Docket No. 4111 - National Grid - Review of Proposed Town of New Shoreham Project Pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 39-26.1-7 (filed October 15, 2009)
PUC issues Report & Order No. 19941 rejecting the Purchase Power Agreement between National Grid and Deepwater Wind Block Island. Written Order issued 4/2/10. Errata Order No. 19943 issued 4/5//10.
- Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Deadline to Intervene (10/09)
- Procedural Schedule for Docket (superseded by 2nd revised procedural schedule)
- SECOND REVISED Procedural Schedule for Docket - Evidentiary hearings scheduled March 9 - March 12, 2010 at PUC's office. Commission issues Order No. 19871 approving Second Revised Procedural Schedule. Written Order issued 12/23/09
- Notice of Public Hearings to be held in the Town of New Shoreham on 1/5/10, Town of Narragansett on 1/5/10, City of Pawtucket on 1/13/10 and Warwick PUC's office on 1/20/10.
- Exhibit List (3/12/10)
Motions to Intervene and Related Pleadings, and Withdrawal:
- Deepwater Wind Block Island LLC - Motion to Intervene (10/16/09)
- National Grid - Response to Deepwater's Motion to Intervene (10/21/09)
- Block Island Power Co. - Motion to Intervene (10/20/09)
- Block Island Power Co. - Notice to Withdraw From Docket (1 /13/10)
- Conservation Law Foundation ("CLF") - Motion to Intervene (10/21/09)
- Town of New Shoreham - Motion to Intervene (10/23/09)
- RI Economic Development Corp.("RIEDC") - Motion to Intervene (10/28/09)
- Michael Delia and Maggie Delia - Motion to Intervne (10/30/09)
- Michael Delia and Maggie Delia - Motion to WIthdraw (2/9/10)
- RI Building & Construction Trades Council ("RIBCTC") -Motion to Intervene (10/28/09)
- National Grid - Letter in response to RIBCTC's Motion to Intervene requesting that the Commission deny RIBCTC's motion (11/10/09)
- RI Building & Construction Trades Council ("RIBCTC") - Response to National Grid's Letter (11/27/09)
National Grid's Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits:
- National Grid - Initital Proposed Town of New Shoreham Project - no agreement was reached (10/15/09)
- National Grid - Clarfication to statement in initial filing (10/16/09)
- National Grid - Request for extension until November 18, 2009 to file an agreement if reached
- National Grid - Unsigned copy of Purchase Power Agreement for the potential purchase of renewable power from Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC (11/8/09)
- National Grid - Transmittal letter summarizing that NGrid reached an agreement for the potentional purchase of renewable power from Deepwater Wind Block Island; and Motion for Protective Treatment of Milhouse Exhibit 5. The Company filed the testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses in connection with the Purchase Power Agreement
- Purchase Power Agreement between Narragansett Electric d/b/a National Grid and Deepwater Wind Block Island, LLC (12/10/09)
- Testimony and exhibits of Madison Milhous who discusses the negotiations and pricing under the agreement (12/10/09)
- Exhibit 8 of Madison Milshous - Avoided Energy Supply Cost in New England 2009 Report, Sypnase Energy Economics, Inc.
- Testimony of Cliff Hamal, who identifies other market pricing data points that are publicly available, for comparison purposes (12/10/09)
- Testimony of Daniel Glenning, who discusses the transmission undersea cable portion of the project; (12/10/09) and
- Testimony of David Tufts, who provides a revenue requirement analysis for the estimated cable cost, as well as a typical bill impact for both the cable and the power purchases, assuming the project is approved and goes into service in 2013. (12/10/09)
- NGrid - Support for Deepwater Wind's Motion to Strike the Testimony of William V. Short, III, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia (3/5/10)
- NGrid - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10)
- NGrid - Letter in lieu of reply brief (3/29/10)
Deepwater Wind Block Island Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits:
Deepwater Wind Block Island LLC - Transmittal letter, testimony and exhitbits of the following witnesses in connection with the Purchase Power Agreement:
- Testimony of William M. Moore, CEO of Deepwater Holdings (12/10/09)
- Rebuttal Testimony of William M. Moore (2/16/10)
- Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of WIlliam M. Moore (2/24/10)
- Testimony of David P. Nickerson, Managing Member of Mystic River Energy Group (12/10/09)
- Rebuttal Testimony of David P. Nickerson (2/16/10)
- Motion to Strike Testimonies of William Short, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia as pubilc comment (2/28/)
- Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10)
Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits:
- Testimony of Richard S. Hahn - Redacted (2/2/10)
- Surrebutal testimony of Richard S. Hahn (3/2/10)
- Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10)
Intervernors' Pre-Filed Testimony & Exhibits:
- Town of New Shoreham - Testimony of Richard LaCapra (1/19/10)
- Town of New Shoreham - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10)
- RI Economic Development Corp. - Testimony of Fred S. Hashway (1/19/10)
- RIBCTC - Testimony of Michael F. Sabitoni (1/19/10)
- CLF - Support of Deepwater Wind's Motion to Strike Testimonies of William Short, Michael Delia and Maggie Delia (3/1/10)
- CLF - Post-Hearing Brief (3/23/10)
Public Comment received by the following individuals:
- Governor Donald L. Carcieri (10/29/09)
- Carol & Jean Hughes (11/19/09)
- Dinos Gonatas (12/17/09)
- Kim Gaffett, First Warden of the Town of New Shoreham (1/5/10)
- Peter B. Baute (1/5/10)
- Michael Delia, (1/19/10)
- Maggie Delia (1/19/10)
- William P. Short, III (1/19/10)
- Michael R. Beauregard (2/19/10)
- Michael R. Beauregard (3/26/10)
- Representative Laurence W. Ehrhardt (3/5/10)
- Jonathan Ives (3/8/10)
- Rosemarie Ives (3/8/10)
- Rosemarie Ives (3/26/10)
- Benjamin C. Riggs, Jr. (3/8/10)
- John Farley, The Energy Council of RI (3/9/10)
- RI General Assembly (3/10/10)
- David Lewis (3/14/10)
- Kevin J. Corey (3/10/10)
- Peter B. Brizzo (3/16/10)
- Gilbert Zanni (3/16/10)
- Brooks Van Arx (3/24/10)
- Block Island Residents Association (3/26/10)
- Morry Markovitz (3/29/10)
- E-mail comments received from various ratepayers (3/29/10)
- E-mail comments received from various ratepayers post open meeting decision (3/31/10)
Responses to Data Requests (Some responses are too voluminous and may not be available on this site but can be examined at the Commission Clerk's office)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (dated 10/27/09)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (12/17/09)
- National Grid - Supplemental response to PUC's Data Request 2-10 (3/2/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 3-2 data request (1/19/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 3-1 set of data requests (1/20/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 4th set of data requests (1/27/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's data request 4-8 (1/28/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 5th set of data requests (2/22/10)
- National Grid - Motion for Confidential Treatment of and response to PUC's data requests 5-8 and 5-7 (2/25/10)
- National Grid - Supplemental response to PUC's data request 5-7 (2/26/10)
- National Grid - Response to PUC's 6th set of data requests (3/4/10)
- National Grid - Response to Commission's data request 6-1 (3/5/10)
- National Grid & Deepwater Wind - Response to PUC's Joint Data Request 1-1 (3/5/10)
- National Grid - Response to DIvision's 1st set of data requests and request for protective treatment of confidential attachment DIV 1-16 (12/30/09)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests DIV 1-4; DIV 1-6; and DIV 1-8 (1/4/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests DIV 1-3; DIV 1-5; DIV 1-7; DIV 1-9; DIV 1-10 and DIV 1-11 (1/6/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests; response to PUC's 3-3 data request, and response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/14/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's data requests 3-4 (1/22/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests and supplemental response to Delia Data Request 1-4 (1/15/10)
- National Grid - Response to Division's 4th set (without attachments) and response to PUC's data requests 5-3 (2/19/10)
- National Grid - Response to Record Request #9 (3/25/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (10/27/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (12/16/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 3rd set of data requests (12/15/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 4th set of data requests (1/19/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to PUC's 4th set of data request (3/25/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Further supplemental response to PUC's 4th set of data request (without visual simulations) (3/30/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 5th set of data requests (2/3/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to PUC's 6th set of data requests (2/22/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 1st set of data requests (11/30/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 2nd set of data requests (12/28/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 3rd set of data requests (1/11/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to CLF's 4th and 5th set of data requests (3/8/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 1st set of data requests (12/31/09)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 2nd set of data requests (1/4/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 3rd set of data requests (1/15/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Division's 4th set of data requests and Motion for Protective Treatment of response DIV 4-4(b) and DIV 4-5 (2/26/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to Division's requests DIV 1-17 and DIV 2-11; and request for protective treatment of DIV-17 (1/12/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Supplemental response to Division's request DIV 1-17 (3/12/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 1s set of data requests (1/19/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 2nd set of data requests (1/19/10)
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Delia's 3rd set of data requests
- Deepwater Wind Block Island - Response to Record Request Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10 &12 (3/16/10)
- Division of Public Utilities - Response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/21/10)
- Division - Response to PUC's 1set of data requests (2/22/10)
- Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-11 (2/15/10)
- Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-8 (2/24/10)
- Division - Motion for Protective Treatment of Confidential Information - Response to Deepwater request DWW 1-1 (2/17/10)
- Division - Supplemental response to Deepwater's data request DWW 1-8 (2/24/10)
- Division - Response to PUC's March 12 record requests (3/26/10)
- Town of New Shoreham - Response to Delia's 1st set of data requests (1/25/10)
- Town of New Shoreham - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (2/4/10)
- Michael & Maggie Delia - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (1/29/10)
- RIEDC - Response to PUC's 1set of data requests (2/1/10)
- RIEDC - Response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests (2/22/10)
- RIEDC - Response to Record Requests (3/17/10)
- RIBCTC - Response to PUC's 1st set of data requests (2/4/10)