Docket No. 4547 - WED Coventry One, LLC, WED Coventry Two, LLC, WED Coventry Three, LLC, WED Coventry Four, LLC, WED Coventry Five, LLC and WED Coventry Six, LLC (collectively, Petitioners or WED)
Petition for Dispute Resolution Relating to Interconnection with National Grid (filed 1/20/15)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Petitioners - Petition for Dispute Resolution Relating to Interconnection (1/20/15)
- National Grid - Answer to WED's Petition for Dispute Resolution (2/13/15)
- Arbitrator's Decision to the PUC issued April 2, 2015
- National Grid's Notice Regarding Arbitrator's Decision (4/15/15)
- Petitioner's Reply to Arbitrator's Decision (4/16/15)
- National Grid - Stipulated Record (5/19/15)
- Petitoners' Supplemental Response to Arbitrator's Decision stating that the Petitioner will seek implementation of the Arbitrator's Recommendations in this docket as part of the proceeding to amend the iterconnection tariff in Docket No. 4483 (5/27/15)
Filings Relating to the PUC Arbitrator's Proceeding:
- Exhibit List
- WED Coventry Arbitration Package - consisting of
- National Grid Arbitration Package - consisting of
- Arbitrator's Decision issued April 2, 2015