Docket No. 4571 - Providence Water Supply Board ("PWSB') - Abbreviated Rate Filing (filed 6/18/15) PUC issues Order No. 22065 granting Providence Water Supply Board a revenue increase of $2,118,540 for a total revenue requirement of $69,645,296 effective on usage on and after September 1, 2015. Written Order issued 9/1/15. Procedural Schedule Notice of Public Hearing - Evidentiary hearing on August 24, 2015 @ PUC's office; and continued to August 28 @ 9:00 AM Exhibit List Providence Water's Motion to Reopen Proceeding to Adopt Revised Settlement Agreement includes the testimony and exhibits in support of the motion: Transmittal letter, Motion to Reopen Proceedings, Testimony of Rick Caruolo and Testimony & Exhibits of Thomas Massaro Testimony and Exhibits of Harold Smith Testimony and Exhibits of Gregg Gaisson Providence Water's Motion Regarding PUC Rule 2.10, specifically requesting that Providence Water's Motion to Reopen (Docket No. 4406) with all supporting testimony and exhibits, and all previously discovery and related materials, be redocketed as an abbreviated rate filing under PUC Rule 2.10 and that certain requirements under Rule 2.10 be waived. Providence Water's Supplement to Abbreviated Rate Filing Providence Water's Filing Requirements Pursuant to R.I.G.L. 39-3-12.1 Providence Water's Updated Table E -Non Accounted Water as required under R.I.G.L 39-3-12.1 Providence Water's Filing Requirement - Debt Service Schedule Providence Water's Exhibits 10 through 13 sponsored at the August 24 hearing Kent Councy Water Authority's Notice of Withdrawal as Intervenor Bristol County Water Authority (BCWA) - Objection to Providence Water's Motion Regarding PUC Rule 2.10 and Second Set of Data Request to Providence Water BCWA's Direct Testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock City of Warwick's Position Statement Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Position Memorandum of Alberico Mancini and John Bell on Providence Water's rate filing Providence Water's Compliance Filings Providence Water's Compliance Tariff Filing Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum on Providence Water's Compliance Filing Restricted Funds Reconciliation for period ending 10/31/15 Restricted Funds Reconciliation for period ending 6/30/16 Restricted Funds Reconciliation for period ending 12/31/16 First Report Regarding Milestones for New Central Office Facility (COF) (1/4/16) Second Report Regarding Milestones for New COF (5/4/16) Third Report Regarding Milestoners for the New COF (10/10/16) Certificate of Occupancy issued to Providence Water 9/21/17 for 125 Dupont Dr., Providence (9/22/17) Review of Providence Water's Property Ownership (7/7/16) Responses to Data Requests and Record Request: Providence Water's Responses to Division's 1st Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to DIvision's 2nd Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to Division's 3rd Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to Bristol County Water Authority's (BCWA) Data Requests 1-1 through 1-29 Attachment 1 to Data Response 20 Attachment 2 to Data Response 20 Attachment 3 to Data Response 20 Attachment A to Data Response 29 Attachment B to Data Response 29 Providence Water's Updated Response to BCWA's 1-18 BCWA's Motion to Compel Further Responses to Data Requests and Strike Objections, and Memoradum in Support Providence Water's Objection to BCWA's Motion to Compel PUC Presiding Commissioner's Ruling on Discovery Disputes Providence Water's Request for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information Providence Water's Responses to BCWA's 2nd Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to BCWA's 3rd Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to BCWA's 4th Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Responses to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests Data Response 1-1 through 1-15 Data Response 1-16 Data Response 1-17 Data Response 1-18 through 1-21 Providence Water's Updated Response to PUC 1-5 Providence Water's Responses to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests Providence Water's Corrected Response to PUC 2-6 Providence Water's Response to PUC's 3rd Set of Data Request Providence Water's Responses to PUC's 4th Set of Data Request Providence Water's Responses to Record Requests RR-1 through RR-3 Providence Water's Responses to Record Request RR-4