4049 - BLC Management, LLC - Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunication Carrier (ETC)
- BLC - Application for Designation as an ETC (filed 3/24/09)
- BLC - Entry of appearance of Atty. Michael McElroy (5/13/09)
- BLC - Response to PUC's 1st and 2nd data requests (5/19/09)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket (Revised)
- Verizon Rhode Island - Motion to Intevene (5/26/09)
- BLC - Response to Verizon's 1st set of data requests (6/26/09)
- Verizon RI - Comments (7/21/09)
- Division - Letter requestting that BLC's application be stayed for a period of 90 days (8/12/09)
- Docket is in abeyance.
- BLC - Status report on the application (11/29/09)