf of the Division by Greg Booth (9/17/12)
- Commission Order No. 20972 approving National Grid's 2012 FY 2012 Electric Infrastructure, Safety and Reliability Plan Reconciliation rates effective October 1, 2012. Written Order issued 2/28/13.
National Grid's Quarterly Compliance Reports
- Quarterly Report for period ending June 30, 2011 (8/15/11)
- Quarterly Report for period ending September 30, 2011 (11/21/11)
- Quarterly Report for period ending December 31, 2011 (3/2/11)
- Quarterly Report for period ending March31, 2012 (6/1/12)
- Annual Report and Reconciliation Filing for FY 2012 regarding electric ISR and revised ISR factors for effect October 1, 2012 (filed 8/1/12)