Docket No. 3818 - City of Newport Water Division - Application for authority to implement new rates designed to general additional operating revenues of $1,580,896 to support a total cost of service of $10,603,318 or 15% (filed 1/29/07)
Status of Docket: Closed.
- PUC issues Order No. 19240 authorizing Newport Water Division to collect additional revenue of $911,458 for a total cost of service of $9,401,731 effective September 1, 2007. Written Order issued 3/24/08.
- PUC issues Order No. 19293 denying the Dept. of Navy's Motion for Relief from Order and granting in part the Newport Water Division's Petition for Relief from Order in connection with the requirement to submit a Cost Allocation Manual. Written Order issued 5/21/08.
- Newport Water Filings - Rate application, current & proposed rates and filing requirement in compliance with Section 2.9 of PUC rules. The application includes testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses:
- Direct testimony of Julia Forgue, P.E. (1/29/07)
- Direct testimony of Harold J. Smith (1/29/07)
- Rebuttal testimony of Julie Forgue, P.E. (6/1/07)
- Rebuttal testimony of Harold J. Smith, including revised Rate Model (6/1/07)
- Supplemental testimony of Harold J. Smith (7/9/07)
- Post-hearing Brief (8/20/07)
- Compliance tariff filing (9/7/07)
- Reply to Division and PWFD on compliance tariff filing (9/18/07)
- Petition for Relief from Order and Objection to the Navy's Motion for Relief from Order
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Notice of Public Hearing - Public comment hearing scheduled at 7:00 PM, April 9, 2007 @ Council Chambers, Newport City Hall; and evidentiary hearing begins at 9:30 AM, July 24, 2007 @ PUC's office.
- Intervernos:
US Dept. of Navy ("Navy") - Motion to Intervene (3/5/07)
Portsmouth Water and Fire District ("PWFD") - Motion to Intervene (2/22/07) - Division of Public Utilities - Direct testimony and exhibits of Thomas Catlin (5/8/07)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of Thomas Catlin (6/19/07)
- Division of Public Utilities - Post-hearing Brief (8/20/07)
- Division of Public Utiliteis - Letter reviewing Newport Water's compliance tariff filing and seeking clarification of the utility's increase in revenue produced by changing from tri-annual to quarterly billing (9/11/07)
- Dept. of Navy::
- Direct testimony of Larry R. Allen (5/9/07)
- Surrebuttal testimony of Larry R. Allen (6/20/07)
- Post-hearing Brief (8/17/07)
- Motion for Relief from Order in connection with the requirement to submit a Cost Allocation Manual (4/4/08)
- Portsmouth Water and Fire Disctrict (PWFD):
- Direct testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock (5/9/07)
- Surrebuttal testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock (6/20/07)
- Direct testimony of Philip Driscoll (5/9/07)
- Surrebuttal testimony of Philip Driscoll (6/20/07)
- Direct testimony of William J. McGlinn, P.E. (5/9/07)
- Surrebuttal testimony of William J. McGlinn (6/20/07)
- Post-hearing Brief (8/20/07)
- Letter expressing concern w/ Newport Water's compliance tariff filing and excess revenues produced with changing from tri-annual billing to quarterly billing (9/14/07)
Responses to Data Requests submitted by the parties
- Newport Water - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (date filed 4/13/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (7/23/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PUC's 3rd set of data requests (7/23/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (3/28/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Division's 1st set, data request 1-6 (4/16/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (4/13/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (6/2107)
- Newport Water - Response to Navy's 1st set of data requests (not all attachments available in electronic format) (filed 4/6/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Navy's 2nd set of data requests (4/19/07)
- Newport Water - Response to Navy's 3rd set of data requests (5/16/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PWFD's 1st set of data requests (response to PWFD 1-24 not available in electronic format due to size of document) ( filed 4/6/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PWFD's 3rd set of data requests (5/7/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PWFD's 4th set of data requests (5/16/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PWFD's 5th set of data requests (5/29/07)
- Newport Water - Response to PWFD's 6th set of data requests & supplemental response to PWFD's 1st set data requests (6/14/07)
- Newport Water - Supplemental response to PWFD's data request 1-8 and 2-10(c) (filed 6/28/06)
- Newport Water - Supplemental response to PWFD 2-10 (filed 7/11/07)
- Newport Water - Response to hearing requests on 7/25/07
- PWFD - Response to Navy's 1st set of data requests (4/11/07)
- PWFD - Response to Newport Water's 1st set of data requests (6/4/07)
- PWFD - Response to Newport Water's 2nd set of data requests (6/5/07)
- PWFD - Supplemental response to Newport Water's 1st set of data requests (6/18/07)
- PWFD - Response to Newport Water's 3rd set of data requests (6/25/07)
- PWFD - Response to Newport Water's 4th set of data r equests (7/18/07)
- Dept. of Navy - Response to PWFD's 1st set of data requests (5/9/07)
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to Newport Water 1st set of data requests (5/25/07)