Docket No. 4930 - The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a National Grid - 2019 Electric Retail Rate Filing (fled 2/15/2019)
Status of docket: Closed.
- Procedural Schedule
- Notice of Hearing
- National Grid's Retail Rate Filing
- Division of Public Utilities' Memorandum of Matthew Loiacono and Aliea Afnan (3/12/19)
- National Grid's response to PUC's Data Request Set 1 (3/4/19)
- National Grid's response to PUC's Data Request Set 2 (3/13/19)
- National Grid's response to PUC Data Request 2-9 (3/13/19)
- National Grid's response to Division's Data Request Set 1 (3/8/19)
- National Grid's letter & motion for confidential treatment of an Excel file provided in response to Division Data Request t 1-1 (3/14/19)
- National Grid's Compliance Filing of rates that became effective April 1, 2019 relating to Dockets 4930, 4809 & 4915. (3/29/19)
- National Grid's responses to Record Requests issued on March 19, 2019 (4/11/19)
- PUC Order 23770 approving National Grid's proposed electric retail rates effective 4/1/19)