Docket No. 23-43-EL Block Island Utility District
Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Charges Filing
Public Utilities Commission (PUC):
Block Island Utility District (BIUD) Filings:
- Block Island Utility's Annual Recalculation of Last Resort and Transmission Filing includes: 1) current tariffs and proposed new tariffs (red-lined and clean); 2) direct testimony of David Bebyn, CPA; 3) direct testimony of Jeffery Wright; and 4) direct testimony of Craig Kieny.
- David Bebyn's DGB Schedules 1-5 and Attachments 1 through 15
- David Bebyn, CPA Supplemental Testimony (12/7/23)
- David Bebyn, CPA Amended Direct Testimony (12/12/23)
- Entry of Appearance by Mary B. Shekarchi on behalf of Block Island Utility District (3/24/25)
- Responses to Data Requests:
- Responses to PUC Data Requests Set 1 (Batch 1) (12/8/23)
- Responses to PUC Data Requests Set 1 (Batch 2) (12/11/23)
- Response to PUC Record Requests (12/15/23)
Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (Division):
- Division Position Memorandum (12/8/23)