Docket No. 4226 - Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid 2011 Annual Retail Rate and Reconciliation Filing and 2011 Renewable Energy Standard Charge & Reconciliation Filing for effect April 1, 2011
Status of Docket: Closed.
- Final Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing - Evidentiary hearing scheduled for March 29. 2011 at 9:30 A.M.
- National Grid's Annual Retail Rate Filing - proposal to make rate adjustments arising out of the Company's Standard Offer Service tariff provisions, transmission expenses pursuant to its Transmission Service Cost Adjustment Provision, and the calculation of its transition charge pursuant to its Non-Bypassable Transition Charge Adjustment Provision. The proposed rate adjustments are effective for usage on and after April 1, 2011. The filing consists of testimony & schedules of witnesses Jeanne A. Lloyd and James L. Loschiavo in support of proposed rate changes. These rate adjustments do not incorporate National Grid's proposed retail Standard Offer Service rates for the Industrial, Commercial and Residential groups that is procure under the the approved 2010 SOS Procurement Plan which matter is presently under consideration in Docket No. 4149, National Grid's proposed Standard Offer Service Rates for the Industrial Group for the period April 2011 - June 2011, and for the Residential Group and the Commercial Group for the period April 2011 - December 2011. Also, it does not include the National Grid's proposed Infrastructure, System and Reliability factors proposed in Docket No. 4218 which matter is also under examination by the Commission.
- In this docket, the Commission will also consider an adjustment to the Renewable Energy Standard Charge as proposed in the National Grid's Renewable Energy Standard Charge & Reconciliation Filing (2/28/11)
- National Grid - Revision to Schedule JAL-17 Net Metering Report (3/10/11)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's data requests providing bill impacts by rate class assuming any and all rate changes proposed (in Dockets 4226, 4218 & 4149) for effect April 1, 2011 are approved by the Commission (3/2/11)
- Division of Public Utilities - Memorandum summarizing review and finding that National Grid's proposed rate adjustments are calculated correctly and recommends approval as filed. (3/22/11)
- The Commission approved National Grid's proposed rate adjustments at the bench effective April 1, 2011. A written Report and Order will follow.
- National Grid - Compliance tariff filing to reflect all rate adjustments approved in Docket Nos. 4149, 4218 and 4226
- Commission Report and Order 40205 approving National Grids' Retail Electric Rate Filing of February 23, 2011 and the RES Charge and Reconciliation Filing of February 28, 2011. Written Order issued 10/14/11.