Docket No. 4618 - Providence Water Supply Board - General Rate Application to Collect Additional Revenues of $8,328,042 for a Total Cost of Service of $77,728,472 (filed 05/16/2016) Status of Docket: Closed. D. PUC Orders issued: PUC Order No. 23666 authorizing Providence Water Board to collect $5,821,862 increase in its reveneu recquirement, to support a total cost of service of $75,305,829. Order issued 9/16/19. PUC Errata Order No. 23724 issued 11/21/19. PUC Order 29924 approving Providence Water Supply Board reuest to transfer $5,526,671 or the entire balance of the restricted fund, whichever is less, to its Infrastructure Replacement Fund. Order issued 10/8/20. C. Providence Water's Compliance Filings w/ PUC Report & Order23666 Infrastructure/Capital Program Report for period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 3/31/2018 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 6/30/2018 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 9/30/2018 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 12/31/2018 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 3/31/2019 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 9/30/2019 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for the period ending 12/31/2019 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for period ending March 31, 2020 Quarterly report on restricted funds & reconciliation for period ending June 30, 2020 Private Side Lead Service Replacement Program (9/25/19) B. FILINGS RELATING TO PROVIDENCE WATER'S REQUEST TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM RESTRICTED REVENUE RESERVE (submitted 10/27/17): Procedural Schedule Providence Water's request to transfer funds from its restricted revenue reserve to its operating account (10/2717) Bristol County Water Authority's (BCWA) Objection to Providence Water's Request to Transfer Funds and 1st Set of Data Request Providence Water (11/2/17) Providence Water's Objection to BCWA's Data Request 1-4(g) (11/8/17) BCWA's Motion to Strike and Compel Response to BCWA Data Request 1-4(g) (11/20/17) Providence Water's Objection to BCWA's Motion to Strike and Compel Response to BCWA Data Request (11/22/17) Providence Water's Letter to correct the testimony of Nancy Parillo (11/20/17) Providence Water's response to PUC's 1st Set of Data Requests (11/22/17) Providence Water's response to BCWA's 1st Set of Data Requests (11/22/17) Providence Water's response to BCWA's 2nd Set of Data Requests (1/9/18) BCWA's Supplemental Objection To Providence Water’s Request To Transfer Funds (5/11/18) City of Warwick Position Statement (5/11/18) Providence Water's Response to 1) BCWA's Supplemental Objection and 2) City of Warwick (5/18/18) Division of Public Utilities and Carriers' Position Statement (5/18/18) Providence Water's Revenue Reserve Supplemental Filing requesting to transfer funds from the restricted revenue reserve to the operating revenue reserve (10/17/18) Providence Water's response to BCWA's 3rd Set of Data Requests (12/11/18) Providence Water's response to BCWA's 4th Set of Data Requests (1/8/19) BWCA's Objection Providence Water Revenue Reserve Supplemental Filing(1/10/19) Providence Water's Response to PUC's 2nd Set of Data Requests (1/11/19) Division of Public Utilities' Position Memorandum Regarding Providence Water's Supplemental Filing on October 17, 2018 (1/14/19) Providence Water's Response to BCWA's 5th Set of Data Requests (2/1/19) A. FILINGS RELATING TO PROVIDENCE WATER'S RATE FILING SUBMITTED ON 5/16/2016: Procedural Schedule Revised Procedural Schedule Notice of Hearings PUC Order No. 23666 authorizing Providence Water Board to collect $5,821,862 increase in its reveneu recquirement, to support a total cost of service of $75,305,829. Order issued 9/16/19. 1. Filings submitted by the Providence Water Supply Board: Providence Water Supply Board submitted on May 16, 2016, a Request for Rate Relief to collect additional revenues in the amount of $8,328,042 to support total cost of service of $77,728,472. The application includes the testimony and exhibits of the following witnesses and filing requirements in support of its application: Transmittal letter, notice, current tariffs and proposed tariffs, and appendices Direct Testimony & Exhibit of Ricky Caruolo Direct Testimony & Exhibits of Gregg Giasson Direct Testimony & Exhibits of Nancy Parrillo Direct Testimony & Exhibits of Harold J. Smith First revised rate model of Harold Smith Second revised rate model of Harold Smith Rebuttal Testimony of Ricky Caruolo Rebuttal Testimony of Gregg Giasson Rebuttal Testimony of Nancy Parillo Rebuttal Testimony of Harold J. Smith 2. Filings submitted by the Intervenors and the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers: Division - Direct Testimony of Jerome D. Mierzwa Division - Direct Testimony of Ralph Smith Division - Surrebuttal Testimony of Ralph Smith Division - Surrebuttal Testimony of Jerome D. Mierzwa Kent County Water Authority (KCWA) - Motion to Intervene KCWA - Direct Testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock KCWA - Surrebuttal Testimony of Christopher P.N. Woodcock Bristol County Water Authority (BWCA) - Motion To Intervene BWCA - Direct Testimony of Pamela Marchand BWCA - Surrebuttal Testimony of Pamela Marchand City of Warwick - Motion to Intervene City of Wariwick - Position Statement City of East Providence - Motion to Intervene 3. Settlement Agreement and Compliance Tariffs Settlement Agreement executed between the Providence Water Supply Board and the Division of Public Utilities. At an Open Meeting on February 10, 2017, the PUC rejected the Settlement Agreement. Vote 2-1. Providence Water was instructed to file compliance tariffs reflecting the PUC's decision on the various issues deliberated upon at the open meeting. Providence Water - Compliance Tariff Filing KCWA - Objection to Providence Water's untimely of any Compliance Filings Providence Water - Revised Compliance Tariff Filing in conformance w/ PUC's February 16, 2017 open meeting decision. Division's Memorandum on Providence Water's Compliance Filings BCWA’s Motion For Relief From Order (4/6/17) Division's Objection to Bristol County Water’s Motion for Relief from Order (4/17/17) Providence Water's Objection to Bristol County Water’s Motion for Relief from Order (4/17/17) KCWA's Memorandum in Support of BCWA;s Motion for Relief from Order (4/21/17) 4. Public Comments: Steve Hamburg Donald Pryor 5. Responses to Data Requests: Providence Water's responses to Division 1-1 through 1-9 Providence Water's responses to Division 1-10 through 1-27 Providence Water's updated response to Division 1-27(c,d,e and f) Providence Water's responses to Division 1-28 through 1-31 Providence Wtaer's updated response to Division 1-27 Providence Water's responses to Division's 2nd set of data requests Providence Water's revised responses to Division's data requests 2-1 and 2-3 Providence Water's responses to Division's 3rd set of data requests Providence Water's responses to Division's 4th set of data requests Providence Water's responses to Division's 5th set of data requests Providence Water's response to KCWA's 1st set of data requests Providence Water's response to KCWA's 2nd set of data requests Providence Water's response to KCWA's 3rd set of data requests Providence Water's response to KCWA's data request 3-1 updated Providence Water's response to PUC's 1st set of data requests Providence Water's response to PUC's 2nd set of data requests Attachment to PUC's data response 2-11A Atttachment to PUC's data response 2-11B Providence Water's responses to PUC's Settlement Data Request Set 1 Providence Water's responses to PUC's Settlement Data Request Set 2 Providence Water's responses to PUC's Record Requests 1,3,5,6 and 7 Providence Water's responses to PUC's Record Requests 10, 11, 12,16, 19, 22, 23, 24, & 26 Providence Water's responses to PUC's Record Requests 2, 4, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28 - 30 Providence Water's revised response to PUC's Record Request 28 Providence Water's response to BCWA's 1st set of data request Providence Water's response to BCWA 1-18(d) - Solar Feasibility Study Providence Water's updated response to BCWA 1-18(a) Providence Water's response to BCWA's 2nd set of data request & 3rd set of data request Providence Water's response to BCWA's 4th set of data request Providence Water's response to BCWA's 5th set of data request Providence Water's response to BCWA's 6th set of data request Bristol County Water's response to Providence Water's 1st set of data requests Division of Public Utilities' response to PUC's 1st set of data requests Divison of Public Utilities' response to PUC's Record Request 9 Kent County Water's response to PUC's Record Request 27