Docket No. 4686 - The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy - Relating to Requests for Approval of Storm Contingency Fund Replenishment ("SCRF")
Pleadings relating to Joint Petition Request submitted 2/23/2022:
- Joint Petition between National Grid and the Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, includes testimony and schedules of Mr. Jeffrey D. Oliveira. The Petiton seeks approval to increase the Storm Fund Replenishment Factor (“SFRF”) by $0.005 from $0.00288 per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”) to $0.00788 per kWh effective April 1, 2022 for purposes of reducing the deficit of the Storm Contingency Fund. (filed 2/23/22)
- Notice of Hearing - Public comment on March 9, 2022 @ 9:30 AM
- Division of Public Utilities Position Memorandum (3/4/22)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing - Revised Tariff Sheets - RIPUC No. 2095 & RIPUC No. 2096 (3/29/22)
- PUC Order 24451 issued to RI Energy’s on the Joint Petition with the Division to increase the Storm Fund Replenishment Factor from 0.288¢ per kWh to 0.788¢ per kWh effective April 1, 2022, for the purpose of reducing the deficit balance in the Storm Contingency Fund. (7/26/22)
- PUC Errata Order No. 24473
Pleadings relating to National Grid's SCRF Request submitted 3/15/2021:
- National Grid's Petition to Continue Supplemental Hurricane Sandy Base Rate Contributions to the Storm Contingency Fund and Storm Fund Replenishment Factor (“SFRF”) filed 3/15/21.
- Division's Position Memorandum on National Grid's Petition (3/24/21)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing pursuant to March 29, 2021 Open Meeting Decision (3/30/21)
- PUC Order 24086 approving National Grid's Petition to continue funding the Hurricane Sandy Supplement and 2) continue the Storm Fund Replenishment Factor (SFRF) - Order issued (7/14/21)
Pleadings relating to National Grid's Initial Request (12/30/2016 - 6/1 /2018)
- Revised Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing - scheduled June 21, 2017 @ 10:00 AM
- National Grid's Request for Approval of Storm Contingency Fund Replenishment
- NationalGrid's Entry of Appearance of Atty. Cheryl Kimball (6/20/17)
- Division of Public Utilities' Testimony of David Effron (5/12/17)
- National Grid's Joint Rebuttal Testimony of William R. Richer and Patricia C. Easterly (6/6/17)
- At the June 21, 2017 hearing, the PUC unanimously approved 1) National Grid's Storm Fund Recovery Factor as submitted.proposed and 2) National Grid's request for the continuation of the $3 million of annual fund that was set to expired in January, 2019, (now continue to March 2021). The PUC instructed the parties file a Brief on the issue of the approriatenes of including base pay and related overhead of affiliate companies in the storm fund.
- National Grid Compliance Filing reflecting the tariff language approved by the PUC at the June 21 hearing. (6/23/17)
- National Grid's Revised Tariff Sheet (6/23/17)
- National Grid's request for extension of time to file briefs until September 15, 2017 (7/31/17)
- National Grid and Division of Public Utilities - Joint Proposal and Settlement Agreement (9/25/17)
- PUC Notice of Hearing on the Settlement Agreement. The hearing is April 27, 2018 @ 9:30 AM
- Division of Public Utilities' Correspondence (4/26/18)
- At the April 27 hearing, the PUC unanimously approved the Joint Proposal Settlement Agreement (as amended at the hearing and marked as Exhibit Joint 1)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing to reflect the Company’s $2,000,000 credit to the Storm Contingency Fund pursuant to Paragraph (1) of the Joint Proposal and Settlement (5/29/18)
- PUC Order 23582 approving a Storm Fund Replenishment Factor and Settlement Agreement executed on September 25, 2017 and as amended.
Responses to Data Requests:
- National Grid's response to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests
- National Grid's response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (6/7/17)
- National Grid's response to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests (6/21/17)
- National Grid's response to PUC's 3rd Set of Data Requests (11/14/17)
- National Grid's respsonse to PUC's 4th Set of Data Requests (4/23/18)
- National Grid's supplemental response to PUC 4-5 and PUC 4-9, and, corrected response to PUC 4-8 (4/26/18)
- National Grid's response to Record Requests issued at June 27, 2017 hearing