Woonsocket Water - Proposed rate change to generate additional revenues of $2,067,150 - Docket 3626
Status of Docket: CLOSED.
- Woonsocket Water testimony in support of proposed rate filing (7/13/04)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Notice of Public Hearings: 09/30/04 at Woonsocket City Hall
- Division of Public Utilities -Testimony of Andrea Crane (10/29/04)
- Divison of Public Utilities - Testimony of David Stearns (10/29/04)
- Woonsocket Water - Rebuttal Testimony of Emerson Marvel and Christopher Woodcock (11/24/04)
- Division of Public Utiltiies - Surrebuttal Testimony of Andrea Crane (12/9/04)
- Division of Public Utilities - Post-hearing Brief (2/2/05)
- Woonsocket Water Division - Post-hearing Brief (2/2/05)
- At open meeting on 2/17/05, the Commission authorizes the collection of additional revenue requirement in the amount of $1,602,231 or 29.20%. Written Order to be issued .
- Woonsocket Water Division Compliance Tariff Filing (2/21/05)
- Woonsocket Water Letter regarding quarerly biling (5/19/05)
- Woonsocket Water Division Motion to Reopen (6/05)
- PUC issues Report and Order No. 18207 authorizing the Woonsocket Water Division to collect additional revenues of $1,819,773 or 34.84% and new rate rates effective 2/18/05 (7/21/05)