Docket No. 4153 - TracFone Wireless Inc. - Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) in the State of RI for the Limited Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service to Qualified Households (filed March 9, 2010) TracFone's Petition for ETC Designation (3/9/10) TracFone's Amendment to initial Petiton (3/11/10) Procedural Schedule PUC issues Notice to Solicit Comments regarding TracFone's Petition. Comments due July 2, 2010 TracFone's Petition for Waiver of the applicability of Sections II.A.9, II.C, and III.c. of the Commission's ETC Rules (6/24/10) TracFone's application for authority to provide telecommunications services (6/24/10) TracFone's response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (6/24/10) TracFone's amended response and supplemental response to Commission's 1st set of data requests (7/7/10) Executive Office of Health and Human Services - Comments on TracFone's Petiton (5/24/10) Division of Public Utilities - Comments on TracFone's Petition for ETC Designation (7/2/10) PUC isses Order No. 20134 designation TracFone Wireless as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier throughout its service are for receiving universal service support. Written Order issued 9/14/10.