Docket No. 3548 - New England Gas Co. proposed Distribution Adjustment Clause ("DAC")
- New England Gas - Testimony of Peter Czekanski insupport of changes to various components of the DAC for effect November 1, 2004. ( filed 7/30/04)
- New England Gas: Testimony of Robert J. Riccitelli regarding the Company's earning sharing for period ended 6/30/04 and Supplemental Testimony of Peter Czekanski and attachments regarding DAC (9/3/04)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of Bruce Oliver (10/8/04)
- Division of Public Utilities - Testimony of David Effron regarding Earning Sharing Component (10/22/04)
- New England Gas - Rebuttal Testimony of Robert J. Riccitelli regarding Earning Sharing (11/1/04)
- Division of Public Utilities - Surrebuttal testimony of David Effron regarding Earning Sharing (11/8/04)
- Division of Public Utilities - Revised schedules to surrebuttal testimony of David Effron regarding Earning Sharing (11/16/04)
- PUC issues Report and Order No. 18365 approving New England Gas' proposed revision to the DAC charge and components associated w/ DAC factor effective 11/01/04 and Commission's further modification to the company's Earnings Sharing Mechanism (09/13/05)
Previous years' filings and Orders relating to NEGas DAC and Earnings Sharing