Docket 3674 - Pawtucket Water Supply Board ("PWSB") - Application for approval of new rates designed to generate additional revenues in the amount of $3,540,101 or 22% Status of docket: CLOSED; subject to further review of utility's compliance with the filing requirements mandated in Report and Order No. 18598. The PUC issues Report and Order No. 18598 authorizing Pawtucket Water Supply Board to collect additional revenues of $1,259,117 to support a total cost of service of $17,874,873 (or 7.6%) effective for November 11, 2005. (5/5/06) PWSB's Testimony/Memos/Post-hearing Brief in support of rate increase (date filed): Transmittal Letter, Notification and Index & Responses in Compliance w/ Section Two of PUC Rules (attachments to Index & Responses in Compliance with Section II of PUC rules not available in digital format) Current tariffs Proposed tariffs Direct testimony of Pamela M. Marchand Rebuttal testimony of Pamela M. Marchand (8/24/05) Supplemental testimony of Pamela Marchand (9/7/05) Direct testimony of Robert E. Benson, CPA Direct testimony of David Bebyn, CPA Rebuttal testimoy of David Bebyn, CPA (8/24/05) Direct testimony of Christopher Woodcock Rebuttal testimony of Christopher Woodcock (8/24/05) Direct testimony of Maureen Gurghigian At hearing held on 9/16/05, Pawtucket Water moved to withdraw its request for a Cumberland surcharge without prejudice. The PUC granted the motion. Post-hearing Brief in support of rate increase (10/31/05) Compliance tariff filing - new rates effective 11/11/05 (filed on 12/30/05) Division of Public Utilities' and Intervenors' Testimony and Post-hearing Brief (date filed): Division of Public Utilities direct testimony of Thomas Catlin (7/26/05) Division of Public Utilities direct testimony of Andrea Crane (7/26/05) Division of Public Utilities surrebuttal testimony of Andre Crane (9/6/05) Division of Public Utilities Post-hearing Brief (10/31/05) City of Central Falls - Motion to Intervene (6/05) Town of Cumberland - Motion to Intervene (6/05) Town of Cumberland - Testimony of Thomas Bruce (8/5/05) Town of Cumberland - Surrebuttal testimony of Thomas Bruce (9/6/05) Town of Cumberland - Surrebuttal testimony of Christopher Collins (9/6/05) Town of Cumberland - Surrebuttal testimony of David Russell (9/6/05) Town of Cumberland - Post-hearing Brief (10/31/05) Other Pleadings (date filed): Town of Cumberland Motion for Summary Disposition of PWSB's Request for a Cumberland Surcharge (6/30/05) PWSB's Objection to Town of Cumberland's Motion for Summary Disposition (7/18/05) PUC denied the Town of Cumberland's motion at open meeting held 8/11/05 Pawtucket Water Supply Board - Motion to Strike Town of Cumberland's Testimony of Thomas Bruce and Request for Miscellaneous Relief (9/6/05) Town of Cumberland - Objection to Pawtucket Water's Motion to Strike Testimony of Thomas Bruce and Request for Miscellaneous Relief (9/9/05) Division of Public Utilities - Motion to Strike the Town of Cumberland' surrebuttal testimony (of witnesses Bruce, Collins and Russell) that responds to the Division's direct testimony (9/9/05) Pawtucket Water Supply Board - Motion to strike Town of Cumberland's Surrebuttal Testimony (9/9/05) Town of Cumberland - Objection to Pawtucket Water's (second) Motion to Strike Cumberland surrebuttal testimony; and Objection to Division's Motion to Strike Testimony (9/12/05) Pawtucket Water Supply Board - Motion to Strike Town of Cumberland's Testimony Surrebuttal Testimony of David Russell and Christopher Collins and PWSB's Request for Miscellaneous Relief (9/12/05) After oral arguments on the several Motions to Strike on 9/13/05, the PUC allowed into the record, the surrebuttal testimony of Town of Cumberland witnesses Thomas Bruce and Christopher Collins; testimony of David Russell was denied.