Docket No. 4111 - National Grid - Review of Proposed Town of New Shoreham Project Pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-26.1-7 (filed October 15, 2009) PUC issues Report & Order No. 19941 rejecting the Purchase Power Agreement between National Grid and Deepwater Wind Block Island. Written Order issued 4/2/10. Errata Order No. 19943 issued 4/5//10. Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Deadline to Intervene (10/09) Procedural Schedule for Docket (superseded by 2nd revised procedural schedule) SECOND REVISED Procedural Schedule for Docket - Evidentiary hearings scheduled March 9 - March 12, 2010 at PUC's office. Commission issues Order No. 19871 approving Second Revised Procedural Schedule. Written Order issued 12/23/09 Notice of Public Hearings to be held in the Town of New Shoreham on 1/5/10, Town of Narragansett on 1/5/10, City of Pawtucket on 1/13/10 and Warwick PUC's office on 1/20/10. Exhibit List (3/12/10) Motions to Intervene and Related Pleadings, and Withdrawal: Deepwater Wind Block Island LLC - Motion to Intervene (10/16/09) National Grid - Response to Deepwater's Motion to Intervene (10/21/09) Block Island Power Co. - Motion to Intervene (10/20/09) Block Island Power Co. - Notice to Withdraw From Docket (1 /13/10) Conservation Law Foundation ("CLF") - Motion to Intervene (10/21/09) Town of New Shoreham - Motion to Intervene (10/23/09) RI Economic Development Corp.("RIEDC") - Motion to Intervene (10/28/09) Michael Delia and Maggie Delia - Motion to Intervne (10/30/09) Michael Delia and Maggie Delia - Motion to WIthdraw (2/9/10) RI Building & Construction Trades Council ("RIBCTC") -Motion to Intervene (10/28/09) National Grid - Letter in response to RIBCTC's Motion to Intervene requesting that the Commission deny RIBCTC's motion (11/10/09) RI Building & Construction Trades Council ("RIBCTC") - Response to National Grid's Letter (11/27/09) National Grid's Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits: National Grid - Initital Proposed Town of New Shoreham Project - no agreement was reached (10/15/09) National Grid - Clarfication to statement in initial filing (10/16/09) National Grid - Request for extension until November 18, 2009 to file an agreement if reached National Grid - Unsigned copy of Purchase Power Agreement for the potential purchase of renewable power from Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC (11/8/09) National Grid - Transmittal letter summarizing that NGrid reached an agreement for the potentional purchase of renewable power from Deepwater Wind Block Island; and Motion for Protective Treatment of Milhouse Exhibit 5. The Company filed the testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses in connection with the Purchase Power Agreement Purchase Power Agreement between Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid and Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC (12/10/09) Testimony and exhibits of Madison Milhous who discusses the negotiations and pricing under the agreement (12/10/09) Exhibit 8 of Madison Milshous - Avoided Energy Supply Cost in New England 2009 Report, Sypnase Energy Economics, Inc. Testimony of Cliff Hamal, who identifies other market pricing data points that are publicly available, for comparison purposes (12/10/09) Testimony of Daniel Glenning, who discusses the transmission undersea cable portion of the project; (12/10/09) and Testimony of David Tufts, who provides a revenue requirement analysis for the estimated cable cost, as well as a typical bill impact for both the cable and the power purchases, assuming the project is approved and goes into service in 2013. (12/10/09) NGrid - Support for Deepwater Wind's Motion to Strike the Testimony of William V. Short, III, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia (3/5/10) NGrid - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10) NGrid - Letter in lieu of reply brief (3/29/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits: Deepwater Wind Block Island LLC - Transmittal letter, testimony and exhitbits of the following witnesses in connection with the Purchase Power Agreement: Testimony of William M. Moore, CEO of Deepwater Holdings (12/10/09) Rebuttal Testimony of William M. Moore (2/16/10) Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of WIlliam M. Moore (2/24/10) Testimony of David P. Nickerson, Managing Member of Mystic River Energy Group (12/10/09) Rebuttal Testimony of David P. Nickerson (2/16/10) Motion to Strike Testimonies of William Short, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia as pubilc comment (2/28/) Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10) Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits: Testimony of Richard S. Hahn - Redacted (2/2/10) Surrebutal testimony of Richard S. Hahn (3/2/10) Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10) Intervernors' Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits: Town of New Shoreham - Testimony of Richard LaCapra (1/19/10) Town of New Shoreham - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10) RI Economic Development Corp. - Testimony of Fred S. Hashway (1/19/10) RIBCTC - Testimony of Michael F. Sabitoni (1/19/10) CLF - Support of Deepwater Wind's Motion to Strike Testimonies of William Short, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia (3/1/10) CLF - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10) Public Comment received by the following individuals: Governor Donald L. Carcieri (10/29/09) Carol & Jean Hughes (11/19/09) Dinos Gonatas (12/17/09) Kim Gaffett, First Warden of the Town of New Shoreham (1/5/10) Peter B. Baute (1/5/10) Michael Delia, (1/19/10) Maggie Delia (1/19/10) William P. Short, III (1/19/10) Michael R. Beauregard (2/19/10) Michael R. Beauregard (3/26/10) Representative Laurence W. Ehrhardt (3/5/10) Jonathan Ives (3/8/10) Rosemarie Ives (3/8/10) Rosemarie Ives (3/26/10) Benjamin C. Riggs, Jr. (3/8/10) John Farley, The Energy Council of RI (3/9/10) RI General Assembly (3/10/10) David Lewis (3/14/10) Kevin J. Corey (3/10/10) Peter B. Brizzo (3/16/10) Gilbert Zanni (3/16/10) Brooks Van Arx (3/24/10) Block Island Residents Association (3/26/10) Morry Markovitz (3/29/10) E-mail comments received from various ratepayers (3/29/10) E-mail comments received from various ratepayers post open meeting decision (3/31/10) Responses to Data Requests (Some responses are too voluminous and may not be available on this site but can be examined at the Commission Clerk's office) National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (dated 10/27/09) National Grid - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (12/17/09) National Grid - Supplemental response to PUC's Data Request 2-10 (3/2/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's 3-2 data request (1/19/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's 3-1 set of data requests (1/20/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's 4th set of data requests (1/27/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's data request 4-8 (1/28/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's 5th set of data requests (2/22/10) National Grid - Motion for Confidential Treatment of and response to PUC's data requests 5-8 and 5-7 (2/25/10) National Grid - Supplemental response to PUC's data request 5-7 (2/26/10) National Grid - Response to PUC's 6th set of data requests (3/4/10) National Grid - Response to Commission's data request 6-1 (3/5/10) National Grid & Deepwater Wind - Response to PUC's Joint Data Request 1-1 (3/5/10) National Grid - Response to DIvision's 1st set of data requests and request for protective treatment of confidential attachment DIV 1-16 (12/30/09) National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests DIV 1-4; DIV 1-6; and DIV 1-8 (1/4/10) National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests DIV 1-3; DIV 1-5; DIV 1-7; DIV 1-9; DIV 1-10 and DIV 1-11 (1/6/10) National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests; response to PUC's 3-3 data request, and response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/14/10) National Grid - Response to Division's data requests 3-4 (1/22/10) National Grid - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests and supplemental response to Delia Data Request 1-4 (1/15/10) National Grid - Response to Division's 4th set (without attachments) and response to PUC's data requests 5-3 (2/19/10) National Grid - Response to Record Request #9 (3/25/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (10/27/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (12/16/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 3rd set of data requests (12/15/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 4th set of data requests (1/19/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to PUC's 4th set of data request (3/25/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Further supplemental response to PUC's 4th set of data request (without visual simulations) (3/30/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 5th set of data requests (2/3/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 6th set of data requests (2/22/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 1st set of data requests (11/30/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 2nd set of data requests (12/28/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 3rd set of data requests (1/11/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 4th and 5th set of data requests (3/8/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (12/31/09) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (1/4/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (1/15/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 4th set of data requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of response DIV 4-4(b) and DIV 4-5 (2/26/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to Division's requests DIV 1-17 and DIV 2-11; and request for protective treatment of DIV-17 (1/12/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to Division's request DIV 1-17 (3/12/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 1s set of data requests (1/19/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 2nd set of data requests (1/19/10) Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 3rd set of data requests Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Record Request Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10 &12 (3/16/10) Division of Public Utilities - Response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/21/10) Division - Response to PUC's 1set of data requests (2/22/10) Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-11 (2/15/10) Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-8 (2/24/10) Division - Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information - Response to Deepwater request DWW 1-1 (2/17/10) Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-8 (2/24/10) Division - Response to PUC's March 12 record requests (3/26/10) Town of New Shoreham - Response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/25/10) Town of New Shoreham - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (2/4/10) Michael & Maggie Delia - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (1/29/10) RIEDC - Response to PUC's 1set of data requests (2/1/10) RIEDC - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (2/22/10) RIEDC - Response to Record Requests (3/17/10) RIBCTC - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (2/4/10)