Docket No. 4956 - The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid, together with Energy Development Partners, LLC - Dispute Resolution Assistance Pursuant to Section 9.2 of National Grid Tariff RIPUC No. 2180 (filed 7/17/2019) Status of docket: Closed. Request for assistance from the RI Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Staff to resolve an interconnection dispute between the Company and Energy Development Partners, LLC pursuant to Section 9.2(b) of The Narragansett Electric Company Standards for Connecting Distributed Generation, R.I.P.U.C. No. 2180 Revised Attachment to Exhbit H PUC Staff Meeting Memorandum and Questions PUC Staff Report and Recommendation to the PUC Green Energy Development, LLC's Motion to Intervene and Protest National Grid's Objection to Green Energy's Motion to Intervene EDP's Objection to Green Energy's Motion to Intervene Minutes of Open Meeting held October 18, 2019 where the Commission found there is no dispute and therefore nothing to intervene in.