Docket No. 4277 Docket No. 4277 - National Grid - Proceeding Relating to Distributed Generation ("DG") Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules for 2012 (filed 08/31/11) Status of Proceeding: Closed. National Grid's (NGrid) proposed Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules (8/31/11) National Grid submitted proposed rules pursuant to recently enacted law under 2011 R.I. Public Laws 129 Revised P rocedural Schedule and Notice to Solicit Comments. Deadline for filing comments is October 7, 2011. Technical Session is scheduled 11/9/11 @ 9:00 AM at Commission's office. Division of Public Utilities - Comments (10/7/11) Heartwood Group, Inc. - Comments (10/7/11) Washington County Regional Planning Council - Comments (10/7/11) RI Economic Development Corp. - Comments (10/7/11) People Power & Light - Comments (10/7/11) National Grid - Response to Comments - Revised Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules reflecting changes and clarifications that the Company has agrered to make (10/28/11) Office of Energy Resources - Request to harmonize the handling of Dockets 4277 and 4288 (11/1/11) National Grid - 2nd Revised Distributed Generation Enrollment Application and Enrollment Process Rules (11/21/11) Commission issues Report and Order No. 20676 to OER regarding OER's proposed DG Standard Contract, DG Ceiling Prices and DG Classes and Targets (Docket No. 4288) and to National Grid regarding the Company's proposed DG Enrollment Application Process and Enrollment Process Rules (Docket No. 4277). Written Order issued 3/15/12. Compliance Filings and Enrollment Reports: National Grid - Revised Enrollment Process Rules and revised Enrollment Applications. Includes two applications, one applicable to facilites with a nameplate capacity of 500 kW or less, and the other applicable to facilities with a nameplate capacity grater than 500 kW; and copies of redlined versions (filed 2/1/12) Procedural Schedule on Compliance Filing (2/3/12) Commission Order No. 20700 approving 1) NGrid's February 1, 2012 compliance filing - revised DG Enrollment Application & Process Rules for Facilities with a Nameplace Capacity of 500kW or Less and Facilities with a Nameplate Capacity Greater Than 500kW; and 2) OER's February 1, 2012 compliance filing - DG Standard Contract Working Group and Proposed Forms of Contract for Small & Large DG Projects Written Order issused 4/11/12. National Grid’s Open Enrollment Reports National Grid's Open Enrollment Reports Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26.6-20(b). The Enrollment Report includes a list of commercial-scale, large-scale solar, and all other distributed generation projects selected by National Grid. Responses to Data Requests: NGrid - Responses to Commission's 1st set of data requests (10/14/11) NGrid - Responses to Commission's 2nd set of data requests (10/14/11) NGrid - Responses to Commission's 3rd set of data requests (10/21/11) NGrid - Responses to Commission's 4th set of data requests (11/4/11) NGrid - Response to Commission's 5th set of data requests (3/23/12) NGrid - Responses to Division's 1st set of data requests (2/29/12) Office of Energy Resources - Responses to Commission' 1st set of data requests (10/21/11) Click here to view companion Docket No. 4288 relating to DG Standard Contract, DG Ceiling Prices and DG Classes and Targets